Time to change the face of the NRA !!!

Gentlemen: ( and DC too !)

There is no question that the NRA has become as much of an intrenched bureacracy as is the government itself. The secret to changing it is two fold: first elect new board members who are strong Constitutionalists and willing to fight for the leadership of the NRA ,if no one is available ... then run yourself ! I intend to run for the board as soon as I settle this next year , and I may run for Congress as well , ( if my wife doesn't kill me !) Second , send your dollars to another Pro-gun organization , and send thje NRA a copy of the check and a letter telling them that they can have your doallars again when they begin fighting the battle on Constitutional grounds and not of politics !
Just like any business the NRA runs on Volunteer Dollars, and the bottom line is the way to get quick change!

Remember , don't quit the NRA but stay in it to aid in returning them to the proper course.


And as a note to those who feel that Neal knox is a threat to the NRA... since when is open and furious debate injurious to good political process?

Remember the " ... a little revolution is good for the soul of the nation.."? well its true for the NRA as well !!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?

[This message has been edited by Menos (edited June 09, 1999).]
The posts by Brett Bellmore in this thread are right on target and I won't bother to repeat his analysis. My discust for the NRA began some years back after seeing the token resistance they put up to the original New Jersey assault weapons ban while at the same time squandering large sums of money on some of the most frivolous projects imaginable. If you are an objective and rational observer of the NRAs actions of the last 20 years one can only come to the conclusion that the leadership is either grossly incompetant or that the organization has effectively become a controlled oposition whose primary purpose is to compromise the second ammendment while siphoning off money and memberships that might otherwise go to more effective organizations. Since the leadership has proven itself very clever and ruthless in stopping their own opostion within the group I can only assume the worst about their true motives.
Hoplite: I'm not quite THAT cynical yet. I figure that they ARE on our side, to some extent, but they think that we're fighting a lost cause, and the only thing we can reasonably do is to drag the fight out as long as possible. And because they think that, they view anyone who wants to have a real confrontation as effectively one of the enemy, because they believe that the only result of bringing this fight to a head is that we lose NOW, instead of latter.

I wouldn't rule out some motive of personal enrichment, though. Knox claimed that the NRA leadership was getting rich off kickbacks from the professional fundraising companies the NRA is using, and that those fundraising efforts were so badly run as to be returning mere pennies on the dollar. The fact that the NRA's current leadership flatly refused to even acknowlege any of Knox's accusations, let alone have the sort of independent audit of the fundraising which would have settled the issue, lends some credibility to the accusation.
Some of you posters have read my thoughts about the NRA and other Washington hobnobbers...

There was a movie called "Scorpio", great movie, BTW, starring Burt Lancaster as a senior CIA case operative, with his contract hitman, Scorpio. Just before Scorpio kills the Lancaster character, Burt says, "There's a room inside CIA headquarters where the big shots play a game; the object of the game is not to win, but not to lose".

You NRA apologists, read between the lines.

Regards, BigG

Son of Liberty
Neal knox was one of the firebrands behind the Cincinatti reforms. The NRA leadership is against him, because he wants to fight the anti-gunners in a kick-ass manner. That is NO COMPROMISE. By the way I voted only for the 14 people that NRA leadership was against. Nobody tells me who to vote for.
I don't remember the URL, but you can find Neal Knox's web page by searching Neal Knox on your search engine. Frankly, I like what the man says.
The NRA leadership is not only against him, they want to kick him out of the NRA and permanently bar him from membership. Some democratic organization. Yeah right.
I think every NRA member should write them with this message, "You compromise? NO MONEY!"
I have heard rumors to the effect that La Pierre's salary is a quarter million a year. If that is so, he ain't earnin' it!
I guess I hedge my bets. I belong to the NRA, CCRKBA, 2nd Amendment Foundation, GOA, JPFO, and just signed up with brassroots last Sunday at a gun show. I support all of then financially to the best of my ability. Being retired on a fixed income makes this a drain on my finances, but I consider it money well spent.
Do as I did. Write the NRA. Tell them that compromise will mean no money. Tell them that "compromise is NOT an option!"
Paul B.