Time spent on gun "research"

I'm like you Longshanks, I read about guns ALL THE TIME. Regardless of whether I have any interest in buying them personally.

For me, I'm interested in the material... but I also like to be well informed. My friends and family know I'm a "gun guy" and it's a matter of some pride that I have answers when they ask me obscure questions. I like to be a resource.
I have lots of interests other than guns. With guns, there's not to many social outlets to talk about guns. Some circles, gun discussions are a no-go. Sometimes just slightly taboo. Extreme cases you can find yourself unemployed if you mention firearms. In other words, I get my gun chatting done on TFL, for lack real life venues.

^^^this is the same for me.

also if I have any questions about guns I find I get better answers on a forum vs. magazines, gun shops, or even the very few individuals I know who own guns because the audience here is virtually unlimited.
Out of 24 hrs in the day id say I spend about 26 hours researching. At least that's how my wife feels about it. In all reality I'd say I spend about a few hours a day on the forums/YouTube
I started taking gun rags in the late 70's. I think I still have everyone of them . File cabinets full! Lost of good info in them. I still cruise estate sales, garage sales, library sales and resell stores for anything I can find related to firearms and all things related. I have a pretty extensive reference library by now. I cruise the net now every day. So, I guess I spend too much time researching them!:)
Much. I dream, I drool, I antagonize myself over what Im saving up for next. It is an obsession. At least Im not alone.
I'd have to say a minimum of 3 hours a day... for the past 5 years.

OMG! We must be related!

Much to my chagrin this is probably true for me too!! Not a bad way to spend time, but I do have far more pressing things to see too and yet, they tend to get rearranged. Far worse is the fact that half thetime it is all the stuff that I could either not afford or not find here in Estonia.

I mean, what practical purpose is there to my researching the costs of .480 Ruger reloading supplies when there is not one example in the whole country or even local international region?!