Time spent on gun "research"


How much time do you spend on gun "research" via the internet, magazines and/or gun stores? I find that I can literally spend almost all my spare time at work looks at gun websites/forums and go home and watch YouTube videos. It's almost a part time job. Haha just wondering about everyone else.
Only spend time when I have a specific purchase in mind. Then I read reviews and especially any comments by people who actually own and use the particular gun. Doubt that the total time is more than an hour, if that long.
I, too, enjoy studying firearms.
Not so much the various models as the history, the designs and how they work.
And, of course, how to use them better.
The other things like optics, reloading equipment and all the associated subjects, are areas of knowledge to learn, too.
There's really no end to it.
I generally visit this site at least once a day. I also visit a few others sites and read an occasional book or magazine. I enjoy reading about various issues related to firearms such as legal/political, mechanical, historical, tactical, etc. That’s why I never understand when some members criticize someone for asking a hypothetical or repetitive question. Many of these discussions become very interesting and who knows maybe someday we’ll finally decide which is better 9mm, .40S&W or .45ACP.
I do a LOT of research if I'm interested in buying something unfamiliar to me. For example, I wanted a small single-stack 9mm - something I had no previous experience with. I researched for about 3 months before deciding on a LC9s.
I'm pretty much always reading about something gun-related on the internet. Occasionally books or magazines also. Drives my girlfriend crazy, but what I can do? I'm addicted :D
I do most all of my reading here on the internet.

In the nearby city the newspaper building is for sale and there is no paperboy anymore.

I have not been in a library recently.

When I want to find out something I look it up on the net.

The only publications we get are the ones that come with the NRA life memberships.
I research the durability of components and accessories before I buy, usually quite extensive, but that depends on the price.

I spend a lot of time on TFL reading various posts, most have interesting information and points of view. I've learned more from this site than any other source.

I have lots of interests other than guns. With guns, there's not to many social outlets to talk about guns. Some circles, gun discussions are a no-go. Sometimes just slightly taboo. Extreme cases you can find yourself unemployed if you mention firearms. In other words, I get my gun chatting done on TFL, for lack real life venues.
I probably spend about one to two hours a day on various sites including this one and the 1911 forum. I'll spend more if I'm searching for a particular gun as my next purchase. Firearms and shooting tend to be my favorite hobby and retirement allows such activity.
Way too much.;)
Guns and the history associated with them, plus the mechanical aspects of them fascinated me from a young age.
As far as the guns I buy, sometimes I research them for years, other times I just buy them and then do much researching after the purchase.
Mostly on the net these days. Although I do enjoy the occasional book and still subscribe to a couple magazines.
I typically move form obsession to obsessing, and handguns have captivated me for the past 4 years. Every spare minute either online, watching YouTube, of listening to podcasts. My wife makes me use a Bluetooth earpiece - she's sick of hearing the gunfire from the YouTube videos!
Once you retire, you will wonder how you ever had enough time to work.

I spend as much time in my reading and/or research as I do shooting and reloading. Then I spend the remainder of my time with my other hobbies. Life is sweet. :)
This is how my last purchase went.

While passing the gun department of Fred Meyers I noticed a gleaming stainless SA Ruger NMSB 44 Talo which was too beautiful to ignore. Before even handling the gun I said to myself that I was going to purchase it. Handling it only intensified my desire and I asked the clerk if he'd ever seen another one and he said no. He also said that everyone who's picked it up has remarked about its workmanship and beauty. Within hours I returned and purchased the gun. No research needed in my estimation.
Time spent on "gun research " ? Too damn much. I'm taking a week off just because. Wish me luck. I usually only last one day without TFL or YouTube. Lol. What a way to waste time!
While passing the gun department of Fred Meyers I noticed a gleaming stainless SA Ruger NMSB 44 Talo...

Isn't Fred Meyer a grocery store?

Man, I wish my grocery store had a gun department...