Time for a replacement home defense shotgun

Don't forget about the training for using a shotgun for defense.
Shotguns do require a different approach than other firearms.
Just having one sitting in the closet is only half of it.
Knowing how to be effective and safe with one is the other half.
Hunting and shotgun games experience do not sufficiently prepare for it.
Especially since you may only get one chance to get it right.
Yeah, I know, nag, nag, nag.
JPFO is now under the auspices of the Second Amendment Foundation and being Jewish is not a requirement.
They have some excellent publications for distribution.
Intellectual ammunition, as it were.
I didn't make it to the pawn shops to look for a used shotgun yesterday, hopefully today. Anyway, I really do want the Mossberg 590, unless I see a good one used I may postpone the shotgun (from this current near impulse buy) but accelerate it compared to my original plan (6-12 months) and get one in a month or two after I save a little and can comfortably swing the 590.

For example, if you're not opposed to ordering one online, this website has a couple of good deals:



That looks like it might be a good possibility, and while local FFLs have gotten pretty crazy with transfer fees with handguns (most in the $60-75 range, some even more), most are still reasonable with long guns.