Time for a replacement home defense shotgun


New member
I sold my Benelli Nova a couple years ago because it never really appealed to me, and one of the assistant principals at the school where I taught was looking for a shotgun. I'm more of a lever rifle and handgun person, so the shotgun kept taking the backseat. Well, there have been a spate of home invasions and daytime burglaries (kick in the door, home invasion style, but no one home) in my neighborhood (a "spate" as in quite a few in the past month and 16 in just the past 2 weeks within a mile of my apartment). So, I'm upgrading my HD handgun (from usually using my J-frame size 5-shot Taurus 85CH to deciding between my SIG P290, P250c, S&W 65LS, 625MG, and CZ 75B). I've also decided it is time for another home defense long-gun.

It is funny how a large perceived (and quite possibly real) increase in the likelihood of needing your home defense guns makes you reevaluate what you thought was sufficient not long before (though I was already thinking I wanted more power and/or capacity than my 85 for a while, I just hadn't actually made the change yet).

Because I have other priorities (I wanted a new revolver and Glock within the next couple months, and my car insurance is due now) I don't have a huge budget. Even if I postpone one of the other gun purchases, I'll want to keep the price low since this wasn't a purchase I had planned for at least another 6 months to a year.

So, my current list (more or less in current order of preference):

1st (tie): Mossberg/Maverick 88. 7+1 rounds of 12ga in a 20in barrel seems like a nice HD package, and it would be a dead ringer for the Mossberg 500 Persuader I should never have sold 15 years ago. Made in the USA!

1st (tie): Savage 320 Security Pump. I'd lose 2 rounds, but save $40, and get a clone of the terrific Winchester 1300 action. I've read conflicting things that it is made in Turkey, or it is made in China. For political reasons I'd prefer to avoid Turkish products (though not to the degree that I have an absolute ban against them), and like many, I prefer to avoid made in China when I can.

2nd: Savage 350 Security Pump. It is roughly the same price as the 320 ($10 less) but I'd get ghost ring sights at that price (with a bead like the 320 I'm considering it would be another $10 or so less) and a clone of the classic Ithaca 37. I don't like that I'd lose 3 rounds over the 20" Maverick/Mossberg and one over the 320 and 18.5" Mossberg, but a shotgun reloads individual shells pretty easily on the run so that won't be terrible with a bandoleer or an ammo carrier on the butt, and I would have a handgun on me (which will get me to the shotgun) so those 4+1 rounds won't be all I have. If it had at least 5 rounds in the mag (for a 6 round capacity) this would definitely be my choice. It has the same issues as above as for country of origin.

3rd: Mossberg 500. Yes, it is basically the same gun as the Maverick 88 for about $100 more, and as a home defense gun the greater selection of chokes available won't really matter, but why not consider the real thing. I'd look at both the 18.5" barrel (with 5+1 ammo capacity like the Savage 320) and the 20" with 7+ rounds and get myself and other Persuader (did I mention before that I never should have sold that gun over a decade ago). I'd go with the 20"/7 round mag if I can find one locally over the 18.5", but it would come down to current availability if I go with the Mossberg (I need the gun now with the current crime in my neighborhood).

4th: Winchester SPX. Nice 18" shotgun, again 5+1 capacity. I hear mostly good things about it. It is made in Turkey (see Savage 320 for my thoughts on that- not a plus, but not an outright end to consideration either).

5th: Instead of a shotgun, get a lever rifle in .45LC or .357mag. 8 rounds (plus one in the pipe) in a 16" barrel or 10 rounds (and one in the pipe) in a still compact 20" barrel with the Rossi (similar but possibly 1 different in other makes) would be nice. I love lever rifles and would probably get a lot more practice with it. I already have guns in these chamberings so I wouldn't be adding new chamberings to my collection. However, even out of a long gun, neither will have the power of a shotgun, both will have greater overpenatration issues (and I live in an apartment), and it blows my "inexpensive" requirement out the window
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My security shotgun is a Winchester 1300 with riot barrel and extended magazine. I load it with #1 buckshot plus a few slug shells on the butt stock carrier.

What's wrong with your lever rifle? About as compact and just as deadly and you do know how to use it from past experience, right?

However, even out of a long gun, neither will have the power of a shotgun, both will have greater overpenatration issues (and I live in an apartment), and it blows my "inexpensive" requirement out the window

Actually they should, and a shotgun WILL penetrate walls very easily; since you live in MD, an AR is probably out of the question, but would be an even better choice
My security shotgun is a Winchester 1300 with riot barrel and extended magazine.
Is that a vote for the Savage 320 which is a Chinese Winchester 1300 clone, or the Winchester SPX which is not the 1300 but is a (Turkish made) Winchester?

What's wrong with your lever rifle? About as compact and just as deadly and you do know how to use it from past experience, right?

Right now I only have one (I sold my .45LC Winchester 94 several years ago, though I wish I didn't) and 30-30 poses a major overpenatration issue (I'm in an apartment, any rifle caliber other than .223 does). I want another revolver caliber carbine before too long, but I was thinking/budgeting for another year or two first and a shotgun is much less money. Though, I could put off the Glock 27 (they aren't going anywhere) in order to get a .45LC or .357mag Henry or Rossi. I love lever rifles, I'm good with lever rifles, just like shotguns the effective capacity can be increased because you can reload individual rounds quite quickly while on the run, and I'm faster on a lever rifle than on a pump shotgun. Of course, unlike the Glock, they are far from a near perfect sized CCW .40S&W and the shotgun (while still quite effective) won't make me postpone the Glock as long.
Is that a vote for the Savage 320 which is a Chinese Winchester 1300 clone, or the Winchester SPX which is not the 1300 but is a (Turkish made) Winchester?

Not really. I would buy an used 1300. It is an inexpensive good shotgun, and without all those political hesitations.

Unfortunately, given current circumstances, I'm not going to look long. If I find a used 1300 soon that is in a good home defense configuration, I'll definitely consider it (or a used 870, or 500). However, I'm mainly considering new guns since I know I can find one quickly without having to either get something which isn't really well suited for close range home defense (i.e. too long a barrel or too little capacity) or wait while I look for what I want to show up on the used market.
Unfortunately, given current circumstances, I'm not going to look long. If I find a used 1300 soon that is in a good home defense configuration, I'll definitely consider it (or a used 870, or 500). However, I'm mainly considering new guns since I know I can find one quickly without having to either get something which isn't really well suited for close range home defense (i.e. too long a barrel or too little capacity) or wait while I look for what I want to show up on the used market.
In that case, the clone would be good. I like the design. It is strong, and the speed pump feature is slick.

and 30-30 poses a major overpenatration issue (I'm in an apartment,

And your larger buckshot is about the same size and fairly potent. If that is truly the case and $$$ are tight, a used 12 with smaller buck will work (but I'd still go for the 9mm like a Glock with a large mag (if still allowed where you live)

See the thread here and the video to see what goes through 4 layers of sheetrock:

there have been a spate of home invasions and daytime burglaries (kick in the door, home invasion style, but no one home
If you're not going to be there when the burglars come, why does the choice of weapon even matter?
I love lever rifles
Which automatically eliminates it as a choice, since, if you actually have to use it, you will probably lose it to the authorities.
Not something you'd want nagging at the back of your brain in the middle of a potentially deadly encounter.
The more I think about it, the more I think I want to go with the less expensive items. I was not budgeting for a shotgun now, but local circumstances have me thinking it is time to get one now after all. With a few weeks planning and savings the price difference between the cheaper pumps and the mid-line pumps (Mossy 500) are so little that one may as well go a little more expensive, and if one really wants one of the more expensive ones, just save another month or two. If I had all the time I wanted to save, I'd probably go with the Mossberg 590 or one of the less expensive Mossberg or Remington semi-autos. But, due to the home break-ins and home invasions in my area, I don't want to wait (I plan to buy in a day or two, and if I have to order it, I really need to buy now). Since I'm buying now, and it is an unbudgeted purchase, I want to keep the price as low as I can while still having a reliable gun.

So, I am down to the Savage 350, Maverick 88, and there are one or two other clones of established pump guns I might consider (the Interstate Arms 982 Defender for instance) plus the CZ 612HD.

The 4 round mag of the Savage 350 and Interstate Arms makes me a little nervous. However, I would never rely on just the shotgun, it would always be backed up by a handgun. In fact, I'd usually have my handgun first as it will be on my person or near me when sleeping, and the shotgun will be loaded in the safe and I'd use the handgun while I made my way to the shotgun (unless I had enough warning someone was trying to get in that I could get to my safe first). So, it isn't just the 4 rounds in the mag plus one in the pipe, it would be those 5 rounds plus a minimum of 6 and up to 16 from the handgun. Still, the 7+1 of the 20" Mossberg 500 or Maverick 88 Security/Special Purpose sounds really good.

I have found (online so I'd need to order it) a Maverick for about the same price as the Savage 320 (only $6 more), so I am dropping the 320 (I'd rather get the made in the U.S. Maverick), but the Savage 350 with ghost sights is still about $15 less so it is still on my list. It would be a little different (which I like) and I like that it has sights.

I was going by what Davidson's has on their website showing the 350 having a 4 round magazine. However, on You Tube I am currently watching a video where he said (and then demonstrated) that it actually has a 5 round mag, so that does make me a little more comfortable with it. I may be leaning this way (or maybe the H&R Partner) since once I am more ready to buy a shotgun I'll probably buy a 590 down the road and I'd rather have two different guns than two versions (a low end and high end) of the same design.
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THE H&R Pardner is a pretty nice shotgun, being a clone (except for receiver contour) of the Remington 870, which BTW, you should not rule out. Start checking your local pawn shops for used 870s.

Turkish stuff (IMO) is pure dreck.

Any of them are good options. But no rush to go out and buy a new gun for the thief to steal if they are breaking in during the day when you aren't home. Just kidding.
I have a, roughly, 25 year old Mossberg Riot Gun that I love. Quality tool for a very specific purpose and works well. The good thing about a short barrel shotgun is if you do want to shoot traps or bird hunt you can put a different barrel on it with little or no tools in 5 minutes for minimal money. I have a 24" barrel for mine but it has never been on the shotgun.
Hmm, I may just have to add the Savage 320 back to my list. I went to the range this evening to shoot a few of my guns, and when I was done and browsing the racks, they had a 320. It is the combo with the 18.5" home defense barrel and 28" barrel, and I have been thinking for a few years about getting into skeet or trap shooting. This would allow me to do both with one gun, and they had it for only $200!

And your larger buckshot is about the same size and fairly potent. If that is truly the case and $$$ are tight, a used 12 with smaller buck will work (but I'd still go for the 9mm like a Glock with a large mag (if still allowed where you live)

See the thread here and the video to see what goes through 4 layers of sheetrock:


I don't mean overpenatration of construction materials. Anything, even a decent pellet air gun, will penetrate through a wall or two of standard construction materials. Any miss will penetrate into neighboring apartments (and possibly the houses across the street). I'm more worried about more potent calibers (like a rifle cartridge or a stout magnum revolver round) that might hit your attacker, go through him/her, and pose a threat to others.

If you're not going to be there when the burglars come, why does the choice of weapon even matter?

Most of the daytime burglaries have been empty homes, but anything this week and I'll be home. Also, I'm a teacher, an hour after the students leave I have the option to take my work home and leave, and sometimes I do. I have to be at work before 7am, so I can be home as early as 3:30 some days, so in a home invasion burglary during daytime hours I could well be home.

Also, there is a different group of robberies as well. My apartment complex fairly recently put a letter on our doors warning us to be careful about opening our doors for people claiming to be postal workers or utility workers. Apparently, a few people in our apartment complex have fallen victim to people posing as such to get in and then rob them. Of course, the shotgun wouldn't help me with them since I don't answer the door with a long gun in my hands, for that I carry a CCW type gun within my apartment. Though, if they tried to force their way in after I refuse to let them in, it is possible that I could get to a shotgun on time.
Well, tomorrow I think I'll hit a couple pawn shops to see what I see in the way of used Mossberg 500s and 590s, Remington 870s and Winchester 1300s. If I don't see anything I want, I'll try to make up my mind tomorrow.
Of course, the shotgun wouldn't help me with them since I don't answer the door with a long gun in my hands, for that I carry a CCW type gun within my apartment.

Perhaps with the crime you mentioned and this aspect, you might want to think about living somewhere less violent.........

Having to live in constant fear of that is not living.....JMO, YMMV
Perhaps with the crime you mentioned and this aspect, you might want to think about living somewhere less violent.........

Having to live in constant fear of that is not living

No fear, just recognizing the current reality and trying to be prepared. I'm not actively scared, just reassessing the possible threat and responding. Anyway, for now moving is not really possible for a variety of reasons...maybe eventually, though I may be buying a house here soon in which case I'll be staying for good (this is where the Jewish community is, and being Orthodox I have to be in walking distance to a synagogue).
It really shouldn't be too difficult to find a used Remington 870, Mossberg 500, or Winchester 1300 for a reasonable price. For example, if you're not opposed to ordering one online, this website has a couple of good deals:



Also, if you can find something set up with a smoothbore slug barrel, it also would make a dandy HD shotgun. My own personal HD shotgun is a Remington 870 Express with a 20" smoothbore slug barrel that I bought from a co-worker for $150 a few years back. Because 20" is plenty short enough for me, I haven't really felt the need to alter the gun much. All I've done is stick on a 1-shot mag extension (I want to be able to keep at least 5 in the gun with an empty chamber) and a slip-on butt cuff for some extra shells.