Time and place for carrying Two guns...your thoughts?

Always! Two is always better than one for self defense......better to be pulling a fully loaded second then doing a re-load

Verdad, thats the same logic I use regarding carrying two handguns, a 44 Spl and a 38 Spl. Since I have neurapathy in my hands I don't want to be fumbling around tryiing reload. As for people who coisider that as maybe
paranoid, I look at them and say if they have a SA instead of a revolver,
what do you need a gun that holds over a dozen rounds. Are they going
to a combat zone or can they hit what they shoot at? Thats because I
take exception to those who think some of us don't really need to carry
a second gun. Most of the time my two revolvers holds less rounds than
their SA. :D

is that unless a bullett hits a large vital organ, or huge artery, stopping the agressor does not occur with one bullet most of the time.

The more rounds on your person the better, the more loaded and ready to go, the more chances for success. Stopping must be achieved in a self defense situation or the loss is of your own life.
One thing that has always stuck with me is the tenacity of some to continue after receiving absolutely fatal wounds.

Two years apart, I shot two deer, does, one from about 60 yards, the other at about 130 yards, . . . both with the same weapon, . . . using the same type 240 grain, hollow point, 50 caliber bullet, . . . and both were full heart / lung shots.

During field dressing, the heart on one was shot through and through, on the other, the whole aorta was severed.

Each deer was still capable (and did) of leaping into the air a good 3 feet (whole body) and of running full tilt for about 70 yards.

Had they been humans, . . . and had they expended the same energy with a ball bat in their hands against me, their shooter, . . . I don't believe I would be here to tell the tale.

What I am getting at is simple, . . . even perfect shot placement with a heavy round, . . . won't end the fight, . . . gotta be willing to fight, however, until the "threat" is eliminated, . . . however it is done.

May God bless,
What I am getting at is simple, . . . even perfect shot placement with a heavy round, . . . won't end the fight, . . . gotta be willing to fight, however, until the "threat" is eliminated, . . . however it is done.

This is well put. Animals also don't understand that they've been specifically shot, so there is no psychological factor involved.
Aside from a cqb scenario...
I carry 2 while hunting. I carry my rem700 as my hunting rifle, and thigh carry my .40 as a defensive/dispatch weapon
It's in town that I carry a BUG. Why? From experiences related to me by retired cops who've seen a lot and always carry a spare. I figure if they're parnaoid, they're that way for a reason.

You are not paranoid, if they ARE out to get you!:D

Chances of a Black Bear in the lower 48 attacking you is so slight, not worth worrying about. People in the bush, now that is another story!

Backup guns do not mean you have to carry them. An extra gun around camp is great for many reasons, failure to the first is only one.
2 guns?

If I felt comfortable toting them I would. I'd carry an 870 with slugs as primary though and a .44 as minimum.
I remember hog hunting in Texas left the 4 wheeler and rifle since I had a holstered 9mm and I snuck up on some big ones in a creek bed. Looked at the hogs, looked at the pistol, looked at the hogs, looked at the pistol. Slowly turned and snuck back out. I figured if I'm not target shooting and I have a pistol in my hand its because my primary has gone away.
Good luck and safe hiking with whatever you decide.
Time and place? Here and now. I've carried primary and backup for 8 years now.

Though, in my northern property, that primary goes from .45 ACP to 10mm.
Time >>>>>> Every minute I am not naked or sleeping.

Place >>>>>>> Planet Earth, (but only on earth, until I get a "permit" from God to carry in other worlds)
I could see carrying a back-up gun if someone works in a profession where they have the responsibility to protect people or confront criminals.

Not picking on you personally, but your post is a good example of how lots of folks feel.

I carry a spare 642 most of the time. I don't arm myself differently on a day to day basis according to what neighborhood I'm going to visit.

The spare is for emergencies and, yes, peace of mind which is a big part of CCW even if you have just one gun.

I can use it to arm someone I trust.

If my primary weapon is unaccessable or out of commision, I still have a gun, and when I visit the Dr., Dentist, etc. I still have my S&W 642 in a vest or pants pocket. I'm not disarmed while my primary weapon and gear is secured in my car.

In the car, it can be placed between the console and passenger seat and is quickly available, since reaching for my primary weapon carried at 4:00 can be slow.

And, in the winter when I'm out all bundled up, it goes in my heavy coat pocket--same as where my hand is.

Saying "I don't need to be armed", or "I don't need a spare gun" is like saying "I don't need a fire extinguisher". Not really something you know until you really need it.

What you really mean is that "the odds are I won't need it, and I'll take the chance". Your call. My BUG is too dang handy not to have with me.:cool:

Just my thoughts on the matter.
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