Throwing knives

If you can find Harry McElvoy's biography of Skeeter Vaughn, ol' Skeerter tagged a German or two with thrown knives during WWII.

Learn to throw knives if you want to, it's a good skill. However, save it for hunting, or as a OhMyGawdBecky last resort/extra knife/nothing to lose kind of thing.

Supposedly Mr. Vaugn took out a German sentry at 25 yards with a thrown knife, but he never got a chance to pace the distance.

Of course, the caveat here is that Skeeter Vaughn made his living throwing knives in exhibitions for years and he was VERY good at it. Also, the sentry was stationary and he had a chance to estimate distance, set himself, and throw.

All that said, there IS a record of a thrown knife solving a combat problem. :D
Don....A couple of tuesdays ago in class 9outside of course), Conrad was sticking the target with some consistency from almost 50 feet out. Naturally, he is only throwing as another discipline, he would never seriously consider throwing a knife at anyone (and with him probably never at any living thing...*g*)......he is interested in throwing competitions though...but he's got a lot of work to do yet.
Class. . . . that sounds like fun. I'd like to try one of them there classes one of these days. ;) I hope to get there Tuesday night, but the only other night I'll have open from work is Friday, and we're getting a visit from a state agency that night. Just paperwork, but I have to be there. The world revolves around paperwork.
Providing weapons to the enemy

Never did like leaving ordinance behhind so that it could be used against me.
Could never get that point to end up point first every time. Have to work in close if I have any knife work to do.

Good luck with finding the right knives.
If you plan to use throwing knives , first find a good one that goes with your (lack of) throwing style. Next there are 2 ways to throw , first the usual circus style throw in witch the knife rotates while flying toward the target. The other way is with the palm grip of spearhead throw , that causes the knife not to spin while flying. The circus style throw is useless in any combat situation , except when you're really good.
If you want something that should be reasonably effective, the old throwing axes had a reputation for working well. However, if it doesn't work, you've just given the other guy a good contact weapon!

Keep the knife in your hand.

Better yet, see the perp ahead of time and avoid him.
Cold Steel Torpedo is the only 'toy' that I think most people can learn to use quickly. However, it is just a toy.

Only knife throwing I've seen that looks good is in FMA when a knife is thrown to finish off someone, -typically someone who is already incapacitated or somehow tangled-up. It is not a first move, AND you always maintain your primary weapon -such as a sword.
So, I can get a license to carry a firearm, but a sharpened bit of steel that is much less likely to be a threat, is not available to me, legally.

Knife laws are often more convoluted, arbitrary, and just plain stupid than gun laws.
It depends. If you are really, really, really good, purpose-designed throwing knives can be more effective than handguns because you have complete control of the knife's trajectory up until the exact moment of release and can make it curve to hit a moving target, wheras with a handgun you are committed to a straight-line aim a few milliseconds before the shot actually goes off.

On the other hand, very few people are this good with throwing knives.
I know two people- of hundreds I've seen train with knives- who may be this good.

Both of them would prefer a firearm, any firearm, to defend themselves.

If one has this much motor control, one can simply plot the target's track. Even easier with a firearm.
