Threatening Messages


Technology has distanced us from each other more than ever. It's a funny sense of confidence too, as technology can fail (often does) and still the same rules of civility should still apply to its usage.

On a funny note, I don't think this guy has any friends. If he did, maybe he wouldn't be so angry. He also never had the balls to call me and hear my voice. I found that funny. He couldn't talk to me at all.

The world gets funnier everyday.
I don't know how good a friend this girl is but, as someone who has BTDT, you're best option is to cut this woman and her baggage loose. Life is too short to jeopardize your life and freedom over someone that you haven't committed both to forever.
heck, is it too low-tech to simply call from a landline and verbalize the message?

if that was the case i'd live in the south and mismark my property boundaries. "sorry, he trespassed and threatened me!" hehe.
Many more fish in the sea.

Glad you saw the light and this became a non-incident. Good future lesson for all though....
Cell phones...


I don't know what kind of cell phone you use but most GSM type
phones store the messages on the SIM card. Since this is a
stateless memory (doesn’t need power to retain data) the messages
are most likely still intact in the memory even though the
references have been deleted from the FAT.

If you really want the messages you should get in touch with
someone who has a SIM card reader attached to a computer, ask
him to make a image of the memory and then examine it with a
hex editor.

The messages will be a bit hard to find but the technical part
should not be a problem, the problem would be explaining to the
police how you got hold of the messages. They probably are not
into computers that much.

Also, some cell providers do in fact keep a record of all SMS
messages sent. How long? It varies, from 24 hours to several years.

Even if they tell you that they don't keep records there is still
a chance that they do - these kinds of things are not well known
even within a company.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you have used the phone after
deleting the messages (which you probably have) they might partially
or in whole have been overwritten by other data.

As far as I know there are two ways to track a cell phone.

1: By one or more mobile units with direction antennas and equipment
which can pick up your cell phones signal and maybe even something
to generate their own 'ping' so that they have a continuous flow of
data from your phone.

He will also need a way to distinguish your phone from all the others,
this can be done by initiating a connection with your phone (sending
a SMS) and searching the airwaves for which phone receives the message
(I am unsure about this part but it sounds possible though he would
have to be in the same/adjacent cell as the phone), thereby getting
your phones unique ID number (which the phone uses in all communication

It is worth noting that modern phones (GSM) are digital, use frequency
hopping technology and encryption. The GSM algorithm has been cracked
but he will still need special software (hard to get, he will most
likely have to make it himself) a lot of computers (a purpose built
device might negate this but should be considered impossible to acquire
unless he’s with the NSA), special radio receivers (also hard to get,
might need to be built) and a lot of experience.

It is very unlikely that he has access to this kind of equipment
and the necessary manpower.

2: By breaking into a cell tower or other part of Telco infrastructure.

What happens after that depends on the kind of equipment used and
numerous other things but the aim is to triangulate your phone.

Some of the newer stations know their own GPS position and their
software can based on that calculate a phones position within a
dozen meters or so in a larger city - it depends on how far away
and how many towers there are which can receive your phones signal.

This is how *I* would do it since it would be much simpler, once you
get inside the Telco intranet it should be simple if you know what
to look for.

That it would be simpler does not mean that it is simple. Since cell
towers contain a lot of expensive gear they are all in hard to access
places, have locks and alarms (sometimes several) and in the end,
access might not give satisfactory results.

Breaking into a switching station or Telco office will have higher
chances of success but also higher risks. Magnetic alarms on the
doors and windows, motion sensors, guards, people working late, etc...

In short: Forget the part about him tracking your phone. Even if
he could do it it would not be "economical". If he wants to know
where you live he would simply follow the girl - maybe even
ask her.

As for what you should do... I dunno. Your situation is what I
would consider "unstable", meaning that no variables are known
upon which you can build a solid image of the situation.

This guy might simply be wasting air and not be worth remembering
but he could also end up gunning you down on the street two years
from now.

Such things have happened.

Either way, as some have already suggested: Get the police involved
and make a paper trail. If things end badly you'll need every advantage
you can get. That's about the only good advice I can give you.

BTW, If I was in your position I would try to get a feel for the
situation, if i didn't like it I'd go buy a good, comfortable
II or IIIa (some of the newer stuff is as concealable as a older II)
body armor and put it on whenever I got out of bed.