Thread JUST for figuring out if it was an SKS or AK

but we should be focused on the failure of the system

Those who designed the system know it is a failure, but they sure as hell will never admit to it. If they admit failure then they know that the public will never listen to them again and that is too much power to lose for those who seek to control your guns and your way of living.
People are dead, and you are focused on the type of gun?
We can't bring them back, so there is [no] use getting bent out of shape about this topic.
If you don't approve of this conversation, no one is forcing you to join it.

This whole forum is ABOUT discussing guns.

Actually what we're discussing is the varying reports from the incompetent media and/or police who are the ones who CREATED the confusion about which gun was used. Please allow the rest of us our freedom to be curious and sort through all the reports and attempt to figure out what the truth is.
Agreed, but the equal or greater failure of liberalism in this case was the mall being a Defenseless Victim zone.

I second that. He picked a place he knew nobody'd shoot back, just like all the other creeps before him. Lets see how 'famous' one of these slimes will be, when he picks a place the victims are carrying.

So famous that the news media will forget to report on it. There was a would-be school shooting a couple years ago where the shooter did that, he picked a place where (pretty sure it was faculty, going by memory) a couple of the faculty drew guns of their own. I am pretty sure it was in WV.

Well the media let that one slide by. Actually most of them twisted the story & used what they could. They left out the part where the creep's would-be victims disarmed him at gunpoint.

OOPS oh yeah looking at that picture it looks to me like a semi AK clone. But you never know, he could have got one of them genuine AKs that the drug dealers can get anytime they want (but you can't).
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