Thread JUST for figuring out if it was an SKS or AK

cabin pressure

New member
I decided to gather together some posts so we can attempt to get to the bottom of whether the gun in Omaha was an SKS or an AK.

In CNN's new story on the mall shootings they said the rifle was an AK47 first THEN they said it was an SKS. Both quoted by the Police Chief. I hate the media
So they call it an M16 first, then an SKS, then an AK
Now they are saying it was a WASR-10.

We may never know the truth.
ABC news was calling it an Ak47 and showed what looked like a Romanian sidefolder.
if the police chief stated the rifle was an ak or an sks then why would you hate the media? why wouldn't you blame the leo? the media just reported what he said.
We blame the media because from the best that I can gather, the police said SKS from the beginning, and the media took that and went around saying "AK clone" (which characterization effectively has no truth to it) which the media THEN morphed into "AK 47."
My first post dealt with what the media has been saying, now let's look at what the antis are saying. I just checked vpc and brady's websites, and I noticed that if they could scream "AK 47!!!!!" they would not hesitate for a second, but vpc is saying "AK 47 style" and Brady is saying "military-style assault rifle" and "assault weapon." Clearly the gun banners, who cater to emotional and stupid/ignorant people, do not want to get into having to explain to their lazy mindless supporters what an SKS is, and what the difference is between an SKS and a true AK clone such as a WASR.

If anyone has any more information to clarify this I look forward to it, but it appears that it was an SKS with some 30 round mag (Brady is putting a lot of focus on the phrase "30-round ammunition clips" on this story)
The media live to create fear, because fear sells.
SKS isn't as scary as AK-47.
It's as American as apple pie. Do what makes the most money.
If you complain you must be some sort of commie;)
Here's an image the police released.

It doesn't look like an SKS.

WASR-10 or Saiga maybe?

I just looked at several sites, but there are conflicting stories as to which type of rifle he used.

As to Cabin Pressure's comment regarding Brady's group, they (and I mean all the anti-gunners here) are going to use "Assualt Rifle" to scare the heck out of everyone. This is their big chance to stoke the fear fires again and they are going to be relentless about it all. This will eventually lead up to the biggest gun ban in the history of our nation.

Pay attention how they put the focus on the gun and not the shooter. They are even calling the shooter a "victim" of gun violence. Can you believe that? What a crock of crud it is when they are giving sympathy to some kook like that!
With all due respect, I do get worked up about the misinformed media because they spout misinformation that misinforms the general public. That helps to create further misunderstanding and vilify guns to the point that they get banned or subject to further regulation.
no offense to you sir but why would any anti-gunner know the diff or even care to know? for them, it might as well have been a howitzer. outside of the 2a community, a gun is a gun is a gun and all guns are assault weapons. they are all ignorantly (i hope that isn't too stong) painted with the same shade of crimson red and are evil.

more importantly, my sympathies to the families who are directly affected by this tragic and senseless act.
Agree with dwc, to the media and to the antis it doesn't really matter what it is.

It shouldn't matter that much to us either, because the end result is the same, a slimy weasel kid (or sometimes adult) who can't deal with life (because of our spoon fed society) enough to understand that in life there will be ups and downs, jobs (esp. non career type) and boyfriend/girlfriends will come and go, and bad stuff may happen who then chose to cowardly take it out on people who had nothing to do with his situation, ultimately making even less clear the meaning of the 2A and villifying responsible gun owners and enthusiasts.

Judging from the picture, it looks more like an AK/AKM than an SKS. I would say it's a WASR, simply because of it's availability and low cost. As an AK enthusiast, I know he didn't buy a Krebs, or Arsenal, or have a custom builder historically match a clone from "x" country after painstakenly searching for correct parts and furniture and paying large $.
it was originally reported that he stole it from his probably not locked in a gun safe or secured with a breech lock.
And even if it was how long does it take to cut off a lock? 20 minutes?

I am going to bet that it is a wasr-10, that is why people heard "bursts". He had to stop and reload. The rifle in the picture looks more like a AK than an SKS.
Here's a clearer pic. That tall front sight gives it away as some sort of AK. I'm looking at my SKS front sight and it's a lot shorter and has a round ring instead of open antler look of an AK front sight. Also, looking at him hold it, it's quite clear that it has the shorter barrel of an AK. Not only that but this pic clearly shows the AK's gas tube and dust cover which rises much higher above the barrel than on an SKS. An SKS gas tube and furniture only rise about half as much above the barrel.


What makes this so strange is why it was so widely reported to be an SKS since saying "AK" is easier and more recognizable. Odd.
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The SKS is a target for the antis because it's a rifle of sufficient capability that most everyone can afford. If you consider the goal of the gun grabbers which is to completely eliminate the power of the citizen, the SKS is a major thorn in their side. A lot of people own them and they're affordable firepower which is useful for achieving the goal of the 2nd Amendment which is power parity. That is the purpose of owning anything non sporting: to repel threats with equal or greater strength of whatever origin.

Criminals and socialist tyrants don't like firepower parity.
One thing I noted on the reporting of this crime was a quote from the police chief on the radio that the kid used an "assault rifle". So the Police Chief helped the antis with that one.
From that blown-up pic it does look like an AK.
Alright guys, look at *this* picture and tell me it's still an AK.
That pic of yours shows what I was talking about concerning the sks' shorter front sight and how the gas tube doesn't rise as high above the barrel as on an AK. The pic of the SHOOTER shows a taller front sight and much higher gas tube and dust cover above the barrel.
We can't bring them back, so there is use getting bent out of shape about this topic.

I say AK by looking at the pic.

We are concerned because the weapon will be demonized and there will be much stomping and huffing and puffing to ban them. This issues concerns every non homicidal legal gun owner of this type of rifle. I want to buy an AK and I can't do that if the banners get their way.

It also doesn't help when the media have no idea what in the world they are talking about when it comes to guns and in a lot of cases may be making up whatever they want to drive the frenzy.

Any legally owned non NFA gun is never capable of being full auto. This means it cannot be an assault weapon, but they sure love to use those words when they describe any military style/design/looking weapon.

The media makes me want to puke.
People are dead and we are focused on the gun, but we should be focused on the failure of the system. The left leaning weanies constantly scream "Can't they just get treatment" or "Can't they just go to therapy or counseling instead of jailing these poor drug dealers." You have no idea how many billions of dollars are spent yearly chasing these pipe dreams of a therapy based response to criminality... despite even the best programs having maybe a 5-10% chance at success. So here we have yet another turd who showed every sign of being a pox on society (previous drug dealing AND even a past history of misuse of firearms) walking the street. Had he been locked up forever or gassed, the others would still be alive. That is the point we must continue to make every time one of these turds decides to go out in style.