thoughts on y2k....

I'm sort of a news-and-information junkie, and have browsed a lot of the Y2K sites. The posters fall into several categories:

Some seem to actually hope that Y2K problems are severe, much like many of the Survivalists of the Pres. Carter era. They're losers now, and somehow figure to be "on top" in whatever "Brave New World" arises.

Some just seem to me to be overly worried, but it's sincere concern based upon their interpretation of "the data".

Most seem much like the various posters on this Board, when the subject has come up before--common sense preparation for various what-if scenarios.

It has been said before: This is the first time in human history that we know exactly when something major is going to occur. The problem is we don't know exactly what, much less how bad it's actually going to be.

What we're learning is that many people just really have problems dealing with uncertainties!

During WW II, the Japs had some cousins of mine interned in Santo Tomas prison in Manila. Some of the most valuable items for them were needles and Ronson lighter-flints. Next, pins and safety pins and then thread--you can always unravel old clothes.

MREs? Why? If you store canned goods on their sides, with an arrow marked on the end and monthly rotation, they'll last for two or so years in an unairconditioned tropical climate!

One of the greatest benefits of all this MGIHT be getting to know your neighbor. You might be the Mighty Gunner, but next door is a doctor, and across the street is a mechanic...



"I like cats, too. Let's exchange recipes."
Thanks for the offer but my neighbors are more afraid of me than I am of them. I explained that I taught my wife and daughters to shoot and they all outshoot me!

The family down the road is nice but the rest of them can fend for themselves.

Yesterday I went to Academy and used my Christmas gift certificates to buy ammo. Chatting with the big, burly guy behind the counter, he noted they have sold more shotguns and centerfire rifles in December, 1999 than they sold in Oct-Dec 98 or 97!

Good deal! We have a whole bunch of new gun owners to train, to educate, and to bring "into the fold"! :D

Larry M.
I don't know about "food grade" plastic, but I've been using plastic gas jugs with no problems.

Anybody else have comments on gasoline/diesel/propane storage?

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 28, 1999).]
man us boy scouts sure took some heat huh??

I think our point was its a good idea to have some extra food, blankets, candles, etc around AT ALL TIMES.. not just a fancy shooting iron and a gazillion rounds..

lets not forget that a scout is:

Obedient, (ok I failed this one a few times)
and Reverent. "

and lets not forget:

"On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. "

there was a lot more to being a boy scout than learning to cook on a rock and hike all summer long and g et merit badges in insect study. Scouting isabout teaching kids to be good citizens, and to be fair and compasionate human beings. And also to be prepared, for the best of times and for the worst of times. Honestly.. I used what I learned in the boy scouts more than what i learned in college on a given day.

Its not really about Y2k, its about being practical.

Paul Revere.....not a bad idea BUT my luck, I would do it wrong, shoot it and end up with a black face! LOL

There's always the purse sized hairspray and a lighter too! :) or I could take a piece if wood and sink some nails in it? Wait! I have a nail gun! Ahaha. Better go buy some more nails. lol

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Well, I think I'm pretty much set for whatever happens. The family farm has wood stoves with plenty of fuel, a little generator for pumping H20 from the well, a pond full of fish, and a pasture full of littl wooly pot-roasts on the hoof. Throw in a grandmother who loves to can veggies from the garden, and we should be warm and well fed should the power go out for a while (like, for several months :) ). As far as defensive considerations go I don't think it will come to anything like that, but if it did we'd be ok.

My guess is that not much will go wrong in the commercial sector, since there are profits at stake. Any problems will likely be in the government sector, where no one can really be held accountable.

Unfortunately that includes most utilities. Funny how we know we can trust market forces to bring food into our cities, but not water and power. I wonder why that is. It couldn't be that representatives wanted to look like Santa Clause by providing the necessities of life to their constituents, and don't care that the private sector could do it better cheaper and faster without having to extort funds to do it. Nah, they'd never do something like that just for votes........

Either way, this weekend should be interesting to watch. I'll think of you all while I'm chowing down on that 5 pound Maine lobster I reserved down at the wharf today.

Have a happy New Year, and vote Libertarian.
What I was getting at is I read that he was going to use 2 liter pop bottles to store gas. I was told that "food grade" like pop bottles and milk jugs wouldn't work for gas storage. Jugs made for gas will of course work fine.
Petroleum stuff in plastic CAN be bad. Not necessarily WILL be. Metal w/good gasket is much better. Please, all be safe with any stored propane, gas, etc. We had a guy up-state burn his house down 'cause he improperly stored propane - it leaked, fumes hit the pilot light on furnace & he gets to camp out - self-fullfilling. :(

& hell, I've broken at least 3 of the Scout Laws - on reflection, make that 4. ;)

Ober, we need to crack a coupla beers - you be funny but my kinda guy.

& Miss D, do get that smoke-stick. Even if it malfunctions, you'll look like Phylis Diller & who'd want to tackle that? ;) Can't believe the BS good folks have to go thru to "keep & bear."
Oh boy, things are gettin' weird in Memphis. Gun shops are packed with people wanting guns and ammo. Many aren't answering the phone because they are too busy.
Local Wal-Mart sporting goods dept. has folks standing in line filling out 4473s to save time when they get to the counter.
One guy got to the counter and asked to "see" a couple guns. Clerk told him "Sorry Sir, if you don't know what you want, you'll have to step aside. You're holding up the line."
Want a generator? Too late, all gone!

Looks like the grasshoppers have figured out that winter is here.
Miz D, you got a permit for that nail gun? :) ... Just teasing ...

Actaully, I'm surprised that the Sick state you live in (it *is* ILL , isn't it?) let's people have nail guns without proper licensing :) ... that and those Hilti stud setters ... those could be wicked at range.