thoughts on y2k....


New member
After reading posts on this board and others I must say, I for one will be glad when Jan. 1 finally rolls around! I am so sick and tired of reading posts that say "well i filled 12 55gallon drums with fuel", or "I filled my whole basement with twinkies" or "I want to know if its ok to shoot someone who licks there lips when passing my house, because I think they want my food".
Cmon people!, whatever happen to helping neighbors? what about helping the people who are less fortunate than you are, that could not spend an extra months wages to fill their basements with Twinkies?
Which brings me to another subject, How much is enough? How many of you honestly feel that you have bought enough MRE'S?
The way I see it, if you really feel that you need 1200 gallons of fuel, or 800 cans of Spam, or enough batteries to light up a small town, then you wont survive! Has everyone become so citified that they cannot survive without an AR-15 and 1500 rounds? I read a post the other day where everyone was bragging on being a Boy Scout or ex military, what happened to all that woodsman training?
Do you honestly feel that you cannot survive
without central heat, generators, and fortified bunkers? I sure hope you all have
stored enough.One day you may get a true test and you may need it. I wont.
Cuz, I'm not sure how to take your post. [and, I'm tempted to ask about who squealed regarding my twinkies ... ;) ] Were you just feeling a bit cranky tonight?

From what I've seen, we don't have too many hard core Y2K 'strategists' here. But, we have a lot of folks who prefer to have ammunition for their guns. And, if you've ever attended firearms training, then you know why 1,000 rounds isn't really all that much ammunition.

For myself, I suppose I'd put it this way - for the folks around me who share a similar philosophy of self defense and reasonable preparedness, then yes - I'd probably be willing to help them out. And, yes, I have some idea about how to survive without my 'twinkies', but if I have an economic choice, why would I set myself up to eat grubs and bushes if things ever went south in a big way?

So, I don't expect any major problems in the next week, but I'll wager we see some problems. I'll wager some people will tragically die because of Y2K, and there will be some infrastructure problems here and there. It's a big world - this isn't a tough prediction to score on ...

When you get right down to it, I think most folks on TFL have probably viewed their firearms situation with concern more because of the anti-self defense movement and Clinton as opposed to Y2K.

So, are you the looter? ;) Just kidding - don't get sore.

Regards from AZ
Sorry, I didnt mean to come across the wrong way, I guess I am just a lil irritated when I see people post things like that. About how they hope the neighbors dont come knocking an such.I too have bought more guns this year because of what Klinton is doing, and cant wait for him to leave. And I also agree that its not so much the people on this board as it is the television, news, papers, everything! :) So now that I have removed my foot from my mouth, and blown all this hot air,I think i'll go sit in the corner an wait for all the kicks to the butt :) So like Rosanna-Danna-whetever-her-name-was on SNL used to say "ummm...never mind"

"What is steel to the hand that weilds it?" James Earl Jones
"Has everyone become so citified that they cannot survive without an AR-15 and 1500 rounds?"

Nope. Hell, I was probably the guy that distracted the whole "only 3 guns" thread into "" ;) & may be the guy you're flaming. No problem here.

I too got a bit "sick" of the rabid, mutant zombie thread ... my own personal way of dealing with it & being stupid, if you will.

Was involved with an IPSC group once that purchase 50K primers at a crack - didn't last all that long - we shot a lot. Matter of perspective.

"I read a post the other day where everyone was bragging on being a Boy Scout or ex military, what happened to all that woodsman training?"

Where do you think "we" got that woodsman attitude? & as far as bragging - I sure wasn't. Other folk were stating some facts about their background. So did I. Quite frankly, a firearm would figure pretty low on my priorities for a survival scenario.

"One day you may get a true test and you may need it. I wont."

& after "slamming" us, you brag about "YOU won't need it? Jeez! Why's that? Cuz you're such a hotshot or cuz ain't nuttin going down? I learned long ago that you prepare for the worst & expect the best & try to live your life to make that best happen. Usually works out pretty well that way & that's perhaps the best survival tactics I know. & too, part of the beauty of these type forums is to be able to just drop reality for a while & say "what if." Worse case, it lets you go off into la-la land for a bit & sometimes, it allows you to reevaluate your own position & say "hey, I never thought of that." Bluesky can be fun.

Far as "the neighbors" go. We have a single mom with 3X kids under 11. The mom's an idiot but that's OK. Part of "the plan" is to make sure they're properly taken care of,
as we do on a daily basis - just the little things - although they really don't have a clue.

Mutant, crack-headed, rabid cyborgs better watch their butts tho', ;)

Oops! just read your last post .... no flames & uhm, guess you said it best ;)
Here's my take on this Y2K thing-
It's good to see people preparing for a potential disaster. Even if nothing happens, they will still retain that survival mentality. When the big earthquake or hurricane hits next, these people will already have been gearing up for an emergency.
The Boy Scout comments refered to, "Be prepared" not earning a wilderness badge.

Prepare for what? Y2K?

- Well, if we don't have heat and the pipes freeze, it gets expensive. Where I live freezing temps are possible but not promised (or I'd learn Spanish and move farther south!). :D

- If electricity goes out:
--we can't heat our home. With my 87 y/o Mom (who "freezes" at 74 deg) we need to be able to warm a room or two.
-- We have our propane camp stove so we can have warm meals. Our kerosene lamps will give us light.
-- We can't get life-sustaining medication for my Mom (Doctor's office & pharmacies closed, gasoline pumps don't work). So, thanks to DC's tutelage, I made the doctor an offer he couldn't refuse. Now we have Mom's meds thru late January - more than enough, I'd figure. (Thanks, DC! ;))
-- We can't go get food if the stores are closed. No basement full of Twinkies here but I've noticed my family and I get pretty hungry after a day without food. (And Mom needs food because of her meds.) So we stockpiled food, kleenex, toilet paper, some unmentionables for the women, etc. We also got dog food and extra hay for the pup! None of this will spoil if it's not needed.
-- Most of my neighbors are anti-gun. They have defamed and insulted us and insulted me to my children when I was not around. Screw 'em. I wouldn't (expletive deleted) if they were on fire!
-- One nearby family can not buy extra provisions. They've been nice to us and can move in if things get rough.
-- Being able to use indoor plumbing is convenient - especially when it's 35 deg, raining, with a 25 mph wind. So we will fill the bathtubs and some 5-gal cans with water.
-- Drinking water will be stored in big pretzel containers. Each holds several gallons but is easy to clean, carry, store and use without spilling.

We have games and guitars for fun and expect no problems involving looting or violence.

So why am I buying more ammo?
- I am able to!
- I don't trust Clinton. Do you?
- I don't trust our county commissioners and believe our Sheriff (a good man) might be forced to curtail sales of guns & ammo.

So, to answer your question more briefly:
Yes! We could become troglodytes and survive.
We choose to be comfortable in our home.

If you'd rather live under pine boughs, that's surely up to you. :D

BTW, we have NO MREs and our only Spam comes in by e-mail.

I wouldn't want to be in some areas of Los Angeles (for example), where folks might try to initiate a panic to facilitate looting. However, to tell the truth, I think the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot. At worst, I expect to have a week's vacation at home with my wife! Good deal!
Speaking as one of the Boy Scouts :) from the other thread, I can tell you that I have been to each of my neighbors and told them that I will be keeping an eye out for the lot of us. As far as I know, I am the only person on these two blocks who owns even one firearm, and the city I live in is not always the friendliest of places, though the Friday night gunfights have calmed down a little. So, I believe I am preparing not only for myself, but for a number of people. And, as I said, they all know it and are comfortable with that since we all know each other.

Not worried about loss of power and things of that nature. VERY worried about the idiots who will riot at the drop of a hat, much less a delay in the welfare checks. And for me, that is a big concern since this town has a LOT of welfare recepients. And unfortunately, "living off the land" in this urban setting in which I find myself just really isn't much of an option.
Well, I guess Ill stick my two cents into
the -Why?2K- debate! At first, I was just going to ignore it and hope it went away.
But, as is the case with most bad things,
like Bill Klenton and socialist gun grabbers,
that does not seem to work. They just keep comming back for more and more.
So , taking to heart the lessons learned from Bill & buddies, I am well stocked on
guns & ammo, not quite adiquately stocked
on food but I have enough for 3 weeks .

Today, I finally found my dream generator for only 495.oo + tax, a 5000 watt with surge to 6,250 & a B&S 10hp motor with 7.5 gal gas tank, but I could not buy it...because...
THIS IS RICH..... I couldnt buy it because the store's computers whent down & couldn't process my Visa card! The clerk asked me if I was buying it for y2k only2 seconds before her computerized cash register crashed and I replied "See, Its already starting to happen!" She smiled prettily at me & I smiled back. I had em put a 24 hour hold on it for me. I was not going to buy a gen. at all since I called the power company & they told me nothing to worry about excect ice storms,
but the price was so low for 5000/6250 at 10 hp, I just couldn't resist! Guy I talked to
last week paid 730.oo for similar from Sears,
so I beat his cost by 235.oo

Anyways ,with 3 houses with oil fired hot water heat,if I lost electric, I'd be looking at 12,000.oo worth of frozen pipes,
so its cheap ice storm insurance.This way ,I
can drive from house to house,hook up the gen & keep all 3 houses from freezing.

Now, I got to lay in a 30 gallon stock of gasoline & buy two 5 gal gas cans.All those
empty 2 liter coke bottles I been saving up will save me from buying 4 more 5 gal gas cans! I need a big bottle of fuel stabilizer too.

As far as living off the land, that would have been fun at 25. At 51, no way! Us old farts LIKE OUR COMFORT!

Well ,I can still stand guard duty over my generator going blatt,blatt,blatt like an old chevy without a muffler, when
everyone else is dark & freezing, with my aks47 & 2-40rd mags taped together.

How much you wanta bet a couple of inner city slime balls try to steal it until I put a red dot on their chest? hee,hee,hee!
I remember reading about them la riots!
Yes I do! .... !:^)
Yeah - right on.Fortunately I've been able to
do quite a bit of Woodsman training---more
than I can say for some people who have
other .22's (I won't say what they are or if
they look like toys- it is Christmas time after all).
Cuz,just make sure you have plenty of cold
beer---It would be a hell of a thing if it all went to poo--but it's amazing how a few
steadying ales will calm the mind.
You are right on the money! I feel Exactly the same way. Y2k has become a "global WWF hype, meet me at the cage match on Monday Nitro where we can kick each other over who is the best prepared and can survive for years on bread mold and the water in the water heater and if it look like you'll win I'shoot you cause I got a 99 magnum and 500 rounds of rockets for it" Y2K and all it's hype is just a few days away. Personally, I hope a Super Nova happens Thursday afternnon and leaves every one eternity to wonder what would have happened. ;)

Generators are like compressors. When you need them you need them and nothing else will do. Most of the time they just gather dust, but thank heaven you have it when you need it. Good purchase and funny story.
Well this Boy Scout is prepared.
Nothing fancy, but we'll get by. Being a camper, I've already got stoves and lanterns. I did buy two cans of fuel. Got a couple ten gallon Igloo coolers I'll fill with drinking water. Stocked up the pantry with more canned goods than usual. But that ok, we'll eat up eventually if nothing happens.
I did buy a couple of cases of MREs. But agian if I don't need them, they're great for backpacking. So they'll get used anyway.
As far as city folks living off the land, take a small bag of popcorn and a baseball bat to the local city park. Lots of squirrels and pigions are really just doves.
As far as guns and ammo. Guns I already got. And I was sick not to long ago and didn't go to work for about two weeks, had nothing to do all day but sit at the loading bench, ammo is covered.
And the neighbors? Some are good, some are bad. The good folks are welcome.
Labgrade, I keep telling everyone it is RADIOACTIVE ZOMBIES not mutant or otherwise, but you are right about those damn cyborgs. I found one in the garbage can tonight and had to ram him with my 4x4, thank god for that winch bumper, though the neighbors brick wall is a little damgaged. Figure he'll understand that it was for his safety to.

Dennis sounds like you have neighbor problems. Just let me know if you want me and my buddies to come over with our weapons so we can clean them in your front yard and we'll bring our 150 quart marine cooler full of brews.

Bob I told my neighbors I'd watch out for them but they looked a little aprehensive when I started makeing a range card of the neighborhood. And the best places for cover and ambushes. heh heh

I have supplied myself for approx 10years+ all I have is a full grain silo. I have practiced eating raw grain on all fours all year long and think I have mastered it. Thank god for my dental surgery, I got 12 molars now, but still have only one stomach, but I think its big enough to cover for the other four.

"How could they cut the power man, their just animals!"

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 28, 1999).]
My Y2K worries are passing my exams. Now, if that burning bush were to appear and tell me that the world was going to end, I'd stop worrying about my exams and everything else and go out and PARTY!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Just last night I walked into a serious Y2K conversation between a customer and a clerk at a local hardware store. The customer seemed unnerved, anxious, and impatient about what he thought may happen. Since they were talking about power outages, I assumed he was inquiring about available generators. Most likely, he was one of the many procrastinators who figured that he'd put that purchase off until the last few days of the year.

As I've said before on here, the biggest mistake one could make is to NOT be prepared for something we've all known about for the past 25 or so years. It is irresponsible and negligent to not have prepared in some way for the multitude of possibilities connected with Y2K, whether they come to pass or not.

More than a year and a half ago, I discussed the issue of all the things (Y2K related) that could happen, with all my closest friends, and relatives. It was at that time, I outlined preparation basics. Whether any of them took that conversation seriously or not, I may never know. I feel satisfied that I have done the right thing by providing the "heads up" so far in advance.

Seriously though, it isn't the potential basic infrastructure failures that concern me, it's the absolute ideal window opportunity for an enemy (beit foreign or domestic) to strike when respective guards are down. If you can imagine the strategic thinking a terrorist (or someone ready to take control of power) must be contemplating. They really couldn't plan a better opportunity to carry out their plan than the weaknesses that will present themselves surrounding Y2K. Surprisingly, it may not even be during the first 24 hours of the New Year that such an act may be accomplished, but sometime right after that period, when we've all breathed a sigh of relief that "nothing" happened.

Nothing could do more harm to our existing Constitutional Rights than a major act(s) of terrorism inside our borders. It wouldn't be the act itself, but the acts of our sitting government immediately thereafter that would bury our American heritage. I assure you, people would be lined up, begging for government protection from the bad any cost, including an elimination or suspension of some or all of their Rights. That is the true thing to be concerned about during the next several days.

Let us all pray that nothing does happen. God help those that have not prepared if something does happen.

Well I am braggin'. I can out run, out shoot, out talk, out cuss, out hunt, out fish, out drive and yes out bull anyone within a 200 mile radius. Would you believe only the bull... :)

I grew up in the mountains where the power etc went out on a regular basis. I'm no less nor any more prepared than what I always have been.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Unfortunately I don't have any guns or ammo here, one has to wait until you are almost killed to get a FOID card. Sooooo I did stock up some, bottled water, extra propane for the heater, canned foods, medicine, candles, matches, radio with batteries, flashlights, and things like that. I can always use it all if nothing happens. For protection I do have a few knives, chacos, and a lead pipe, probably not legal but at least its there in case I need it. Im not afraid, but I am not going to be an idiot that is not prepared either. I just hope people don't start rioting, I am a pretty safe distance from the city itself but still cautious. They decided to riot when the Bulls won the championships, they looted, started fires, turned cars over, fired shots in the air, crazy stuff like that. Whats wrong with people? *sigh*

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
I know what's wrong with those people. Lack of clue regarding "cause, effect, consequences, responsibility". It never occurs to them that they might be hurting others, that others might just shoot them, etc.
Miss D...

This may sound a bit crazy, but what about a muzzle loader until you get your FOID card? I don't believe you need an FOID in IL to purchase or possess a muzzle loader. You can buy one online through Cabelas or any number of outfits. The only problem with the black powder gun is that you only have one shot, then you'll need to pack and ram another before you can present a back-up shot. I guess you could get yourself a black powder revolver and have six shots. You can always sell it once you get your desired firearm, and in the mean time you'll have more than a lead pipe and nunchucks to defend you and your kid(s).

Stay safe, and carry the biggest stick you can handle.
It will never happen, politicians being what they are, but I think if the mayors, governors, et al would come out and say "No rioting or looting will be tolerated -- the National Guard is on standby with ball ammunition and both they and the police are ordered to shoot looters".

The antis and liberals would scream bloody murder, but I'll bet things would be a lot quieter.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Warning: Don't use pop jugs to store gas. While I have never tried it I was told that gas will "eat" food grade plastic and cause small "particulates" of plastic to form in the gas. Then when you burn/use the gas this plastic can gum up the engine. If anyone has better info on this please add it.
Glass is fine and if you need larger storage get a oil drum and hand pump or valve. Don't want to damage your great deal on a gen.