Thoughts on the new Mossberg MC1 Subcompact?

There are many Pistols every bit as reliable as the Shield and Glock. That is such a mute point. Yes, if this gun actually shoots better than a Glock, with more features which it does have and at a better price point, then why knock it? The 1911 has had man different but similar models, the Ruger LCP was risen from the Keltec.
Maybe Glocks are getting stale. It seems there are more and more post alluding to this. More folks reporting failure. Glock has had a good run. Something always comes along that is a little bit better.
Mossberg just might be the one to clock the Glock.
You nailed it with price point.
Sit back and wait for everyone else to spend their capital doing much of the dirty work, then jump in with a better price point and modest improvements/differences. Wouldnt be the first time in business :)
The cross bolt safety is intriguing on a pistol. Has that ever been done before? I've never seen it if it has. Not sure if I'd like that. They(Mossberg) have engineered a handgun that utilizes existing mags and sights. That means they don't have to fuss with developing accessories.
Actually there is a after marker product cross bolt for the Glock. It looks difficult to put in, and again a after market piece. Mossberg had the insight to see this and incorporate into the new gun as a option.
I normally do not like cross bolts on rifle and shotguns, but have to say that on a pistol, cold be a whole new ball game. And many, many folks always disparaged the Glock for safety reason.
Sounds like Mossberg is way ahead of the game. I am beginning to like the cross bolt idea.

I got to say that for myself I don't consider a cross bolt safety to mean Mossberg is way ahead of the game.

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Let's assume for a moment that technically it is everything Mossberg says it is.

Does it change anything in the game? Its entering an already overcrowded field of strike fired polymer sub compact firearms by taking aim at the benchmark* already there. Its going to enter a tremendously crowded array of guns that have already done that. How does it change anything?

As noted by others above the last "game changer" was the P365 which forced Glock to respond and adjust to the 43X. If I'm a Glock marketer and I am handed this press release and spec sheet I kind of shrug my shoulders and go "and?" because its not worth even worrying about.

*please note that I am using the term benchmark as just that. It is not intended to convey some sense of quality. When someone is talking "striker fired polymer pistol" the benchmark that everyone else measures themselves against is almost always Glock.
It's a 9mm pistol that uses Glock mags that costs $100 less than Glock, has a safety, and isn't a Glock.

That's the gamechanger right there.

I look at other single stack 9's and ask the same question, but what this Mossberg pistol is telling me is it can use 12 round mags which are made for the Glock 43.
Very zen of you but there are no 'nationwide gun bans' coming to a place near you. Maybe after Jan 2021, but not still in place.
Aaaaaaand were back......(facepalm).....see just as I said, everyone else still bringing it up

Now I shouldn't, but I'll bite......

First you say...
there are no 'nationwide gun bans' coming to a place near you.

But then you say...
Maybe after Jan 2021

So which is it.....?

but not still in place
Cite where I stated or even implied anything was happening 'now' or that the sky was falling 'now'.....

It's funny because it's true.

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It is?
Cite where I stated anyone was 'wrong'.....


Cue the next to say.... "drop it" "move along" "stay on topic" in 3...2...1...

Good grief Charlie Brown. I found a comic amusing and that requires a reply directed at me? The point of that xkcd comment is that's how people act on the internet in general. They treat disagreements that really aren't that critical as if they were, such as this one. It's generally amusing, hence I laugh (and also because I appreciated someone else reading xkcd). For a guy that's moving on you won't drop it.
Good grief Charlie Brown. I found a comic amusing and that requires a reply directed at me? The point of that xkcd comment is that's how people act on the internet in general. They treat disagreements that really aren't that critical as if they were, such as this one. It's generally amusing, hence I laugh (and also because I appreciated someone else reading xkcd). For a guy that's moving on you won't drop it.
Again, because others keep bringing it up, including asserting I stated things I never stated. Funny how that works.

Someone pondered, I gave an opinion, I gave my basis for said opinion, and it clearly hurt some feelings as here you (and others) are still bringing it up pages later.....oops

Amazing how fragile internet egos are, but thanks for further proving my point.

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Lol, I'm still bringing it up? Oh man, the irony. All I've been doing is responding to the times you keep quoting or referring to me for reasons I still don't grasp (such as finding a comic funny). As for my opinions, they're just my own, I'm merely sharing them like I've always done and will continue to do. My "feelings"? Man who knew we had psychologists here.