Thoughts on Beretta APX?


New member
Anyone have one? I have a bunch of 92's. $300 unissued Brazilian Police trade-ins on the market got me thinking...
Have an APX Centurion in .40.

Excellent gun, really. Reliable, solidly made, good trigger, excellent value even new. See Honest Outlaw commentary on YouTube.

Seemingly not as popular in the market as other offerings, so pricing tends to be lower than for other brands and other Beretta models.

Beretta was late to the party with the APX, and the initial models have slide “serrations” that alot of people think are ugly or weird. I like them.
I shot my brother's a fair bit, before he traded it.
I liked it and wanted one.
Quite accurate and reliable.

Aim's Brazilian imports came to my attention and now I have one on the way.
I had one a few years ago and it was just OK. I'm not crazy about Beretta triggers for one thing.
Looked up the AIM ad.

Absolutely not a deal. In fact, it's down right outrageous of a price.

The APX A1 (version two of the version one AIM is selling) has a $100 rebate right now...making the new version brand new the exact same price for the now discontinued version of the Brazil surplus APX.
After some research, yes there's a $100 rebate now that makes the A1 the same price (assuming you ever get the rebate...)

Post 2020, whenever I see any gun by a decent manufacturer for $300 or less I get excited. I'm still traumatized by the new $600 Glocks that were for sale in the height of the pandemic gun boom. We are clearly not in those times anymore, although I have an inkling that we may be going that direction post-November...
I'm fine with the price I paid, with no rebate.
I get an extra import mark that will appeal to collectors of military/police service pistols.

If I don't like the trigger, I can get A1 parts and see if they can be swapped. Or I can buy an A1 and have both.
But I never really had reason to complain about the triggers in the pre-A1 APXs that I've handled, or the one that I've shot.
I was actually inspired by this thread to get one of the Brazilian APXs through AIM Surplus. Always liked the weird slide design on the original.

Unfortunately, my first range session today reveals that the trigger is really terrible, with a very heavy “wall” to break through before it fires. My stock PSA Dagger shot like a race gun by comparison. My other APX, a .40 Centurion, has a much nicer trigger.

It could be I am becoming a bit of a trigger snob due to other recent acquisitions, but I don’t think so.

It could be that when Beretta supposedly consulted with scores of military and law enforcement professionals in designing the APX, it listened too closely to the ones worried about accidental discharges.

It could be this particular Brazilian police force, like the NYPD, enjoys handicapping its officers with heavy trigger pulls.

But it’s bad.

Galloway Precision offers a “striker guide kit” it claims will eliminate the heavy “wall” and otherwise lighten the APX pull by a pound or two. I will definitely try that, rather than benching my new purchase out of the box.

But those likely few thinking of getting one of these, beware……
For those interested, I just learned that my new Brazilian Police APX has a trigger pull of 7.5 pounds! My gunsmith agreed this was pretty awful.

I also learned that the Galloway striker guide kit I got (see above) actually accomplishes the OPPOSITE of Galloway’s claims: it makes the trigger pull WORSE— over 10 pounds! Obviously, he then put back the original parts.

My gunsmith theorizes that the Brazilian police agency requested a heavy trigger set up in a manner different from the trigger addressed by Galloway. They must not want their officers to be tempted to take shots beyond 5 yards. Hopefully their SWAT teams have something better.

I don’t know of any other possible fixes. I just know I have a new, well-made gun which will likely last for years, with the worst striker trigger EVER. Not sure what to do with it.

At least it didn’t cost much, so not too much of a loss to trade in.
Never held one, but I look at the APX as an attempt by Beretta to compete with other poly pistols and with all the rebates they're offer for them so frequently it's clear the APX is not a good seller. Whatever the final price is I think for a bit more there are better options.
The initial thought was to compete for the big U.S. military contract ultimately won by SIG 320. Failing that, Beretta put the APX on the market. I am certain it is solid enough for duty service.

For such an amazing company, Beretta seems unable to meet the market, often being too slow and usually “off” in its products in some way. Witness the weird slide “serrations” on this original APX which seemingly I alone kind of like. My gunsmith noted the 92 is the only Beretta that has sold at all in recent years.
I don’t know of any other possible fixes. I just know I have a new, well-made gun which will likely last for years, with the worst striker trigger EVER. Not sure what to do with it.
I am neck-deep in a thousand other projects right now, and up to my eyebrows in one particular prototyping project.
But once I have time, I will take a look at mine and see what I think can be done for the trigger. I have greatly improved not just feel, but function, of several striker pistol triggers in the past.
Hopefully, it is as simple as, "Oh, just replace this part, and polish that one."
Trigger still not good, but maybe easing slightly. Hopefully will continue slow improvement.

Only a couple of other commenters on the Galloway site mentioned the stiff trigger, though one did say his was “300 pounds“. Maybe it’s not a universal problem with this offering.
It could be that when Beretta supposedly consulted with scores of military and law enforcement professionals in designing the APX, it listened too closely to the ones worried about accidental discharges.

It could be this particular Brazilian police force, like the NYPD, enjoys handicapping its officers with heavy trigger pulls.

This got me to chuckle a little. I had heard stories of AD's by Brazilian Police due to Taurus's drop-fire issues with their striker fired guns (24/7's, etc). Also stories of how it was difficult for the Brazilian Police to get anything but a Taurus, I guess because the idea was to support the local major firearms manufacturer- Taurus.
Hold on.

The APX original has the competition striker kit. This kit is already installed in the A1, which is why the A1 has a "better" trigger than the OG APX.

I'm not sure what the gal. kit includes, but you can order the competition kit straight off Beretta's website.

I'd send Beretta an email and ask if that would change it...but I highly doubt these models are built differently that the striker kit wouldn't change your trigger pull.
Thanks for bringing this back up.
I planned to reply and figured I'd have to go digging to find the thread. But you did the work for me. ;)

I finally got mine to the range last week.
In actual use, the trigger didn't feel as bad as casual manipulation.
After 10-15 rounds, it smoothed out a bit and felt notably better.
By the end of the session, it seemed fine. Still heavier than desired, but nothing like it was right out of the box. I can live with what it is now.

However, it won't cycled 115 gr ammo at all, is 50/50 with standard velocity 120-125 gr ammo, and is only reliably cycling with 124 +P or stout 147 gr loads (not necessarily +P).
So, that's something I need to figure out.
The recoil spring is ridiculously heavy, though. Heaviest spring in any full size 9mm that I've handled. I might need to swap that out or see about some redneck solutions.

The above being said, I didn't get to shoot the pistol any more after about 10 minutes. My 12 year old son stole it and wouldn't give it back. He shot only 115 gr ammo, so that he didn't have to chase the brass. (:D)
Check your grip (polymer part) for wear marks.

There were reports of some grips coming out too tight and overly tightening the whole racking experience. If you see wear marks, people said a new grip in spec totally fixed it.
Wild cat,

Thanks for the tip on the A1 striker spring kit. Just ordered from Midwest Gun Works.

And since it’s standard on the APX A1, presumably reliability won’t be an issue.