Thought i was going to melt at the range today:(

I do 8 hrs in the elements in boots jeans and a long sleeve shirt, and I don't see what people are complaining about, its a nice bright sunny day a little humid with a nice cool breeze. Let me guess, you guys, I repeat GUYS as in the male sex of the human being race, that are complaining about how hot an indoor range is would also be the ones complaining about how cold it is outside when winter hits? Your bright fresh clean shirt gets a little damp, and you go crying out of the room.and yet there are guys in the desert full acus and battle rattle doing their jobs 24/7 7days a week 365 days a year no relief and every time you get in a truck you run a risk of running over and IED and when you get out of the truck someone will possibly shoot at you and hide.Or those of you who were in korea and nam remember doing your job in a jungle where there is no relief from the humidity and behind every bush is something that wants to bite ,suck your blood ,or just naturally wants to do harm to your body,and if it rains you dont notice because your body is already saturated with sweat!
i have made an outdoor range down at my pop's farm.

i usually get there 8-9 am - i sweat through EVERYTHING...completely drenched..every time i have shot this summer.

most of the time it's pretty hot, but the humidity is what kills

soaking wet and shooting, beats cool, sweat free dry firing!

Whenever I think it is hot outside at the range (around here the 90s are considered HOT) I remember our troops overseas who live, train and patrol in 110-120 all the time. I don't believe I could even THINK at 120F let alone function all day. They are expected to make complex decisions and be alert and polite. I would not do well in that heat let alone the two way aspects of the "range".
shooting in the heat

Just be sure to hydrate. . .

I shot in a IDPA classifier match last Saturday, and it was hot & humid. I shot in a big USPSA match last sunday and the heat index was over 100, which is pretty hot for Wisconsin.

I had started to pre-hydrate on Friday because it was going to be so hot, and I was fine on Saturday. I was fine for the first 5 stages on Sunday and then the heat caught up to me. I knew I was in trouble when I went to pour water on my head to cool off, and used a bottle of gatorade instead . . . I couldn't drink enough fluid fast enough there for a while.

I had to be real careful on the last three stages because I wasn't as sharp as I should've been.

We had 120 shooters and everybody complained about the heat but there were no significant heat injuries and I didn't hear of anybody being unsafe or anything. They had awnings set up at each stage, and water available, which helped.

I don't know how the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan do it day after day, wearing ACUs and plate carriers and all that equipment.

You do get somewhat acclimated to the heat after a while but still, 100 degrees is 100 degrees. I don't care if it's a "dry heat" -- when the dashboard is melting out of your car and the asphalt street is smouldering, it's HOT
Extreme heat makes you anxious and hostile. Much better to be hot that freezing to death (which makes your mind fuzzy along the way, then puts you to sleep, permanently). Our boys in the desert are on their toes, and mad enough to fight. Hoo-RAH!;)
Give me a friggin break! One talks about 100° with a "nice little breeze" while another talks about 20 year olds in the desert. No kidding! When I was younger, I loved the heat-didn't seem to bother me at all. As little as as 14 years ago, I worked at Ford's powerhouse and I was over 40 at the time. The waterdeck of the powerhouse generally posted a temperature of 140°F. Slightly less in the winter, and more in the summer. The entire deck was filled with 1500 lb steam lines. Work in that for a while and see how much you like the heat. I learned to hate heat at that job. Work for 10-15 minutes, take a break for at least that amount and don't forget to change your coveralls every time. Trust me, people that complain about the heat aren't all raised on A/C, we've just paid our dues and don't particularly want the same crap in our retirement years.
It's really not that complicated

It's hot.........drink water and eat MREs...................People shoot at shoot back...........see something on the road that doesn't look right..........stop and send out bomb dog. And I'll be the first one complaining about 95 degrees and humidity on the range here and still having fun. Over there not much choice, and no point in complaining, cuz who's going to listen? That goes for Iraq and Afghanistan, and if you know anyone that happens to be there send Copenhagen, Stateside cigarettes and drink mixes. With those they can trade for anything! Especially if they happen to be infantrymen.
Hot and sunny here in Nebraska this past weekend. My range is outdoors. If you set a gun down for a few minutes in the sun it got a little toasty. :D
Shot small bore prone at Camp Perry. Highs in the nineties with steaming humidity.

Of course we wore quilted shooting coats and wore sweat shirts underneath.

Competitive shooters are nuts.

Drank lots of water.

Smelled awful at the end of the day.
Last time I was out it was over a hundred, but I broke weak, left after an hour and a half or so. Three years at a desk instead of on a yard, got fat and soft.
Younger days, I loved it when it was 114 and higher, now it ain't as much fun.
When I was in the Gulf, it was 140+ in the Main Space, our engine room crew did 20 minutes in, 40 minutes out. AC was a cruel joke on that antique of a ship, oh well. the gun mounts had "natural AC", i.e., leave the doors open for whatever breeze may be going through. Holds had GOOD air - ammo ship, had to have that for the explosives.:p
I am not in the excellent physical shape of our service members overseas nowdays, and salute them for what they have to go through. I did my time in the Middle East broiler 23 years ago, been there, done that.
I have one hard and fast rule about the range in summer time - when I run out of water, it's time to leave, period. Safety first.

whei love living i live it is about lo to mid 80's and get to the low 60's at night i love living at 7686 feet up:p
Me and a friend went to the farm to shoot. This was a few years back, mind ya. It was 105F where we at (plus it was at 2pm (very clear day, also)). We put 300 rounds of Mosin (7.62x54R) down range. In one hour. We had to stop, we could no longer hold the mosin. The oil in the wood was boiling out. The triggers was burning our fingers. The fore grip (it was wood) was so hot, we could not hold it any more. It was a hot day. We could not touch the bolt, it was hot. We have not done that again. It was fun. We still talk about that.