Thought i was going to melt at the range today:(


New member
Went to the indoor range and there air was broken and it was nasty hot there. I bought a year pass instead of paying the 8.00 each visit.

I looked around and there were 3 others there and they were drenched in sweat. I began my first clip and started to sweat and by the first 100 rounds i had to take a hand towel ( i bring all my gear in a backpack gun in case towel to wipe hands down, bottle of water,ears, ammo and what not) and wipe my hands and face over and over.

Then at about 200 rounds the range master said finish your clips were shutting it down for the day its past the safe point. I asked him how hot it was in there and his reply was::::

106 degrees

man thats crazy...... I was so over heated i came home and it took me an hour to cool down with the central air on full blast...

You are hard core - good on ya mate. At least you got to shoot this week!

Unread Today, 06:30 PM #2

Join Date: July 13, 2005
Posts: 62

Nevermind the heat. With the air broken, think about all the lead and powder you guys were exposed to
BeachHead is offline Report Post

Wow, 19 minutes before a net nanny found something to warn you about.
Your shooting jacketed ammo so your lead exposure wouldn't be a health problem. If you got a problem with the heat think about these little factors to yourself...1.) It isn't 110 degrees in the desert; 2.) I'm not 5,700 miles from home; 3.) I'm not dressed in a full BDU uniform with 30 pound flack jacket and helmet and carrying 70+ lbs. not including the water you have to carry; and 4.) There is very little chance that anyone will shoot at me or that I might drive over a bomb in the road today! Thanks an iraqi/afgan and desert storm vet.
stevie ray where abouts are you from in michigan? i have an uncle i visit that lives in st. clare shores i think thats near lake huron
Yeah--Shooting in either extremes (90+ or sub-zero) makes it real difficult to be comfortable enough to place accurate shots.

However, I can shoot even in sub-zero temps just fine if dressed properly with one caveat:


Wind chills absolutely kill me. Likewise, I can take heat up to the 90's provided there's no:


Funny to me how the variables effect the extreme weather (at least for me).


Edited to add: Real temperature today in Saint Louis was 104 with a heat index of 116! I hate the mid-west in July/August!
The heat isn't all that bad, there are people in worse heat conditions as pvt. Long pointed out. Although if the range near me was gonna be that hot I think i would drive the extra 30 minutes to the outdoor range, atleast i'll be hott with some scenery :D
I sure hope you didnt break a nail pounding on the air conditioner buttons! (I see they have retired the :rolleyes: smiley, must have been to insensitive, which is actually very appropriate here.... :rolleyes: )

Wheres Arnold? I sense a "girly man" response coming any second. :p

I sure hope our enemies aint reading this. The way some of you talk, all they'd have to do, is kill the electric, and the whole country would give up once their crisp, clean white shirts got damp with a little "perspiration" (we in the real world call it sweat:) )!

Jeez, Im 56, work physically outdoors, pretty much year round, 12 hour days with a 20 minute break at dinner. It broke 100 this afternoon with a nice little breeze, and was actually a very nice day. Sure beats being stuck inside breathing bad cologne and recycled farts. :)

I hear tomorrow is supposed to be just as nice as today. Im off for the weekend. Youre welcome to come shooting with me, as long as you dont complain. :D
BINGO - how were they legally open with no air handling system?

Who said anything about the air handling system i said that the air conditioning was down not the fresh air exchange unit.
Went to the indoor range and there air was broken and it was nasty hot there. I bought a year pass instead of paying the 8.00 each visit.

it wasn't bluegrass range in louisville, was it? i don't think that range even has AC :eek:
MAN ya'll got it ruff, My range has a giant live oak & a trout stream, Mts to the west for shade nice cool breeze in your face.had alittle shower came up about 4pm so pulled my boots off put my feet in the creek kept right on shootin,with a range like this dont care if the A/C works or not.
OH,cost per unit is good too freeee :D
106 F is pretty bad... I did high power matches in the middle of summer in South Florida. Think about the heat and humidity, then add a shooting jacket on top of it. Talk about HOT!!!