Thought About This For Awhile..Your Thoughts?

Try it out.

I agree with others in thinking that your best approach may be to try it out and see how it goes. Pay special attention to how it alters your daily activities or clothing choices. It may be something that you wear in certain situations rather than an all-day, every-day item.
If you'd like to trade, I'm in Afghanistan on my fourth tour. My IOTV with full load-out brushes 90 pounds! It's got some heft to it;)
In the end, do what you feel is right for you and your family. With things going the way have recently, no one can blame you for feeling the way you do.
I think the two big deterants for regular citizens wearing body armor is the cost and comfort issues. If you, as an off-duty LEO have been accustomed to wearing it and have access to one for duty then I wouldn't think wearing one when you wanted that extra layer of peace of mind is out of touch at all.

Would I buy one? Nah.
38splfan: When I'm on duty and in uniform, my body weight goes from it's normal 215 lbs., up to about 239 lbs. Ergo, I'd say you have me beat! Guys like you, doing the stuff you're doing in the places you're doing it, have it far harder than I ever will. You all have my profound gratitude and respect. Thanks for posting, and here's hoping you come home safe, and soon.
Spacecoast: I can tell you this: In 23 years of full time LE, I have only ever met one uniformed officer that disagreed with "civilian gun ownership". This man was a die hard liberal who somehow ended up in uniform. Trying to reason with him was an exercise in futility, but I kept trying. Other than that, in my experience, most folks in my chosen profession [at least, here in my part of the country] are overwhelmingly pro-gun. Common sense tells us that criminals were carrying concealed guns already, CCW laws notwithstanding. In fact, I've yet to meet a street punk who would be deterred from carrying a concealed gun by any kind of laws. We LE folks know that the citizen who went through the red tape and hassle to get that CCW license is most likely no threat to us. From what I've seen, LEOs who see it differently are usually high-ranking brass, currently on patrol in an office from 8-5, Monday through Friday.;)
There may be some lighter "off-duty" vests that you could look into, though they may be pretty pricey. Politicians have worn them over the years and the general public never knew.

If I was an LEO, I'd definitely consider it. Less b/c of the possibility of an active shooter, but more for the likelihood that I might run into someone I had arrested.
Single Six, I think if it makes you feel safer, at least for now, then why not? Like some others have stated, you can never know when something bad can happen, it can be anywhere on earth at any time, any place. The vest is just like a firearm, better to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it. Chances are very high that you will never need it, but being prepared never hurts. Do what you feel is right, and follow your instincts. The evil that exists in this world is simply unbelieveable. The best defense is a good ofense, so do what you feel gives you any advantage.
And thanks for your service!
MonsterB, I think that you and I are on the same page here. The more I think about it, the more I think that wearing while off-duty might be a sound idea. In addition to it's intended use, a side benefit is that vests tend to give additional protection to the wearer in car crashes. By the way: You're more than welcome, and it's my honor to serve. Take care.
Its a matter of benefits vs. cost.
I wear a vest on duty and most of the time it is a PITA, especially now with all the humidity.
It does offer some protection of the vital organs, but most of the body is unprotected. And it will not stop a rifle bullet. So in a Colorado-type situation it would not have offered any benefit.
I draw the line at a 2" .38 that is light and small enough to not interfere with my life. If its not enough, well, so be it, I can't prepare for all possible dangers out there.
I wouldnt wear one unless I was on duty but thats just me. During the summer months especially, I would be pretty uncomfortable along with feeling a little silly if I had just a t-shirt over it. Just my opinion, but these mass-shooter things do not happen THAT often.
As far as vests go, the one I used on duty(personally purchased) and have worn to new ranges and competitions the first couple times was a Point Blank IIIA. I found it to be pretty comfortable. The only negative side was you could feel the weight of it but it did not feel awkward at all. Also it is pretty hot in the summer even though there is supposed cooling technology. It wasnt that bad however. Now the winter, it was a blessing. Working outside second shift all I would wear were gloves, hat, undershirt, vest and uniform with it even getting under 20 degrees before needing a jacket. Wearing a button down you cant even tell I'm wearing it, I just look a little buff:cool:
Gorin: Having worn a vest on duty now for over two decades, I'm well aware of the drawbacks. Also, please check post #12 that I did on this thread in reference to rifles. As for your carrying a snubbie when off-duty...while that wouldn't be my choice for off-duty armament [I prefer a full size .45], at least you are armed with something, which is more than some other officers I know can say.
Smit: I agree. Those mass shooter things don't happen that often. BUT, they DO happen, and the annoying thing is that only the perpetrators of these slaughter-fests know when and where it will occur. Then there are other benefits to wearing a vest on your own time, such as the more likely scenario of a one-on-one encounter with an armed mugger, and also the aforementioned extra protection in car wrecks. However, I also agree with what you said about the discomfort factor, especially this time of year.
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Probably 99.9% of civilians have never worn a vest or even own one.

If you are a LEO and you will prefer wearing it even off-duty, go ahead. But keep in mind that the rest of the civilian world does not have the convenience of even owning a ballistic vest.
Justice06RR: "Civilian", as I've always understood the term, is anyone who is not currently serving in the military. I therefore consider myself a civilian. Second, pretty much anyone can buy a ballistic vest, "civilian" status notwithstanding. Thanks much for posting.:)
17 years as a full time LEO here. While I carry both on and off-duty I do not wear my vest off-duty and I don't envision ever doing so. The handgun is for unanticipated problems. Off-duty, If I feel that an area or location was such a risk that I needed to wear a vest, I don't go there.

You specifically mention taking your children to the movie with you. Where's their vest?

In the end, wear it if you like. I'm just giving my thoughts on how I chose to be.
Tlm225: I get what you're saying. If I know of areas where I feel I'd need a vest while off-duty, I also don't go to those places. However, you and I both carry guns when off-duty. How does the same logic not apply? In other words, how can it not be said thus: "If there are areas that I feel I might need a gun, I just don't go to those areas." See what I mean? One never knows where or when the off-duty gun might be needed, so the prudent off-duty LEO is always armed. How is it, then, that the exact same logic doesn't apply to the vest? Sure, you avoid "bad" places in the interest of avoiding trouble...but what about when you're in a "good" area, and trouble finds YOU? Seems to me that if you're in that situation and you need a gun, it just naturally follows that you'd also benefit greatly from having a vest. As I said earlier, wearing the vest while off-duty might seem paranoid, but there was a time that carrying a gun while off-duty was also considered "paranoid".
Single Six, . . . in your situation, . . . I would wear it, . . . and would not look back.

I wore my "flak" jacket in 'Nam, . . . never needed it, . . . but it gave me a more secure feeling, . . . security lessens stress, . . . keeps down the BP, . . . and is good for a body & soul.

Truthfully, . . . if I had access to a good quality rig as a civilian and pastor, . . . I'd darn sure wear it, . . . some of the places I wind up. Those who would poo-poo it, . . . can take a hike, . . . it's my hide I'd be protectining.

Truth be known, . . . just don't have the cash for one, . . . or I would have had it years ago.

May God bless,
If the Colorado incident is what got you thinking, what about the rest of your family? Those types of incidents do not descrimently pick out leo's, your family is in equal harm. If your concern is you will draw attention to yourself were you to engage, how will you secure your families well being which presumably is in the same general area.
I have worn my vest on duty for about 4 or 5 years of my 21 year career. Here in Texas it is hot and humid and I just have never liked wearing the thing.

I believe in being prepared by being armed and having my head in the game. I always have my head up and looking around at my surroundings and being mentally prepared to take action if that is what is needed.

I have never even considered wearing my vest off duty.

It almost seems that you are allowing the criminal element out there to dictate to you how you will live your life rather than you doing it.

If you go along those lines what about driving? There are drunks out there and we can never predict when or where we will be involved in an accident where we could be injured or killed so should I stop driving. I have electricity in my home which sometimes causes fires but I am not going to cut the electricity off from my house to prevent that. I don’t even want to think about getting struck by lightning during a storm. The list could go on forever.

I look at things this way, we are all going to die sometime there is no way around it. I chose to enjoy my life and live it to the fullest, like everyday will be my last and absolutely no one in the criminal world is going to intimidate me into changing. Do I have fears? Absolutely, I fear for my wife and kids every time they leave the house but I do my best to teach and prepare them for what they should do in a bad situation.

Some people are always going to be more prepared than others and Single Six you might be the one that is more prepared than I and absolutely you are the smarter one for wearing your vest on duty. Like you I have been in this career a long time and probably like you I have been on scenes where I have had friends killed in the line of duty. Two were shot in the head, vest didn’t do a darn thing for them.

Just my 2 cents Single Six, absolutely no disrespect intended in it.