Those Freaking Protesters Have Gotten Me Trapped in this Building

"years ago, while in NYC, some idiot threw red paint on a gal wearing a fur coat. the cops had to save this ahole from the gals male friend who almost beat him to death! I was one of the onlookers who kept others from getting involved.

I figure he got what he deserved for attacking another person. Eye for an eye mentality."

Be glad that the demonstrators (inconvenient as they might be and you may not agree with them) aren't mowed down like in China.

Protesting is a fine right, but it can and should be done without inconveniencing anyone. Ever. Not for a second!

When they inconvenience thousands of people for their cause, (good or bad) they should do hard time and lots and lots of it. One second of a productive person's time is worth more than five years of an idiot's time who intentionally delays him.

Only a few things actually make me angry, but this is one of them. I need to quit before I start complimenting the Chinese government.:mad:
Protesting is a fine right, but it can and should be done without inconveniencing anyone. Ever. Not for a second!

When they inconvenience thousands of people for their cause, (good or bad) they should do hard time and lots and lots of it. One second of a productive person's time is worth more than five years of an idiot's time who intentionally delays him.

Geez, I'm glad our founding fathers didnt feel that way. Holding signs at an unoccupied dock in boston would have made for a very uneventful tea party.
I can understand protesting the war. Say your words, use signs, displays, whatever. Do NOT throw paint-filled balloons at cops, citizens or anyone else "Just to prove a point". THAT is counter-productive. I accept freedom of speech and freedom to protest, but don't hurt others in the process.

But don't EVER mock, blame or upset a soldier and or his family that served this country during a protest. Not only is that hurtful to the families but also divides, NOT unifies this country. That is one thing that boils my blood. :mad:
Protest, but use common sense.
It's amazing how childish these people are. They're just kids in adult bodies throwing a temper tantrum protected by the freedoms others have died for.

We went to war with England, what's the Boston Tea Party got to do with it? Killing is a bit more serious isn't it? But hey, if they want a war...
Protesting is fine, painting cops, not fine.

I hope that Capitol Cop (as much as I despise those wimps [ I be a former SPO from all up in the hood]) got to beat the price of a new pair of pants out of the punk who did that.

I would defend protesting folk at personal risk. But if I saw one throw paint on a Cop doing their job would quickly implant my boot print on some unruly butt for future identification.

Maybe the same idiot will try that with a Metropolitan officer and get a quick introduction to life in the big leagues. One can only hope.
freedom that others died for

Wow I have not seen the collective data on all the US casualties from WW1 till now. I had no idea that no liberals ever served in the military. And that only who oppose liberal protesters were the ones to dies in service to the country.

JaserST4 when you insult the liberals as not having died for the country your just flat out wrong. There are no markers on the graves of our departed soldiers that say liberal or conservative.
JaserST4 when you insult the liberals as not having died for the country your just flat out wrong. There are no markers on the graves of our departed soldiers that say liberal or conservative.
That's true but it goes quite a bit farther than what I said. There are veterans and conservatives that oppose the war too but this was about the idiot protesters. I think it's unlikely there were conservatives dressed up like morons causing public disturbances and vandalism. I think that's true pretty much anywhere. Unless you have some evidence to the contrary?
But don't EVER mock, blame or upset a soldier and or his family that served this country during a protest. Not

Agree 100%!!
someone needs to stop those idiots that protest at soldiers funerals!!
to me that is the ultimate stupidity and disrespect.
better not see em at any funeral service i attend.
If you can leave, WALK AWAY! Piss on your car just leave and come back the next few days. If you can't walk away how are you going to handle SHTF?????????

I Sure am happy I don't live in the Jungle.
I wonder if these protesting kids ever volunteered for military service, or anything else for that matter. I wonder how many in the military want their protests.
never hear of a recruiter tell

a potential recruit they would not qualify if thier parent were against the war. ;) Just like I never was told that as a vet I could not disagree with the war by protesting. :rolleyes:
I don't think it's the protesting that upsets people, it a right and should remain so but it's the manner in which it's often carried out. I don't think they realize (or care?) that it hurts their cause when they infringe on other people's rights by blocking traffic, vandalizing or destroying property.
I don't think they realize (or care?) that it hurts their cause

The disruption is deliberate. It draws attention to their cause by creating a spectacle irresistable to the visual media. That coverage creates an image of greater numbers and influence than their cause truly commands.

Further, by harnessing "the madness of crowds," many more people who otherwise would be simple observers participate in the excitement. This disruption also illustrates the powerlessness of "authority" to prevent the provocateurs' actions, further adding to their power.

The bottom line is that disruption works, on many levels.


I didn't say it doesn't work. It does. It just works the opposite way they think it does and hurts their cause. Only the fringe element gets excited, everyone else gets pissed.
"But don't EVER mock, blame or upset a soldier and or his family that served this country during a protest. Not only is that hurtful to the families but also divides, NOT unifies this country. That is one thing that boils my blood."

Exactly. +1

"The disruption is deliberate. It draws attention to their cause by creating a spectacle irresistable to the visual media. That coverage creates an image of greater numbers and influence than their cause truly commands."

Good post. Most of those those who are protesting the war in DC have never done a damn thing for this country: The vast majority of them are the flotsam and jetsam of society who are drawn to the protests by a few movie stars and political hacks.

When members of the US congress call a four star general a "traitor" this kind of crap can be expected.

I gotta puke.:eek: