Those Freaking Protesters Have Gotten Me Trapped in this Building


New member
Right now, nobody is allowed in the office buildings on this block (including the one I'm in), on 15th near L, NW Washington D.C. Probably several other nearby blocks as well. You can go out, though. However, my car is parked in the garage in the adjacent building, which I'm not allowed to enter.

Those &^@%$* protestors filled balloons up with red paint and threw them at the buildings here, and painted in red "Iraqi Blood!" on the sidewalks. And that was just the beginning of it.

"peaceably assemble" my expletive. My advice: stay out of DC.

Happy 5th Anniversary, everyone. Have we reached the 4,000 mark yet?

Hopefully, we'll be able to leave later. If I get just one drop of red paint hurled in my direction.....

Bush touts Iraq progress; protesters converge on D.C.
They know that in DC if they attack a law abiding citizen they can have their way with them.

Actually, I saw my building on CNN. One of those paint-throwing hippies was harassing a cop. The cop punched the hippie in the face, almost knocking him down. It was great.

5 years, 1 day of Iraq and counting.
Should have lived through the Cambodia riots and Kent State period. This ain't nothing.

The reason there will never be a draft again is so we won't see the near Civil War II that we saw then caused by the moronic war fighting policies of the government.

Be glad that the demonstrators (inconvenient as they might be and you may not agree with them) aren't mowed down like in China.
Yes but Paul Revere and his gang of "Indians" knew they would have been arrested and most likely hanged if caught. Also they only attacked containers of tea, not persons.

Granted other protests at the time attacked Royal Governers and the such were run out of thier homes and fled to the "Redcoats" for protection.
Au contraire, Unregistered. I apparently have more concern for Liberty than exhibited by yours truly.
OK, there is "protesting" and then there is "being an *sshole". Seems like these people didn't get the message that those two ideas are not the same thing.

/Though it would be fun to have a painball gun and a 5th story window.
//Stay peacefull, nothing happens. Start throwing shiat, paintballs start raining down.
Don't blame all the protesters. I have a friend down there right now, when I talked to her yesterday, she said most of the protest is peaceful but their are some "asshats" who like to cause mayhem. Thank the gods we are still allowed to protest in this country. It is a American tradition to protest. It is amazing that some of you would want these people arrested or worse beaten just because you don't agree with them. Well the majority of Americans now seem to agree that the war was a complete failure, and we should leave.
Nah, Forwardassist, you need to be assimilated. There is no need for protesting. You traitor! :p:p

I agree with you.
Protesting isn't the issue, it's the other stuff that gets me riled up. "Peaceable assembly" should be just that. Make all the noise you want, carry your signs, say what needs to be said. Just don't do "violence", which includes defacing public or private buildings, cars, people, etc. :mad:
It is amazing that some of you would want these people arrested or worse beaten just because you don't agree with them.

I never said I agreed or disagreed. I was just pissed off that they trapped me and everyone else for blocks around. You know, one of the buildings they defaced was an office for Head Start - (regardless of how you feel about handouts) the program that helps low-income children. Yeah, that's the way to stick it to the Man!

At some point, The Powers That Be decided to rain down on everything. That thinned out the herd/mob/lemmings a bit. Traffic was still a mess.

Don't blame all the protesters.

I do. Stop taking daddy's money for that bus ticket, Hot Topic rebel outfit, caricature Dubya masks, and/or float-making crap. Join the Red Cross or an aid-oriented NGO; help out the Iraqis in Iraq. You'll be saving more lives and you'll be making better use of your seemingly expansive amounts of free time.

There were organized and executed plans of blocking traffic (bicyclists stopping at intersections), routes along streets that have nothing to do with the war (such as the street I'm on). Sure, it was technically "peaceful" but the organizers deliberately and successfully disrupted the workday as much as "legally" possible.

Yesterday's massive headache wasn't really a peace rally. It was just yet another anti-Bush fest. Fine. Lots of people hate Bush. Just don't dress it up and pretend that it's only flowers and cute speeches around the reflecting pool.

The guys who threw the Tea Party had a real purpose - British regulations were threatening their very livelihoods.
Join the Red Cross or an aid-oriented NGO; help out the Iraqis in Iraq. You'll be saving more lives and you'll be making better use of your seemingly expansive amounts of free time.

Maybe they want to change things in their own country, not a 3rd world middle east hell hole. I think its awfully paternalistic of you to think you know better how someone should spend their time.

The guys who threw the Tea Party had a real purpose - British regulations were threatening their very livelihoods.

It was not about their livelihood. It was a political statement against the royal crown. At the time of the Boston Tea Party, tax on tea was less to colonials than it was to British subjects living in England.
Maybe they want to change things in their own country, not a 3rd world middle east hell hole. I think its awfully paternalistic of you to think you know better how someone should spend their time.

Spend a day trapped in DC surrounded by protestors; read their signs and listen to what they're chanting. Yesterday's crap was not a peace rally. It was nothing more than anti-Bush drivel. I hate Bush too, but I'm not going to try to shut down midtown to let everyone know.

Here, we have halloween rejects mocking all the soldiers and heroes buried at Arlington Cemetary.

Here are some idiots wasting away their trust funds.

Apparently, Bush IS the devil!

Apparently, the people in the background still think it's St. Patrick's.

And we all know that cop really, really deserved this.

It was not about their livelihood. It was a political statement against the royal crown. At the time of the Boston Tea Party, tax on tea was less to colonials than it was to British subjects living in England.

When I said "livelihood," I meant to say, "livelihood," not "bottom line." The Navigation Acts severely hindered trade for the colonists - you could only buy from, or sell to, those of the Empire. Merchants such as John Hancock resorted to tea smuggling instead.
filled balloons up with red paint and threw them at the buildings here, and painted in red "Iraqi Blood!" on the sidewalks. And that was just the beginning of it.

arrest them all and fine them $$ for defacing public property, then send them a bill for the cleanup, at govt workers rate and pace! ( one guy works while 3 supervise....) figure the clean up at $1.2 million.:eek:
years ago, while in NYC, some idiot threw red paint on a gal wearing a fur coat. the cops had to save this ahole from the gals male friend who almost beat him to death! I was one of the onlookers who kept others from getting involved.
I figure he got what he deserved for attacking another person. Eye for an eye mentality.

Those "editorial" comments you added to the photos made my day...esp the cop one.

Well the majority of Americans now seem to agree that the war was a complete failure, and we should leave.

Agreed and what says that we have to let these a$$clowns do our speaking for us? There is a time and a place for protests. Doing it just to make a scene or to interfere with the daily activities of Washington is hardly the time or place. And no, I am not suggesting that only the times I find it convenient should be allowed, before anyone even suggests that.
issue dependent

Protest always bring out the radicals who turn up just to cause hate and discontent. At the same time it always brings out the anti-protesters who believe those with different beliefs than there own have no rights.

What good would a protest be if it did not get any attention. Should we only allow protests to be held miles from nowhere.

The fundamental idea is your right ends where it violates mine. Now determining where that happens is a real complex issue. One that requires application in all cases not just selective ones.

There are still places in the country where you can not hold a protest. There are still Federal regulations that require protest must not be within a given distance of presidential parade routes. [There still in court over those.]

In Washington DC with an almost never ending number of protest on just about anything imaginable it always seem the City is not prepared to deal with protesters.