This Stat ought to scare people

The "surveys" that really irritate me are the ones that ask a couple of questions and then ask for a donation. NRA is notorious for that. Police groups as well.

Back before it was generally known how badly LaPierre was picking the NRA's pockets, if I had a few spare bucks and they asked, I would donate. No more, and not for a long time now.

First, WLP & co are still in charge (last I knew) and second, my personal situation changed and I no longer have spare bucks to give to anybody, noble cause, or not.

No problem, people drive cars into lakes all the time.

Interesting thought....:rolleyes:

Long time ago I drove a truck camper over the really TALL bridge at the mouth of the Columbia. Wind was really pushing me around and I was more than a bit "puckered"...oddly enough what I thought most about was not if we would survive being blown off the bridge (it was a LONG way down!:eek:) but if I could get divers to find and recover my guns in the camper before they rusted solid. priorities, right? :D
The Columbia River from the bar up past Astoria is "only" 43 to 55 feet deep; but I bet divers would worry about the current and poor visibility first. I suspect that "a big claw from a crane on a barge" would be the usual method of recovering wrecks/clearing the shipping channel.