This isn't good.....

I've heard experts predict a landslide electoral college victory for McCain, and other experts predict a landslide electoral college victory for Obama. No one knows for sure.

My take on it is that the election is McCain's to lose. Obama's appeal has suffered greatly in a very short time, and I doubt we've heard the last of his weaknesses. On the other hand, McCain is acting like a one-armed boxer in the ring. He's not throwing any significant punches. At this point, the election seems 50-50. McCain needs to get after it, and the sooner the better.

If McCain wins, it will probably be because 1) Obama makes some more huge mistakes and 2) someone other than the McCain campaign takes advantage of it.
Seems to me that the media wanted McCain instead of Bush to be the candidate in earlier elections, perhaps they think he will be an easy candidate to beat? Like they got something on him and are just waiting to spring it. Yes he does seem a bit like Bob Dole, in that he may not take advantage of the weaknesses of his opponent very well? Bob Dole seemed to be running because "it was his turn" and now I get the same feeling. Well I guess maybe we may find out about fooling most of the people some of the time in this election. We know who the media wants to win, and you will see it and hear it everywhere they can express it, to the point that you will be totally flabbergasted at their gall.
Consider the source of the report.

The piece claims: "Historians belonging to both parties offered a litany of historical comparisons that give little hope to the Republican"

Right, and the reason why no historian belonging to the Republican party was quoted was....?

Same crap as every election: "Republicans have no chance"..."Republicans might as well stay home"..."Many Republicans now planning to vote for the worthy Liberal candidate"..."Blue-collar Reagan Democrats coming home this time for sure yeah you betcha howdy" :rolleyes:
at least he is sticking up for the Second Ammendment.
McCain may veto an AWB or similar, but I doubt he would spend the political capital necessary to defeat one if the Dems have the numbers they are predicted to in House and Senate. GL republicans, I hope you lose.

I think the US is absolutely at a historical turning point. Last chance to make the hard decisions necessary to keep us on top or even in the running internationally. I doubt McCain will push those hard decisions. Too many strings holding him back. Obama might. Probably not, but might and if he picks up a VP who will play and has a big warchest filled with political capital he may be able to get a few things done. McCain will just keep us plodding along on the same path.
What do you mean keeping us on top internationally? Some folks use that when appeasing foreign countries that really would like us to drop a few notches as a world power. Remember Madeline A? Well alot of folks that got a backbone and thought the US would be a pushover if they attacked our interests in a ruthless way got a rude awakening. Want to slide back 15 years?
McCain is loved by the media. His negatives haven't really been a factor yet. If the media lets his negatives come into play then he loses.

The media loves Obama, well they did until Hillary got kicked out. Obama already has had some of his negatives in play and he still leads McCain. If the media decides they like McCain better than Obama, then it'll be a real squeaker like 2000.
Not surprising since most presidential historians are probably supporting Obama for president. What else would they say? :D
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There's been some talk that Obama will not release his birth certicate because it indicates a foreign birth making constitutionally ineligible. Has he ever coughed it up since last week?
McCain was not born in American either.............

McCain was born on U.S. soil, it was U.S. soil when McCain was born, long before Carter I gave it away. The talk last week was that Carter II was born under a foreign flag on foreign soil and was therefore not releasing birth records. There is a big difference, except for the Obamapologists.
LOL. We have not even had the debates yet. Are these the same historians who assured us that Hillary was certain to be the demo nominee?!? :rolleyes:
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McCain was born on U.S. soil, it was U.S. soil when McCain was born, long before Carter I gave it away. The talk last week was that Carter II was born under a foreign flag on foreign soil and was therefore not releasing birth records. There is a big difference, except for the Obamapologists.

It wasn't US soil until after McBush was born.
McCain was born on a U.S. naval air station in Panama, and I believe U.S. military facilities are considered U.S. soil much the same as U.S. embassies are. If my belief is correct, the naval air station was U.S. soil long before and long after McCain was born. Regardless, there is some debate as to whether you must be born on U.S. soil or whether you simply need one parent to be a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth.

The Constitution says: "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President ...." There is some case law that supports the idea that you must be born on U.S. soil to be eligible to become president. However, our immigration laws recognize that a child born with at least one U.S. citizen parent is a natural born U.S. citizen. IMHO, the latter of those two conflicting interpretations is closer to what the Constitution actually says.

As for Obama, he was supposedly born in Hawaii in 1961, and Hawaii was already a state, so he's covered there. Under the latter interpretation given above, he would still be eligible even if he was born outside the U.S., provided that his mother was a U.S. citizen at the time (I'm not sure his father ever naturalized). I'm not sure why he refuses to release his birth records, unless a) his mother had renounced her U.S. citizenship and b) he was actually born outside the U.S., the combination of which would make him ineligible. However, I find it unlikely that his parents would go through the contortions of faking a Hawaiian birth just so he could run for president 47 years later.
It wasn't US soil until after McBush was born.

Head back to the history books, the Panama Canal Zone was U.S. territory from 1903 until 1979, McCain was born in 1936. It was U.S. territory when my dad was stationed there at a U.S. Army coastal gun from 1933 to 1937.

Why won't Obama simply put this to rest? He wanted to be able to do a proctological exam on Hilary.
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I find drinking bourbon to be an ideal response these days to any discussion on the merits of McWeasel. At least that gives me some kind of good feeling afterwards.
Enjoy that feeling while you can. Should Barry be elected, the hangover will last decades, if it isn't permanent.
WhyteP38 posted:
Yeah, pro-gun rights and pro-liberty voters will be much happier with Ocarter.

I love the O'Carter moniker. What should we use as his first name, BarJimmy, or JimmyBar?