This is the reason why I always shoot in the farthest left lane whenever I can

brass ???

I agree - wearing a ball cap make a big difference.

I go to the right though at the range. I would rather send my brass into a wall or into an empty area where its easier to police than to worry about getitn ghit by someone to my left. Brass is expensive, skin can grow back.
My CZ-52 tends to launch brass into lower Earth orbit, full on 12'oclock high. I have never seen any other pistol get rid of brass in such a forceful way.
Yup... part of life at the range. We all live with it.

My buddy's new 9mm Czech gun (K100???) is the weirdest. When I'm on his right, it has a rotating barrel ejector so his spent cases always bounce off the top of my 1911. Always in the same spot.:eek:

I now have to watch him when he opens up his case so I know to stand back a little bit more if he pulls out the 9. Then I wait and watch them bounce off the table, again, always in the same spot. :p
If someone is shooting an automatic rifle just the right distance to the left of you, an entire burst of blazing hot casings can land between your collar and your neck. I know this from experience. Ouch.
If you want some fun, get a VZ-52 or -52/57 to take to the range.

Mine throws the brass about 7 feet or so-to around the 10 o'clock position. THAT takes folks by surprise. I try to set up at the far left if I'll be shooting that one.
A Swedish AG42 rifle is as bad for this as anything I've ever seen; they'll throw their empties (6.5x55 Mauser) a good 30-35 feet out to 2 o'clock, and I've seen one fired under a covered firing point that left half of its empties STUCK neck-first into one of the 4x4 uprights.
Loose collared shirts that are tucked in aren't my best friend at times. Had a friend send several hot brass right at me from a burst. Couldn't have done it better if he'd planned it--two hit me in the neck and went right down the front. I think I would have danced around less if it was a mad bumble bee instead.

I can agree with that...I did the same, but to add to that, I had on sandals(learning lesson here....), had one down in the front, then, less then 20 minutes later, one landed between the toes.... I looked like I was doing a rain dance.... Out of all of that, I did learn quite a bit about "range manners".....try to be considerate to other shooters, especially in smaller ranges with narrower lanes...
It is siply the worst if you are on the right side of an AK shooter. You will be showered with shells. I am usually the first guy at the range so I will be the first guy on the line. The thing I like most at our range is that I get back to my spot quickest as the walk path is on the left. I hate being in the middle because I always can't tell which spot is mine to line up new target. I love shooting floppy drives and CDs instead of paper targets.
The range I go to is indoor and has these nice steel panels between the stalls. They come in handy, but the 'ping!' of spent brass hitting them kind of gets annoying. :rolleyes:
a few years back when i was into really large handguns I was watching a man shoot a 50ae D-eagle ,Well i got a little too curious & was hit in the eyebrow with a 50 case,wich then proceded to go into my shoe
(shorts & short socks) only wear pants now,still have the brassand a nice nitch in the brow as a lesson/no complaints though.Just part of a day at the range!;)
I remember when I shot for my High Schools Senior Rifle team, we were shooting at a John C. Garand Match at the local Gun Club, we shot in 2 man teams and my teammate was shooting on the line just next to me to the right, well it was the rapid fire Sitting Position, 10 shots, 90secs @ 100yrds I think it is, but I remember I got done with about 30secs left and my partner is freaking out, evidentally all 10 of my cases went down the back of his shooting coat.......30-'06 HOT brass......needless to say thats the fastest Ive ever seen anyone shoot 2rds reload 8rds......and still keep a good 4in group at that speed....

we all got a good laugh
brass jackets and collars

When I was in the Army in the early sixties my basic training company was charged with pulling targets for civilian M1 rifle competetion. We used the typical canterlevered sash targets
If we were too busy we could not strip the targets and after 7 + targets were pasted on one another some of the brass jackets would strip off the cores and drop into the pits.
I was on more than one occasion that one of these jackets would land in someones shirt collar. Initially the trainee would think he was shot.
Not to long ago i was coaching the pistol range aboard MCAS New River, and sometime in the afternoon one of my shooters said "hey caoch, how do you keep from flinching when the brass hits you in the face?". I was so used to it that i didn't even realize it was happening! If you're going to be on a range, your going to get tagged with brass, that simple. It's not going to hurt you or bite you, and if you get a little blister from it, i promise it will heal.

Oh yeah, at the end of the day when i took my cover off, 6-7 9mm casings fell off the top and into my lap while i was driving. Scarred me sh-tless.
I was shooting on my local trap field last tuesday my friend next to me was shooting an semi auto and he was hitting me with his spent shells. Didnt bother me much but they still hurt. I dont think anyone would complain at that range since we all are guilty from time to time.
Thats one reason among many that I built my own range on my land, and will NEVER frequent indoor ranges. I had a man shooting next to me a couple years back and one of his shell casings fell into my shooting glasses. It wasn't his fault but I will never go into an indoor range again, I just don't like the idea of shooting next to someone who could have little to no firearms saftey training.
indoor range problem

Was shooting my Glock 22, brass falling in the lane to my right over the barrier, and the lady who was with her boyfriend/husband yelled at me to "watch my brass". I politely told her I couldn't and I was sorry. I shot a few more times, boyfriend yells to stop hitting him with brass. Again I told them it couldn't be helped and shot some more. The boyfriend swept up some brass and while I was shooting threw the brass at me. I calmly, don't know how, went out to the range manager and he promptly booted them. I consider brass to be a part of shooting and I actually kind of like the distraction. I am certain that if I were in the trenches and my brothers-in-arms were spitting brass on me, I would be happy I was being pelted with their brass!
When my brother and I go shooting, he'll stand at my 4:00 (just behind and to the right of me). Every time I squeeze off a round, he catches the brass in the air and - in one smooth motion - throws it at my head.

I love my brother.
Have to admit to finding a certain amount of humor in watching the antics of a gal who just had some hot brass go down her blouse.

However, hot brass getting under an inexperienced shooters clothing, or down inside their glasses (that happened to me), doesn't take much imagination as to would could happen if someone started dancing around with a loaded gun in their hands, finger on trigger---well you get the point.

Ball cap pulled low (and maybe canted left) and shirts buttoned all the way should be a rule on every range.