This is non gun releted

Thanks for the replies, I've already incorporated some of them into action.

Jehzsa, thank you, I didn't think of that. I will screw in "pull strings and place them on a lever system (see, I did learn some things in school :D ).

I got the owner of the complex to install dead bolts on all the doors on all the apartments. Nice guy. He said that the deposit for pets was HUD mandated so I am going to write HUD and my congress critters about how it's been shown that pets help the elderly and that HUD was actually creating a hostile living environment for the residents. May not get anywhere but it may (since they do have a "pets for the elderly" law in Oregon. Basically, this law allowed dogs to be brought into nursing homes once a week for theraputic(sp) purposes).

HUD also has a "no guns policy" (I've been reading up on HUD and policies) but they will have a hard time enforcing it. In Oregon there is a renters law that states that just because you rent, you can't be denied your rights. Now, as I read it, HUD states that the housing is "federal housing" which means that it's "federal property". But it's owned by a private person which is substadized by the federal government so that the rent is lower and that they get reimbursed for repairs/etc.. That may be a "loop hole" that I could use.

As for the .25 that the lady has, that's all she wants (and she said that she will give it to me in her will, I guess I showed too much interest in it). It's a Browning Model .25 Renaissance Model with some nice engraving, nickel plated and has pearl grips. From what I understand (if she can find the paperwork), the grips are real pearl, not fake. Her husband bought it for her in the late '50's (one thing about older people, they have alot of history to tell, that's why I love being around them) in a jewery store (yes, I said a jewery store :D ).

Seems it was their 5th anniversity and her husband wasn't well off but they had money so he took her to the store to pick out her gift. She wondered around the store and saw the pistol and feel in love with it. She thought it was "pretty". So that's what she got. She couldn't remember what her husband paid for it, $50 bucks or so she thinks, I don't know, I wasn't even a gleam in my fathers eye back then. Maybe some of the older members can remember what prices were back then.

Anyway, it's a nice pistol and that's all she wants and I'm not going to argue with her.

Oh, and she's going to get that home monitor thing (don't know what it's called) but the type of system that you wear around your neck with the button and you hit it and then it calls the company and you can speak anywhere in the apartment and the speaker will pick it up. Like that system in the "help, I've fallen and can't get up commercial some years back. Medicare pays for it so I talked her into getting it.

Oh, I did change out the striker plates on my Mom's and her deadbolts. I saw them in the lock and safe store and they are reinforced models, not that thin plate that the locks came with. I also installed those wireless door bell systems on their apartments as well as put in a wider peep hole on the doors, the type that gives you a wider viewing angle so you can see if anyone is on the sides.

I feel that they are pretty secure now to at least get to their protection if needed. Neither one of them can handle a shotgun, well, maybe a .410 but even the youth models are kind of large and I don't have the money to try to buy any SBS and I don't know the legalites(sp) of buying them under my name and then letting them "use them". I also don't know the ladies background (she's never bought a gun before and in the '50's they didn't have the restrictions that they do now) if she is able to buy or not. She is kind of secretive about some aspects of her life (there is a "blank" five year period that I've noticed that she doesn't speak about). I know that my mom would pass the check but she doesn't want a shotgun anyway.

Anyway, sorry for my long post. Just wanted to say thank you again for the replies and wanted to update on what was going on.

Thanks again.

She sounds like a sweetheart. And we all have periods of our life that need to be kept undisclosed. I call my seven, "the lost years". :)