This is gonna sound bad...

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You are right about one thing, your comments do sound really bad.

I have not served in the military but my son is a United States Marine and I could not possibly be more proud. I serve those who have served as a nurse in a Department of Veterans Affairs medical center. I interact daily with veterans from WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, the First Gulf War, and from the current fights in Afghanistan and Iraq. These men and women are proud to have served and many to continue service to their country though many disapprove of aspects of government. They are not robots who blindly follow orders because the military drilled it into them.

Though circumstances conspired to change my own enlistment plans back when I was young and fit enough to enlist, I am proud to serve those who have and continue to serve this Greatest Country on Earth!
After 28 years and 9 months of brainwashing I can assure you it failed to take. I was taught in my professional development that I dont have to follow unlawful orders.

After that length of time there are some folks who didnt put me on thier Christmas card list :eek: for reminding them that there are rules.

Uncle Sam has to follow the laws of the land, the UCMJ and regulations just like everybody else.

Just make sure you know the law and the regulations.
cold dead hands,

You've gotta get out of Arkansas!

It's not the MILITARY that brainwashes us, it's the television, the I-phone, and the COMPUTER!!!

Believe me, there's a reason why it's called a "screen."
CDH: Stay in Arkansas...seems like a good fit to me. Might get some help for the mental illness; not likely for the cognitive mental deficiency! ;)
Cold Dead Hands ... What were you thinking?

I would really like to know what in the world would lead you to espouse such vile, especially on a forum as this one? It's one thing to be anti-war, anyone would understand that, but to deride American service men and women from all ages for all time.

Perhaps a new name change might be in order, dare I say it ... Cold Dead Brain.
Well, on the other hand, the Founders did distrust "standing armies." I guess their experiences with the British military left them thinking a little bit like ColdDeadHands. Our recent experiences with our military make us think very differently about a standing (American) army.

I guess it just depends on the kind of army and the kind of government that controls it.
Yes but in the days of King George Armies there was no way to stop a king from using an Army any way he pleased, we (today) have all kinds of restrictions and Congress can cut funding effectively stopping any sort of action.

But the debate is not over a standing Army, but the character of the Army's personnel. And I think the character of are Armed Forces is totally different from Cold Dead Hands prespective, as illustrated by the many many posts so far.
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Oh, while I'm at it, be glad no Vets caught you talking that line of poop in public. You are lucky you are hiding behind your computer.

So you are telling that the guy who is supposedly protecting my right to speak freely (whether or not they agree with me) would put my butt in a sling for saying what I believe is the truth about the military. How honorable:barf:

I am not hiding. I make my opinions known to vets all the time. Some agree, most just get pissed. If they want to hurt me then they are more than welcome to try. Just because I haven't had combat training doesn't mean I can't stand my ground and defend myself.

I have to tell you that some of the most messed people I have met did time in the service. Especially the Marines.

I will concede that a handful of those that I know served are fine people, but most are really screwed up.

I didn't expect anyone to agree and I expected great wrath from most of you. Oh well, as if I care.

Perhaps a new name change might be in order, dare I say it ... Cold Dead Brain.

How about DISTRUSTS ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT POWER (and its employees) for a new name.

People serve because they want too.

I know some folks who were forced to go to 'Nam. They didn't want to ''serve''.

CDH: Stay in Arkansas...seems like a good fit to me. Might get some help for the mental illness; not likely for the cognitive mental deficiency!

What a nice way of trying to call me stupid. What a lovely personal attack. And what branch did you serve in?

For all of those who suggest that I leave the U.S....

I am seriously considering it after my children are grown and can take care of themselves.

For everyone else who considered my OP to be attacking vets...well, you need reading comprehension skills.

I attacked the brainwashing by the military and that I believe it will be a tool used against the American people someday.

American troops work with soldiers of other nations to kill in other lands. What makes you think it won't happen here?

Maybe the military you once served in was great, but I see a dark future for military.
You can have reservations about the possibility of the American military being used against American citizens. You can even have them without being an ass about it. Try it.
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