This is gonna sound bad...

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..but I am firmly believing that our military is now another way to indoctrinate American citizens into believing that the government is the be all and end all.

In the military you do what Unkie Sam says or get some time in the brig. You do not question. You do as you are told. Those who question and/or refuse will punished.

You are not a good citizen unless you sign up for brainwashing and possibly battle ( that you may not think is legally or morally justified). And the recruiter will flat out lie to your face about what will be forced to endure after you sign up for the equivelence of poorly paid ''slavery'' in the name of protecting freedom. Freedom that you will not enjoy while you are a contracted slave for battle.

These people will come out of service and will do as told. They have been brainwashed and made to feel fear from their fearless leaders until the end.

No, I have not served. I will not, nor would I allow the government to steal children in the form of a draft.

If you are proud of your service in these modern times good for you. As far as I am concerned, all service after WWII is voluntary slavery with a positive spin for the sake of making you feel good about dying for a government that is not upholding it's end of the contract (Constitutionally speaking).

When it comes time for the government to crack down on the citizens who do you think is going to get called in to do the job?

Our own military (as well as foreign troops) will be ordered to kill citizens and refusal will be punished. Though I find it hard to believe most soldiers will disobey.

The great power that was to promise that I would be free is now a tool of imperialism and control.

Problem is that most in that position of power are just going to be following orders (like robots are supposed to).
I have served, proudly, for my country, but not my government. No, I have not seen combat, and hopefully, i wont, but if I was given an order, i obeyed, knowing the consequences if I didnt, either face a court martial or 'worse'. Yes, it took me a while to be deprogrammed from the military lifestyle, but being in the military, it instilled values and qualities in me that I still use to this day. I disagree with the way the government uses the US military and its resources, because at times, I felt, IMO, used, but this is what I signed up for, a contract for four to six years of my life.

Today we are fighting an un-winnable war. There are always going to be terrorist, there are going to be people the world over that HATE Americans and what they stand for, and this will go unchanged for as long as there is a United States of America. Would you rather they bring the fight over here? 9-11 was only a wake up call, not the end of things to come. For crying out loud, we have been fighting this so called 'war on terror' for the past 30+ years, but just recently we give this war a name. This is nothing new, they (terrorists) have only started finding newer and more destructive ways to kill Americans. Dont think just because they have a different lifestyle from us that they are stupid. Alot of these so called Al-Queda leaders have been educated right here in the US. Many of them have learned terror and warfare techniques from the Russians and our own military, and are now using them against us.

You may not want to serve in the military, nor shall you have to if you dont want to, but I will tell you this... This American will serve again to protect my country, whether it be in the military, or from my homestead.
I think you are wrong...

yes, when in you must obey orders... is the only way to win battles. I think if you were ever in a real situation you would find that 'it' has nothing to do with 'God and Country' but taking care of the brothers (& sisters) beside and behind you.

Historically you will find that Veterans are not brain washed.... at least it sure hasn't looked that way to me for the last 40 years.
These people will come out of service and will do as told. They have been brainwashed and made to feel fear from their fearless leaders until the end.

All the vets I know served their country, not their government. There are quite a few high profile vets that have spoken out against the actions of their government as well. I think you are pretty far off base on this one.
No it does not sound bad, just really really misinformed.

You obviously have not served or been around many people that have served.

Robots, the US military is far from robotic, some of the people I served with could and do out think civilians on a daily basis and can come up with the most ingenious solutions to problems most people could not even concieve of. Being in the military challenges every aspect of a person, emotional, spirtual, physical and yes intelecual.

Okay let us name some non-robots. John Kerry (obviously did not toe the Navy line when he got out), Jesse Ventura-Gov of Minnesota, no one could say he took the most conventional route in life.

On second thought never mind, I could give you plenty of examples and you would just say they are the exception to the rule, that the rank and file military members are good little automatons doing what they are told. Probably nothing I can say or do would convince you otherwise. You have these preconcieved notions and have probably never tried to find out if they are true or false.

As for this:
Our own military (as well as foreign troops) will be ordered to kill citizens and refusal will be punished. Though I find it hard to believe most soldiers will disobey.

You really do not know our troops if you believe they would allow foreign troops to kill our citizens.
It is an American Citizens right to criticise any aspect of his qovernment s/he wants.

You don't like the Draft? Then lobby for an amendment that takes away the Legislatures power to call up the militia. Otherwise, the Constitution is supreme and that is one of the powers we have granted to the Federal Government (See Art I, sec. 8).

You are also entitled to your position on what you think service life is like or about. You would have a whole bunch more credibility, if you had served. Because without that service, you only think you know what its like.

I'll leave it at that.
No, I have not served. I will not...

So aside from the fact that you don't know a thing about the military despite your rant against it, if you're really that down on America, there are planes and boats that leave every day, and two big land borders if you can't afford to fly or sail away. No one's stopping you from leaving, and when you get where you're going, the rest of us would appreciate it if you'd send back one smart, hard-working person who might be grateful enough for the chance to live here that they'd actually make a good American.
No, I have not served. I will not, nor would I allow the government to steal children in the form of a draft.

I wish they would reinstate the draft, maybe you'd move your sorry butt to Canada. Those soldiers are dying in Iraq so you can have the freedom to state your opinion and this is the thanks they get from people like you.
You make me wanna:barf:
I have seen combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I think your hot air was not needed.

The Marine Corps is a great place to learn how to be a rifleman.

Can you without fail hit a dinner plate at 100 yards with iron sites? Can you without fail hit a man at 500 yards with iron sites? Do you have the grit/tenacity it takes to defend freedom? Can you walk 20 miles with all your battle gear and be ready to fight? Can you run 3 miles with all your gear?

ColdDeadHands, if you answered 'no' to any of these questions, you are not yet ready to defend yourself against tyranny. Maybe you should join up and get 4 years of free training.

Do you stick to what is right like the needle to a pole? Have you lobbied? Do you write your senators? Do you train children how to responsibly and effectively use rifles? Do you encourage your subordinates to always think for themselves?

Oh, while I'm at it, be glad no Vets caught you talking that line of poop in public. You are lucky you are hiding behind your computer.
cold dead hands
No, I have not served.........If you are proud of your service in these modern times good for you.

That's OK, there have been many, and will be many more, who will serve in your stead.

And yes, those of us who have served have done so with pride in a job well done. The majority of us who have served feel that 2-3-4 years of our life (or more in the case of career military folks) is not a big price to pay for the freedoms which we all enjoy in this country.
The US Military is the BEST.

Recruiters may lie (they are people) but it says right on the paperwork you sign that all verbal promises are void. At the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) tey ask you again about verbal promises, and you may even have a way out then (you did when I signed and swore the oath anyway).

Unwinnable War: :barf: WE (the people) just have to have to have the guts to elect the proper CIC that will kick the bejesus out of any enemy and not worry about 'world opinion'. An enemy is still an enemy if hiding in a hole or a house, a market or a mosque.

Side note, not sure any of the candidates fall into the CIC parameters I mentioned :(

The US military is governed by the laws of the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) - ever heard of an UNLAWFUL ORDER. I got some training on that even in basic. NCO's and Officers have even more, they know that they cannot be used for military (pasification) actions inside the US. The goverment knows it too - NEVER HAPPENING.

I wanted to write more, but my kids (5yr & 1yr) are in the middle of performing D-Day (fighting) and I need to do something about.......where did I leave that taser.......:D
pretty obvious that you haven't served...

Your statements are deplorably incorrect and revolting.
I joined the military because I love the USA and what it stands for. I love the Constitution and I want to defend the freedoms we have. I want to give something back to the country that has given me so many opportunities.
I'm not a robot serving Bush or Pelosi. I swore to defend the "Constitution".
I serve in the military because I love and want to protect America, my family, and my brothers and sisters-in-arms. I think you will find that most vets are very intelligent, levelheaded; fine upstanding citizens.
Do you honestly think our troops would crack down on fellow Americans? Do you think this is China or the old USSR? If an order like that were to come down, I think a military coup de tat would be more likely.
Me thinks you've been reading too much DailyKos.
Wow, I honestly cant find a single thing in the OP that does not deeply and personally offend and disgust me in it's ignorance, arrogance, and accusations that I am or was a brainwashed robot that will do anything my "masters" tell me, kill anyone I'm told to without question, and would violate my sworn oath to the constitution and my fellow Americans.

Since you admit you have never served, how dare you presume to have ANY clue why others do, or how the military works, and make such disgusting statements about us being indoctrinated, brainwashed, mindless robots and slaves who would kill innocent American civilians we swore to defend, and violate our oath to the Constitution that we risked our lives for, and made sacrifices that you have no comprehension of.

You have NO idea what you are talking about, and your ignorant, arrogant accusations that presume to know anything about me and my military brethren, disgust me.How dare you.

You are free to say whatever you want, and think whatever you want.Thats one of the things I served for. Your welcome.

Also, you are free not to serve for whatever reason you choose, but don't sit there behind your keyboard a malign those who sacrifice so much for your safety and freedom.If you disagree with the government and/or the militray and it's policies and action, then fine,you are free to do so, and I support that, but the manner in which you speak to us, and the wild, unfounded accusations you make are WAY out of line.

If we are as you claim, then surely you have no desire to be around the likes us, so if you need help packing, let me know, I will HAPPILY assist you, and I'm sure I can get PLENTY of volunteers down at the Legion hall to help carry you and you junk across the border.
Do only people with weak minds join the military CDH? My brother, father, Brother-in-law, Uncle, and multiple cousins all served and did not come out mindless yes men.
Just out of curiosity, CDH, what compelled you to start this thread?

And what leads you to believe that what you are saying is true?
Historically you will find that Veterans are not brain washed.... at least it sure hasn't looked that way to me for the last 40 years.

+1 to that. It has been my experience that those who HAVE served seem to have a much more clear understanding and ability to think and see rationally, and separate facts from all the bull-shtuff where military/government action is concerned. Spending time on "the inside" seems to give a little perspective to things. ;)
+1 to everyone's responses ---what a misinformed and down right stupid post.
There is not much more I can add to what others have already said, and said well.
One thing great about the US is that you are free to leave it anytime--if there is a better deal ANYWHERE else in this world, go for it.
Until then, you are entitled to have your misguided views, another great freedom in this country---you can bad mouth and berate everything and anything you want about the US,but you are still free to enjoy everything it provides.
People with your mindset are part of the problem in the US, just think, if everybody thought like you, there would be no one to protect us from an aggressor.
Continue to enjoy all the freedoms many men and women gave the ultimate sacrifice for--- to insure fellow Americans like yourself could maintain the standard of living you MUST enjoy living in the US.

People serve because they want too. Part of the game is following orders. You have to follow orders every day like it or not.

What happens when your kid's decide to serve?:D
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