This is an interesting site


I'd like to note that Q has good reasons for her "liberal" views. It is very discouranging to her that the best allies she has on RKBA are also constantly bashing her views.

How about keeping liberal-bashing to a minimum. After all, the label is so vague that we'd end up alienating waaaay more people than we want, including some staunch allies.

Cornered "Not a liberal but I love one" Rat

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited February 20, 1999).]
I was not bashing her views...I love the fact that she can hold those views and gives me hope for our republic. I was stating my views and reiterating that I, too, wish to help the less fortunate... but not at the point of a government gun.

Heck, I already know I'm politically incorrect wherever I go. ;)

"Oh, grow up, 007."
Good - you and cornered rat sound way too nice to tick off! Besides, it is always smart to be polite around folks who are good shots, no? ;) When I left the range today I nearly collided with a couple of guys who were headed in. We all apologized to each other. Reminded me of 'an armed society is a polite society'. ;)

And, if you're politically incorrect, then you're one of my favorite people already! Have a good Sunday. Regards from AZ.
My fellow forumites, I have a confession to make. I am a Christian. <GASP!> Furthermore, I belong to an "organized religion" - those pesky Southern Baptists. <chaos> TFL is the last place I'd expect to find such otherwise intelligent people furthering stereotypes and myths.

Mike in VA stated, "Organized labor, organized religion, big government, big business - they all have a body of dogma and an agenda that you are required to support if you want to participate." Hmmm, that's the first time I've ever been lumped together with the other three groups. Heck, you might as well go ahead and throw in the NRA and other RKBA groups. There is most definitely a "body of dogma and an agenda that you are required to support if you want to participate" in these groups. Nothing wrong with that, huh?

"They do not care about the individual..." Christianity is all about the individual and his/her relationship with God.

" order to broaden their appeal, they take a lowest common denominator approach to life. The reason I chose to become a member of my Southern Baptist church is precisely because they don't water down their message in order to appeal to more people. They are a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church. While many times the Bible's message may be most uncomfortable to us (convicting us of our sin), they refuse to back down from those teachings just to make us more comfortable.

"Excellence is anathema, because it points up the medocrity the membership must conform to be "in the body". They are oppressive by their very nature, and ultimately, they are about control." Hmmm... Looking around my church, I see some of the most successful members of my community. They range from corporate CEO's, to small business owners, to former NBA all-stars, to doctors, lawyers, financial analysts, etc... My church is one of the fastest growing in the state. I think that they'd find your contentions that "Excellence is anathema" ridiculous.

I think this points out the futility in lumping people under labels. Heck, we haven't even kicked your Sexident... er President out of the church. ;) Most of us Baptists (there I go stereotyping) believe in individual freedom. We also believe in taking responsibility for those actions. Doesn't get much simpler than that.

Most respectfully submitted...


Deo Vindice

[This message has been edited by Senator (edited February 21, 1999).]
Cool; everybody is talking. I love it when that happens.

Spartacus: The LP is the middle-of-the-road arm of the Libertarian movement because it seeks broad support (it's gonna get it, too--eventually). Many of us are way more radical with regard to personal freedom. Way.

Q: The reasons you gave for being a liberal are the same reasons I used to be a liberal. I respect your views and admit that I am still torn from time to time about the plight of the less fortunate members of society.
You don't have to be a liberal to have compassion for the less fortunate around us. You DO have to be a liberal to believe that the Robin Hood method (steal from the rich to give to the poor) is the best way to alleviate the problems of the less fortunate.


Deo Vindice
Well, Senator, I admit my statement was a rather broad generalization, and of course, the problem with a broad brush is that it is a sloppy instrument. There are few absolutes in the world, and if things are fine in your world, I'm happy for you.

OTOH, some of history's greatest attrocities have been perpetrated in the name of God, and when 'churches' dabble in politics, it can be a recipe for disaster. I remain cynical about 'organized' religion (and the rest of them 'organized' thingies, too), I'll stand by my statement as a generalization, and I'll add that you can't trust any of them, or as TJ said, "The price fo freedom is eternal vigilence".

Just my opinion. M2
PS: FWIW, I certainly agree about the limitations of labels, and absolutely agreee about personal responsibiity.

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited February 22, 1999).]
Q, it goes to show that we must be careful when using the words "liberal", "conservative", or any other label for that matter, because different people attach different meanings to them. For example, most "traditional liberals" would flat out contradict your assertion that you are a liberal (as you claimed). They would argue that no true "liberal" would support any kind of gun ownership.

BTW, let me say "YES. We want your support!" We want the support of anyone who believe in firearms freedoms.

Back to the subject: Many of us on TFL might be "liberal" when it comes to civil liberties (i.e. Bill of Rights freedoms), including myself (someone who nearly always votes Repub.- lesser of two evils). The problem is that "traditional liberals" are incredibly hypocritical. They are in fact "selective civil libertarians". On the one hand, they promote 1st and 4th amendment rights, and due process and equal protections to minorities, women, etc. (as do I), but then they not only ignore the 2nd and 10th amendment, they actively undermine them, which is why I hate them. I would vote Dem in a New York instant if they would simply have the balls to protect the 2nd and 10th amendment. I'm closely aligned with Dems in several categories of issues, and diametrically opposed to them in others. So, to the extent that you are using "liberal" to approximate "Democrat ideology at its extremes", then I think you are being oversimplistic. Dems and Repubs must be coalitions of vastly varying "types" in order to survive as a party in a two-party system. If you as a self-proclaimed "liberal" are the type that goes against traditional liberalism on RKBA, but with them on every other issue, then perhaps it's not too much of a stretch to call yourself a liberal. The point I'm trying to make is: Realize that there are severe shortcomings of any strict idealogy in a two-party system - this is an inherent flaw in such a system - there is virtually no chance that either one of the two parties will represent YOU (whoever you are) on every issue.

The problem with voting Dem for Pres in particular is that the office of Pres appoints the federal judges, who will be the real arbiters of our 2nd am rights (the legislative battles are so incredibly UNimportant, relative to Supreme Court appointments, that it's ridiculous - we need to start realizing this and lobbying NRA and GOA to put MUCH MUCH more of their budget into court battles than into legislative battles - legislation comes and goes; one court precedent can wipe out a whole host of past and future infringements on 2nd am, and provide a building block to more; winning a legislative battle is a much smaller building block; regardless of how much moronic legislation you can defeat this year, you can bet the farm that the same exact stuff will crop up next year by Feinstein, et al, or your respective gun-hating state rep).

You know, Democrat talking heads have this way of using elusive double-speak to convince a large portion of the public that "Dems are for the environment, Repubs are not; Dems are for the children, Repubs are not; Dems are for Education, Repubs are not". Well, of course it's hogwash. EVERYONE'S FOR THE CHILDREN. EVERYONE'S FOR THE ENVIRONMENT. EVERYONE'S FOR EDUCATION. It's just that Repubs think (usually correctly IMO) that what they're doing will help the children more; what they're doing will help education more (e.g. cutting federal spending on education ABSOLUTELY out of the budget; instead, letting the states keep their money so the states can provide a better bang for the buch to educate the kids). It really chaps my hide, because the Dems appeal is so simplistic, it works on the uneducated and uninformed, but the Dem pols know damn good and well their ideas are crap next to the Repubs most of the time. Although not politics, take as an analogy the endless appeals on TV to send "just .70 a day" to feed the children. I think we could all agree that most liberals think this is a good idea (prob a bad example, because conservatives would say private charity is indeed the way to handle this type of problem, but nevertheles...). Now, let's really analyze it: If one truly has compassion for the suffering there [insert third world country here] (as I do), then one will attempt to END THE SUFFERING, not PROLONG the suffering, right? So what would end the suffering? The answer is BIRTH CONTROL. Feeding the children and medicating them will have the effect of prolonging the suffering, because this will allow the children to survive long enough to procreate, multiplying the problem (their economy and/or natual resource simply cannot support the number of people living there). So, if the Sally Struthers' of the world would guarantee me that 3/4 of my money would go to birth control efforts, and 1/4 to feeding, etc., then I would be the first to give. But the "liberals" are so short-sighted, they would apparently rather increase the total amount of suffering for the short-term gain of decreasing the existing children's suffering. Haze me if I'm wrong, but most of the time, Democrats just aren't thinking it through - gun control is no exception. Of course, I hate Repubs, too, because they are constantly promoting the War on Drugs/Fed LE budgets, increased military spending (my God, how big of a military do we need?), tort reform (read "taking the very last shred of power held by citizens from them - the jury system"), campaign reform (so that only rich people can effectively run for office; any poor person with good ideas must incessantly fund-raise $1000 a pop instead of doing our business when they're in office), state-sponsored Christianity, tax breaks for the very rich, the list goes on.

OK, I rode that horse long enough.... This is neither here nor there, but I saw a bumper sticker: "Mean People Kick Ass". Also, a "Jesus Fish" sprouting legs, and reading "Darwin" within.

[This message has been edited by Exiled And Addicted (edited February 22, 1999).]
It seems to me that we as a nation should remember why the original settlers came to N.America. That being, to do what they wished, and force everyone else to do what they wished they would have them do. :)

Just kidding, but if you seriously looked at that statement, you would find some truth.

Conservative? Liberal? What are they? The definitions are as varied each individual. I think we all agree on the basics (RKBA, personal freedoms) but the execution of a political system that we all can agree with will always illude us.

Some on the other hand, (in political office especially IHMO), don't desire a free and thinking populace. This is only human nature. This is also why I distrust governments, organized religions, big business etc...

This distrust is brought about by the study of history as well as current events. Human nature does not change, history does repeat itself.

So after rambling somewhat, what is it I'm trying to say? We must remain ever vigilant, lest we lose our "rights" to disagree.

To Cornered Rat: Welcome to America, brother. We all can learn a great deal from you.


Check me out at:
I would add, as further support for some of the comments above, that so-called 'liberal' solutions are often the most obvious. Problem is, many of them are indeed not effective, and often prolong the problem. Witness the 'War on Poverty'.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited February 22, 1999).]
I leave town for a few days and all the interesting threads get started. :).

Liberal and Conservative are, obviously, weak adjectives at best. Most of us come to TFL because wwe like guns. We like to have them and we like to shoot them. We think that other people should understand how to exist with them and not get hurt or hurt anyone else. Most of us believe in a person's right to use a gun (or other implement) to defend themselves, their family and their property if the need arises. Some would add their beliefs as well. Is that Liberal? Sounds pretty liberal to me. Is it politically Conservative? Some would defititely say so.
Labels on belief systems are much too broad, as far as I am concerned. The meanings are so dependent on the context in which the wordsd are used, as is the historical referrence. I used to think I was a socialist, imagine that. In some senses, I guess I could be.
One thing I can say, I believe that the "Social Contract" is falls apart as soon as you have a group that cannot maintain direct contact. As soon as you develop a society that requires middle-men, representatives and bureaucrats all hell breaks loose. I think we need to get rid of the current world political structure and create about 18,573 autonymous enclaves with clearly defined borders, then get rid of the electricity.
(Okay, maybe that is kinda drastic.. but you get my point.)

Religion, IMHO, is a topic that is better discussed elsewhere or in private Emails. That said, Certain churches that advocate an anti-gun policy (sorry, but the Southern Baptist College (Apparently their governing body) here in Nashville has made some pretty bold anti-gun statements in the past) should get at least some attention around here, to compliment the coverage that pro-gun churches (mostly White Supremicist Christian Churches) get in the mass media.

On the Kosovo Issue, I certianly hope that no one here REALLY thinks that the Kosovarians should agree to the "peace" deal as it stands. One of the key points is that they will voluntarily disarm themselves and agree to be protected by a NATO force. How long before the same deal is presented in Southern California or Manhattan ?? ("NYPD today officially disbanded as Federal Troops occupied the city to halt the out-of-control crime wave.. blah, blah, blah.....")
