This happens every spring, tax refund in hand,,,


New member
This happens every spring,,,
Here I sit with my tax refund in hand,,,
Enjoying the agonizingly delightful task of deciding what to spend it on.

I have always thought of my refund as "dedicated" guilt free new gun money,,,
So now comes the chore/fun of deciding what to bring home.

I have revolvers from teeny to huge,,,
Semi's from teeny to full size 9mm duty weapon,,,
And honestly every type and caliber of rifle that I care to have.

The only real gap in my aggregate collection was a compact 9mm of some ilk,,,
To fill that gap I recently purchased a brand new Ruger LC-9 pistol.

A few weeks ago I posted that I was buying a Ruger Elsie Pea from a friend,,,
I'm picking that pistol up tonight but it doesn't count,,,
I already had the money budgeted for it.

There is one gap in my gun locker,,,
I don't own a 1911 of any ilk or caliber,,,
Don't get me wrong as I feel they are fine guns,,,
But for some reason (after owning two of them) they don't ring my chimes.

There are two relatively new pistols I would like to at least handle,,,
One is that slick looking new Glock 42 in 380 acp,,,
The other is the Remington R-51 in 9mm,,,
I'm intrigued by both of them.

So here I sit with $493.00 of guilt free disposable money,,,
That should be enough to buy a nice handgun of some reputable brand.

But what oh what should I look at?


Metro Arms American Classic 1911's in various calibers, lengths and finishes for about that type of money from Cheaper Than Dirt. They are pretty tricked out and seem to get very good reviews.

my vote goes for the R51.

You are always so gracious to introduce so many newbees to the world of handgunning.

I think that the single action trigger and the reported ease of slide manipulation would make it not only a nice trainer, but also a nice carry option.

Just my $.02
Got to see the Glock 42 at a gun show recently. It is pretty sweet. The size difference between it and the G26 is very noticeable. I expect it to perform as all Glocks do, so I wouldn't worry too much about that aspect. I haven't seen the R51 yet, but I definitely wouldn't mind handling/shooting one.
So many gaps

I restarted my own collection just this last Dec (early Christmas for me!). And now here I am with my CHL "Manufacturing" and my tax return posting on the 19th. What gap to fill?

A higher caliber CCW than my .380....
Aarond, I couldn't even begin to advise you on which firearm to purchase but can advise to do
it quickly because a new firearm is much more interesting to hold than $430.
In response to some other people here, from what I've read, hipoint firearms are that a fair assessment?
This is a new thing for me,,,

This is a new thing for me,,,
Because I've usually selected the new gun,,,
Long before the money is deposited in my bank account.

The Glock and R-51 are the two guns that have caught my eyes this time,,,
But I've not come even close to making a decision as yet.

My problem is that I've been buying guns steadily for 4 years now,,,
I now own every gun that I had on my previous wish list.

I went back over that list yesterday evening,,,
And I dropped a few from consideration,,,
Mainly guns that I used to think about,,,
But that I know more about now.

Maybe it's time to not buy a new gun,,,
But to beef up my ammo bench stock levels.

Fortunately I'm in no hurry,,,
I've got two very new guns to shoot,,,
Maybe a trip to H&H gun shop in Ok City is in order.

Hello dalegribble: I Googled those 1911's you mentioned and did a little reading,,,
They do look like they would be something worthwhile to look into,,,
Except for the fact I just never fell in love with SA semi-autos.

Hello Roger_p: Thanks for the compliment,,,
Can you please tell me what type of action the R-51 has?,,,
I have read several reviews and not a one said whether it is a DAO or SA or DA/SA or what. :confused:

Hello anyone: Does anyone have any firsthand experience,,,
With the SCCY CPX-1 or CPX-2?

I actually hadn't even heard of the company,,,
But The Evil Pawn Shop has a new CPX-2 for sale.


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Hello veamon,,,

In response to some other people here, from what I've read, hipoint firearms are that a fair assessment?

It depends on who you talk to,,,
I think the descriptor "garbage" is totally incorrect.

Now if you had said butt-ugly,,,
Then I would wholeheartedly agree with you.

I know a few people who own Hi-Point pistols,,,
They all have the same thing to say,,,
They are ugly but they go bang.

I own a Hi-Point 9mm carbine,,,
It does look like something out of a bad sci-fi movie,,,
But I shoot with friends who own Beretta, Kel-Tec, and AR style 9mm carbines,,,

My ugly little Hi-Point shoots just as reliably and accurately as their much more expensive carbines.

These guns were made to fit a low price point,,,
But in my experience and that of my range buddies,,,
The Hi-Point line of firearms should not be referred to as garbage.


Aarond, I have not handled an R51 as of yet. The local dealer that did get to see one stated that it was a single action trigger. In his opinion, it was similar to a 1911 style. I have read severlal reviews that were not so positive.
R-51 reviews,,,

I have read several reviews that were not so positive.

That's the consensus I'm seeing,,,
So even though they may be unfounded,,,
I think I'll pass on being an early adopter of the new Remmie.

But I'm in no hurry to spend this tax return money,,,
I'll keep on reading about the guns you good folk recommend to me.

I am going to take a day trip to H&H in Oklahoma City,,,
I haven't been browsing there in quite a while,,,
Maybe something there will catch my eye.


That's the consensus I'm seeing,,,
So even though they may be unfounded,,,
I think I'll pass on being an early adopter of the new Remmie.

While the R51 looks interesting and I would love to play with one, I am with you and generally do not purchase the first release of any decently expensive products (mainly cars and guns). In today's day an age I have faith that the manufacturer (as long as you stick with brand names) will make it right, I would prefer to have the second generation after the kinks have been ironed out.

Sympathies, young man.

Decisions such as these are among my favorites; which good thing...?

I haven't heard you mention that you had a Ranch Hand in your collection.

In your price range and comes in several flavors.

Looks like fun to me, if not terribly practical.

I think it might be great fun to share with some of your young friends.

Oh... Think how much fun you'd have making a custom holster for it :cool:.

I might get one myself, someday.


Hello psyfly,,,

I haven't heard you mention that you had a Ranch Hand in your collection.

You are correct,,,
I don't own one of these puppies.

A member of my Rifle & Pistol club has one in .357 Mag,,,
He passes it around to let other people play with it,,,
I went through a box of ammo in nothing flat,,,
And barely hit the ground with it. :eek:

It was a lot of fun to take for a dance,,,
But I don't think I'll be getting one for myself,,,
I have no lack of weapons that are ammunition burners. ;)

I could entertain the idea of another single-shot rifle of some ilk,,,
I have two H&R break-open rifles and a Henry Acu-Bolt,,,
They are range favorites because they slow me down.


P.S. I was looking at the new Wolverine by Olympic Arms,,,
That's one sexy space-gun pistol for only $249.00,,,
It doesn't have the allure of the original one,,,
But it does have me thinking a bit.


I read where you are not thrilled with 1911s. Have to tell you, I was not real keen on them either until I bought a Gold Cup back in the late 70's.

I kept that gun for a long time before trading it off and have gotten back into them in the last 6 years or so. I have never handled a REALLY high end 1911 but the ones that I have handled and shot really floats my boat.

I have several in 9mm and .45 and they are a work of art. Everything about them just feels right.

Could you rent one at a local range and give them another try?

I don't have any Colts. Mine are Sig, Ruger, S&W, Dan Wesson and Springfield.

They just FEEL right.

If you DO get one and don't like it. . .I will take one for the team:D
i got 4000$ back n taxes!!!!!!!!!!! which is crazy cause ill only paid in 2gs(to federal anyay), the government makes so much sense, we are not poor by any means

i also sat and contemplated on what cool gun to buy, instead, i sold some guns, put it all in the bank and decidied to be responsible for the first time in my somewhat young life

i did get a 357 lever-action though, although not paid for by tax $$, i think ill will end up spnding some on re-doing my re-loading/gun room

i take offense to the hipoint line being garbage, our 995 has ATLEAST 5000 rounds(no exaggeration) it has been lots of fun and super reliable and accurate to a point, and the ladies love to shoot them

you can see why the girls love it

i will say the two experiencesi had shooting hipoint pistols were unpleasant, maybe they are better now, but they dont look any different, so i doubt it
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I considered a Hi-Point 9mm pistol,,,

I considered a Hi-Point 9mm pistol,,,
They are so inexpensive anyone can afford them,,,
But I seriously doubt if I will ever get a Hi-Point handgun.

My 995TS Carbine works well though,,,
So it's not a trust thing about Hi-Points in general,,,
It's more of a thing where I have absolutely no use for one.

I have plenty of functional firearms,,,
And I'm not saying I'll buy poor quality just for looks,,,
This time I really think I would like to get something that is a bit more stylish.

That's why the new Remington caught my eye,,,
It's just so very pretty and sleek,,,
Kinda like my own self. :rolleyes:


Hello geetarman,,,

I read where you are not thrilled with 1911s.
Could you rent one at a local range and give them another try?

That's not out of the question,,,
I am planning a day trip to a rental range real soon.

The feel of the 1911 frame isn't the problem for me,,,
It's that whole single-action cocked & locked thing I can't get used to,,,
I know that there are many thousands of people carrying 1911's in that manner,,,
But I was never able to convince my brain that a cocked and loaded gun was safe on my hip.

One of the first pistols I ever acquired was a WW-II vintage Ithaca 1911,,,
My Pop's brother Acey carried that gun in two beach landings,,,
He also carried it when he was commissioned in Korea.

I got the gun when I was 14 years old and shot it a lot,,,
Then it sat in a drawer for close to 17 years,,,
It was nickel plated and that was flaking,,,
I had it bead blasted to be refinished,,,
Then I found Acey had a daughter.

My Pop didn't even know Acey had ever married,,,
Much less that he had created a daughter.

It took some doings to sort out the laws,,,
But I finally got the gun transferred to her possession.

I see 1911's in The Evil Pawn Shop quite often,,,
I handle them but invariably they go back in the case.


But what oh what should I look at?

Oh..... Something in the shade of black would be a good place to start....:)

A second place to start would be a Walther PPS. They are a compact 9mm (they also come in .40 S&W) but are in my experience a step or two ahead of the Ruger LC9.

They are a bit more than your refund but between that and the money you get from selling the Ruger you will have more than enough. And trust me.... After seeing and shooting the Walther you'll sell that Ruger.