this guy makes sense: read

DC, thanks for the link to the good interview. it was a pleasure to read. it's nice to know that someone w/ authority, leo or non-leo, has got his head on straight!

Jeff, we've covered this drug ground before. i agree that all it's accomplished has been the erosion of our rights, and given the government way too much power.

i grew up in a small town, everybody knew everybody else, and the police, while not quite like Andy in Mayberry, did their job w/ pride and good sense. when i was a teenager, i would ride w/ them every now and then late at night and we enjoyed each others company.
imagine, a cop and a longhaired hippy freak riding together, and the LHHF not in cuffs. :)

the town i live in now is small, area pop. around 15,000. we have our crack gangs and all just like big city folks. sadly all the leos w/ good sense have retired and been replaced w/ the new breed of arrogant leos comming out of the academy, like Raymond said else where in this thread. i think they watch COPS too much on tv.

DLD, i have no doubt that one of the good ones, as i believe the other ones would'nt bother to associate w/ such animals as us! :)

fiat justitia
Thanks to the fine LEO's who participate in these forums, to our citizen members, and to Rich and his crew for providing a place to us to 'meet'. Certainly gives me more hope about the future.

When the Chinese army invaded Tianamen Square, they did so with troops from outlying provinces. Those troops, not knowing the students, or the truth of their actions, were more willing to massacre unarmed kids. Staying in contact and understanding each other is a critical factor in what our future becomes. This forum greatly aids that process.
Good point, Jeff, about the out-of-area troops.

1) When the East Germans built the Berlin Wall, they brought troops from outside Berlin and apparently made the troops from Berlin and environs stay home.

2) After the Civil War, Yankee carpetbaggers were sent to the South apparently to complete any destruction the Union Army may have missed.

3) To take Berlin, the Soviet Army sent "Eastern" troops because they were "merciless" - and then gave them a few days free "on the town".

Could this be one reason certain American leaders are so cozy with the U.N.? Are they looking forward to using foreign troops to do what our own Gestapo can't do and our local LEOs won't do?

Paranoia or valid speculation?
Yes thatis more than likely what they are doing. Any LEOs that think holding the "PArty Line" will save there butts need to think again.

The Nazis' used Jewish LEO in the Warsaw Gheteos. The LEOs went with the Program because it was better to be treated well, and obey their masters than become outlaws.

When the Nazis had what they thought was all the leaders of any resistance rounded up, they Called all the LEOs to a "meeting".

The LEOs were given the reward Promise to theym by the Nazis. They were set free (from Life) by several thousand rounds of machine gun fire.

Only then did the People fight back. If the fight had started earlier Maybe they could have done better, as it was they did pretty damn good.

We are in this together People. I've drawn my line. When the Goverment crosses it you will proably read in the press about a rouge Cop that has gone Crazy. I'm not crazy people, I'm a Patriot. I won't kill inocents and I won't start the fight, but if and when it becomes nessassary to fight for freedom, I'll do what I have to.
A very readable book about the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto is Dan Kurzman's, "The Bravest Battle." It does speak about the Jewish Policemen (armed with sticks) and their fate.