I'm 33... never considered myself a Gen-X'er. Most people that meet me through BBSes (like this one :^) figure I'm much older (later 40s / early 50s), and when they meet me in person they think I'm in my early 20s (I do look quite a bit younger than I really am).
The average age of my friends is around 45 and includes quite a few WWII vets. My best man at my wedding is my father's age (and has a daughter my age). He tells me that I single-handedly restored his faith in my generation.
My wife and sister in law, on the other hand, are definitely Gen-X'ers. Both are of a decidedly liberal bent (their father was a school teacher / principal) and my wife regurgitates much of the Dem's tripe. Funny thing, though, if you ask her an opinion on a particular topic, and ask her to explain her rational, she gets herself confused and starts sounding like a conservative.
To wit: my wife doesn't like guns, won't go shooting with me, and didn't like the idea of me carrying -- until this past Friday night. Her sister was supposed to come up to visit, was expected at 9pm, and by 10pm hadn't arrived or called. Calls to her cell phone went unanswered; calls to her house were first answered by a man who verified the phone number but said that there was "..nobody here by that name..." and then by her answering machine.
At this point the wife is frantic, and asks me to drive down there to found out what's going on. And to my surprise, she says, "...and bring your gun!"
The value of my life, my Rights, and those of my family are incalculable;
your life and your Rights, should you choose to threaten mine, are worth exactly $1.79 --
delivered 230gr at a time.