This finally settles it!!!!!!!!!!!

Only one criticism:the word "fat" as the equivalent of "bad" is spelled "phat".{G}

Precision in speaking and writing is every bit as important as precision in making a 1000 yd shot into the center of the X ring. While the usage of language certainly does change with time, let me remind all that our enemies base many of their anti-gun arguments on language misuse. "Well regulated" meant well trained, not controlled by the gov't. Try to convince one of the anti's of that today.
I might also remind everyone that our enemies are so fond of saying that the Constitution is a "living document whose meaning changes as times change." I say, "horse manure". It means the same today as when it was written.

Say exactly what you mean and mean exactly what you say.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
chink, it wasn't me refering to the dictionary. that was someone else. :)

David S., i'd hate to be in a bind, needing to recharge my weapon and you wouldn't help because i didn't use the correct term. but you probably wouldn't want to shoot w/ a dumb ol' country hick that doesn't use the Kings English properly anyway. :)

it's funny to me that my friends who are vets, that range from ex-seals, rangers, and other grunts, seem to know what i'm talking about, and use the same terminology. but what do they know? they're just poor ol' dumb country hicks too.

truth of the matter is, i know what the difference is, it just doesn't matter to me what you call them..... i do enjoy a argument though. :D :D :D :D

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited March 25, 1999).]
Dont worry longhair, Ill give you another CLIP if you need one. Hell, your last post was so well put I would give you a whole gun if you needed it! :)
By the way, nobody offered to comment on the fact that Marlin calls them CLIPS on their website. Marlin sure does make some awful good leverguns to be considered unknowledgable and to be made fun of,dont they? Guess they too have sense enough to realize its not a big deal ;)
Hey, longhair? While we're on the topic of prissy linguistic distinctions, allow me to make a correction:

Since Queen Elizabeth II currently sits upon the throne of England, it would more correct to refer to the language as the 'Queen's english.' ;)

Mike ;) ;)
45King >the word "fat" as the equivalent of "bad" is spelled "phat".<

It is... sorry! I graduated before Ebonic's became a course of study (and I probably wouldn't have taken it anyway having such a hard time with just English)

Longhair >i'd hate to be in a bind, needing to recharge my weapon (snip)<

Oh, in a bind I'd give ya one... I'd just reinforce the correct term. You know, like in one of the Lethal Weapon movies... we would be in a gun fight, you run out, ask for a clip, I say mag, you say just give me a clip, I go off on you saying it is called a mag while I'm trying to get you a mag. All the while rounds are flying all around us. Make for great screen play. :)

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
thanks spoonslayer. it's much appreciated! ;)

Coronach, i stand corrected! :)

David, you're right, it would have made a hell of a scene. I can just see ol' Mel & Danny, sitting there arguing. Danny telling him he's not gonna give him anything till he uses the right name for it. Mel yelling at him, with that wild look he gets in those movies. Bad guys firing, comming closer. panic sets in. does he relent, or does he just take it away from Danny, slam it in, and continue the fight? it would definitely be good!!! :D

fiat justitia
First of all I dont know how much Webster knows about firearms but his answer does not solve the problem.
So look at it like this.Like a paper clip,a clip holds cartridges together as in stripper clips AND as in the clip for the M1 Garand (Which Webster would probably call a magazine)
A magazine on the other hand is a MACHINE which delivers cartriges one at a time utilizing some additional feeding force usually a spring.If it used only gravity it would be a HOPPER.
THIS should settle it but with this crowd thats only a guess!

Better days to be,


So if I take a magizine for my 1911 apart, remove the spring, put the floorplate back on, fill it with ammo, insert into my 1911 and fire my 1911 upside down would my mag now be considered a Hopper or a Clip or willit remain a mag?!? :D :D

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited March 26, 1999).]
... and my family doesn't understand why I don't watch TV with them and I sit here at my desk, sometimes mumbling or cursing but usually laughing like the dickens!
Who needs TV? I got TFL!
David;I already answered your question. It would be a hopper.
I figured somebody smart enough to get the spring out would know that. :)

Better days to be,


Thanks. Now what if I've got a week spring in a magizine and the last few rounds won't feed cause there is not enough tention left in the spring to feed them. I have to fire the last few remaining bullets by turning my gun upside down. Would this be a "Magizine Hopper?"

I'm sorry... couldn't resist. :D

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited March 27, 1999).]
At the point that your spring failed to produce a feedable round by definition you would no longer have a magazine.
It would be what is known as a fail-safe in that it would default to being a hopper.
However if you had not taken it apart in the first place it would probably still be a magazine.
I feel that you understand this but are just teasing me.

MANY better days to be!!!

>It would be what is known as a fail-safe<

Ohhhh I see... because it has failed as a magizine and is now a kind of metal container (i.e. Safe) where rounds are kept? ;)

>I feel that you understand this but are just teasing me.<

ME? NOOOOOOOO! I wouldn't do that (tongue in cheek)!

BTW... on another Board, in a far far away galaxy that is fixing to implode, the title "Skinny Jar Headed Friggen Marine" has been bestowed upon me for just this type of threads.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited March 27, 1999).]
Actually if we both overlooked the tongue-in-cheek we would have to acknowledge that I have provided the definitive final word in this somewhat vexing promlem of terminology.

And I might add that you show a surprising degree of comprehension for a Jarhead whatever...

Better days to be,

>I have provided the definitive final word in this somewhat vexing promlem of terminology.<

Vexing problem of terinology? I never had a vexing (though I did date some vixen prior being married) problem with the terminology. I know what a clip is even if other do not.

But I do enjoy the banter.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
DS}on another Board, in a far far away galaxy that is fixing to implode, the title "Skinny Jar Headed Friggen Marine" has been bestowed upon me for just this type of threads.

I can attest to the truthfulness of this statement, as I too am a refugee from the dying galaxy. At least he dodged the nickname bestowed upon another poster: Skinny A**ed Suck Up Pirate/Terrorist. (The guy looks like a perfect Mid-east terrorist as sent from central casting.)

BTW, Schmit is a confirmed pyromaniac. Don't ever ask him to light your BBQ grill.{G}

Shoot straight regards, Richard
>bestowed upon another poster: Skinny A**ed Suck Up Pirate/Terrorist<

I believe his true title is "Skinny Know It All Such Up". He just looks like a Terrorist and has delusions of being a Pirate.

>Don't ever ask him to light your BBQ grill.{G}<

Why? I light grills very well thank you... it's other people that have problems with it. Next Gunstock I'm going to paint one of my old SCUBA tanks green and stencile LOX on the side. When asked to perform the ritual lighting I'm going to bring this out. I can see the look on Charles' face now. :D LMAO!

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"