This finally settles it!!!!!!!!!!!


I know everyone is tired of the clip/magazine debate(I sure the hell am), but I found something today that will clear it all up. For those who love to get technical and gripe about this matter, I went to the bible of technicality--The Webster's Dictionary! And heres what it said:

Clip-- A device to hold cartridges for charging the magazine of some rifles; ALSO a magazine from which ammunition is fed into the chamber of a firearm.

What do you all think about that?

Fraid it doesn't settle it. I don't give a damn what Webster says they are NOT the same thing!

> A device to hold cartridges for charging the magazine of some rifles <

This is CORRECT... on BOTH terms. A clip is used to charge a magizine!

> A device to hold cartridges for charging the magazine of some rifles <

Now you know as well as I that they update webster after a word is used enough to mean something else (incorrect or not). Numerous things come to mind... Cool doesn't have to mean cold it might mean fat. Bad? There is a couple definitions for this but lets stick with the original one and not use BAD ENGLISH. The correct word to express the correct thought!

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
C'mon, Using Webster's as a firearms referance? I'll give you an "E" for effort, but remember, E comes between D and F. :D
Tell you what, check Jane's Weapons of The World. if it says the same thing, I'll switch to your side and we can fight'em all!

Your mind is your primary weapon.
go to the Marlin web site and see what they[ call the magazine. i'll give you a starts w/ a C!!!

what's the big deal? if we're together shooting an AR or 1911, and i say hand me another clip, are you not going to know what i'm talking about??? sheeesh! enough is enough!

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited March 24, 1999).]
Ill admit Webster is definately not a firearms authority, but the debate in my previous post was beginning to become one about the English language, and Webster is considered by many to be the authority on English words.

David S.,

Why should we stick to the original definitions of words? One of the most interesting things about american culture is our language and its slang. I proudly use BAD English and slang all the time for various reasons-- Most people in my part of the country also use bad english, bad english sometimes sounds better, and I simply isn't important to me; there are much more important problems to worry about than how someone talks. You must remember that many words(such as gay) or phrases that may be accepted today, were probably considered BAD English sometime in the past. That's the way the English language works--It has been constantly evolving and will continue to do so whether you like it or not. Also, if you're so worried about not using BAD English, then you missed the boat with your last message("I don't give a damn..." isnt' quite proper English, now is it?).

Though I admit we will probably never resolve this conflict, it has yielded some COOL posts. It's also been a BLAST talking with you guys, even if you don't agree with me. ;)

Thank you so very damn much for giving me a little back up here!! You said it very nicely. Also, it is interesting what you brought up about Marlin. What does everyone think about the fact that a MANUFACTURER actually calls them clips?
Well, If you REALLY want to get into it, a CLIP is a device used to hold things together, like peices of paper, or used in your hair or something. A MAGAZINE is something you read, like at a newstand.

So, In effect, we're all wrong! hehehe

Why not call them something like "Firearm Ammunition Feeding Device"

That way, NO ONE can say you're wrong. :)
I'm sure glad we finally got this straightened out- now I have time to go put that new 8-round tubular clip on my Remington 1100........
actually longhair, the authority on the English Language is the Oxford English Dictionary, it is a 24 volume dictionary tht contains every read word in the english language. If you notice, websters books are abridged. Just a little somrthing I picked up in high school. I knew it i made the right decision stay all 4 years
Let's go through it again. Why? Because it's fun! When asked why he went out to sea, the fisherman responded, "Just for the halibut."

A magazine is a device for feeding, by means of a self-contained spring or other mechanism, ammunition or projectiles to the firing mechanism of a firearm or other type of gun.

A clip is a device for charging, with ammunition or projectiles, the magazine of a firearm or other type of gun. Some clips serve only to allow rapid loading of the magazine, but others enter the magazine and become part of its function.

In other words, a magazine feeds the firing mechanism; a clip feeds a magazine.

Note that the definition covers air, spring and gas guns as well as firearms.
Longhair >if we're together shooting an AR or 1911, and i say hand me another clip, are you not going to know what i'm talking about???<

No... I'll know exactly what your are talking about... my reply would be "I don't have one! You want another Mag?" :)

Spoonslayer >Why should we stick to the original definitions of words? <

I admit I be using bad language two. I'm just a dumb Jarhead. But my point is we, as firearms enthusiasts, need to be carful, when using slang.

We are not firearm enthusiasts... we are gun nuts. (nuts meaning someone crazy). We don't shot semi-autos, it is a machine gun. Pistols are Saturday Night Specials, Hollow Points are Cop Killers (I love THAT one), and on ad nausium. So I guess you think it is OK when the media MISREPRESENTS our sport due to their own personal bias? I know your blood pressure climbs when you hear these things like mine does.

When someone call a magizine a clip I tend to think that individual doesn't know that much about firearms. Just like someone who refers to my AR as a Machine Gun or Assault Weapon and thinks it is illegal cause I have a Suppressor on it. But this is just me, am I right or wrong? Who knows, I try to educated them because the anti have brainwashed them into a certain mind set about firearms.

This is my point. If YOU want to call it a Clip... fine with me. I, however, will use the correct term. ;)

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
What gives here? Some of you act like teenage children who can't except a fact no matter what. Dave S. in the last post explained it very well as have others. Go ahead call it a clip, the rest of us will let you embarrass your selves.
Magazine - a cavity in a gun, either integral or removable, that holds ammunition for charging into the chamber of the gun. The ammunition can be loaded one at a time into the magazine or multiple rounds can be loaded by use of a holding device (see "clip", below).

Clip - a device, usually metallic, used for holding ammunition to be loaded into a gun's magazine (see "magazine", above). Most clips hold the ammunition by means of spring pressure around the base. The ammunition is otherwise not supported except by this spring action of the clip.

'Nuff said.
I am certain of this. If you call your magazine a clip, no matter what else you may be, you are NOT a Marine! It's not a GUN if it has those little spirally grooves inside the barrel, it's a Rifle, Pistol, or revolver. (Exception being some but not all Howitzers and field pieces.)
There are a lot of contradictory language rules out there, but the clip/magazine isn't one of them.
Let's all start calling the trigger the BAD. (Boom Actualizing Device.)No? I thought it was kinda neat, but okay, let's stick with trigger.
"Nomenclature is one of the factors which seperate the Nimrod from the Professional."
"Let us all be correct in our speech so that we may more freely criticise those who are not."
Both by Ken Cook.
Distribute freely. :D :D :D :D

Your mind is your primary weapon.