This fatal shooting happened near my home. WWYD??

I'd dail 911 and hunker down, I really would rather avoid a conflict where I know the other party is armed add to that how are they to know who's the BG and getting involved seems like a bad idea not to mention the possibility of legal reproductions, unless shots are being fired and law enforcement has yet to arrive I'll just be a good witness.
In Florida, deadly force can be used to stop a forced felony. Somebody trying to gain access to a residence by firing a firearm falls into that catigory. I think I'd feel a moral obligation to open my door and blow said individual into eternity. We have awesome carry and use laws and in Florida; you are not obligated to flee, but can stand your ground and use deadly force if you FEEL your life or that of someone else is in danger. :cool:
I live in the People's Republic of Illinois and even here people who run around shooting up apartments and houses are fair game for the better, defensive marksman. If he has a pistol, I'll use a rifle or shotgun to bring the hostile gunfire to an end. Simple as that. The last thing he'll see is the end of the muzzle of my shotgun as I do a double tap with it to his chest using some kind of buckshot or slug round.
In Florida we are allowed to carry firearms, and I do.

My next door neighbors are mere yards away, my front door is not in view of theirs. I have cover in the form of the end wall of my home, concrete block.

I know them as friends, the Wife 30s? Husband same, and a 18 month old boy.

My first thing to do call 911, give phone to my Wife, Cell phone, grab large flashlight, throws a beam 300 ft, very bright, blind individual with it, once I see him, outside, I have cover.

When he, if he, attempts to shoot at me (the range is 7m) I would, from cover, put 9mm 147g Ranger Ts into his upper chest. Glock19 TruGlow sights.

Step back into house, have my Wife inform Police dispatch of the circumstances, she would have been on to the 911 operator from the moment I had gone (very cautiously) outside. My hearing would be ringing like bells.

Any one trying to gain access to my neighbors House, via the front door, has no cover. The young man has a 9mm pistol, so I am not going across the yard, and Police response is measured in minutes here.
So a gun in hand man is not a bright thing to be when they arrive.

Holster pistol, wait. Monitor street, look for accomplices, call Guy next door on house phone, my Wife would be on Cell.

Those are my circumstances. That is how I would respond, all things being what the scenario dictates. Worried about charges? Not in the least, this is Florida.
If she was my neighbor, I felt like her life was in danger, and I knew that I could save her, I'd be hard-pressed not to do something more than call 911 and hide under my bed.
The only thing I might add to this conversation is that instances involving boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife including and especially ex'sare very dangerous in more ways than one. Had a friend in the early 80's stop a guy from beating his girlfriend to death in front of a restaurant. As a result of his brave intervention the couple sued him for assault. Said he was the one that caused the injuries. Thankfully he had a whole restaurant full of witnesses for his defense. Still cost him $2500.00 in 1980's money to defend himself.
Saw another man stabbed for trying to help a wife in distress. Stopped one fellow from finishing his wife off with a knife one night. She didn't sue but after she got out of the hospital a few days later she bailed him out and refused to press charges. Heard some gunshots outside my Condo at about 1:00 in the morning about 3 weeks ago. Called the police, made sure my gun was close at hand, and made sure I wasn't near a window. If you're caught in the middle of something that's one thing. Stepping out into a situation is quite another. Could end up shot, dead, and sued for being a good guy.
Let the police handle it. That's what they are there for. That's what they are trained for. And hopefully the city backs them if they are sued. Gunshots? Grab own gun, cell phone, hit 911, as you dive for cover if possible!
If not possible defend your life and worry about what happens afterwards later. Sometimes the aftermath is about as bad if not worse than the incident.
p.s. not that I don't feel for the lady in the story. I do. having a crazy boyfriend or in this day and age girlfriend is a big probem. All I can say is get a restraining order, call the police at every instnace of trouble to make a paper trail. And be well aware and well armed.
When I was a kid, a co-worker of mine stopped a rape in progress. Actually pulled the perp off the girl and put a gun to his head. Hollered to his wife to call the police. Prosecution evidently didn't think there was enough evidence to charge the perp with rape or even attempted, but instead charged my co-worker with assault with a deadly weapon. Even with a poice report that pretty much hailed him as a hero. Judge tossed it out on the grounds of ultra-stupidity, but I remember the worry and crap he went through. And it just proves that some DAs simply want to go for the gun crimes instead of what's right. But ever since then, I'm very cautious about intervening on somebody else's behalf.

For me, it's call 911, protect my wife, and be a very good witness, unless the gun starts to point in my direction.
My condominium complex is an equal mix of young families and older retired people. If someone, with a gun who was obviously not law enforcement was attempting to break through a neighbors door, legal or illegal I would feel compelled to protect them and confront the criminal. Legal or illegal, by my moral compass sitting back and allowing someone to be terrorized or killed when I have the capacity to stop it is wrong.

It takes 30 seconds to break down a door and 3-5 minuets at least for the police to respond.

@ Stevie " All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. " your co worker did the right thing.

The judicial system we live under is a joke but thats another thread all together.
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I would arm myself, hunker down and call 911. The most I would do is yell loud enough so that the BG could hear that the cops were on their way.

I'd go one step further, of telling the person to back off (from a safe distance and possibly behind some cover.) If the person then takes aim at me, I at that point am in danger and in a situation where deadly force becomes acceptable in my state (WA) - I wouldn't take aim and fire first, but I wouldn't sit idly by waiting for the cops. Who knows the response time, and if someone will be killed or injured before they arrive.

How will responding LEO distinguish you from the BG?

Remain on the phone with the 911 operator when yelling at the BG; make it clear to the operator that you are in the area and are armed (and mean no harm to the LEOs.) Maybe describe yourself ("wearing an orange tshirt and jeans")

Maybe that's unwise because you're being recorded...
A lot of folks are talking about getting behind cover but most apartments I've been in don't have any cover.

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Domestic Disturbances don't seem to happen in a vacuum, in my personal (limited) experience. Whenever my neighbors have had a habit of yelling at each other, they seem to do it ALOT. You can't really tell who is the "bad person" in any particular episode of a blown up relationship. Who is going to snap first and reach for a weapon? Usually, it's the guy, but sometimes it's the woman. Sometimes it's a visiting family member.

You might WANT to help someone, but domestic problems are too often a case of "can't tell your players without a program." Adding an additional firearm to a boiling pot of crazy isn't going to make things safer, imho.

If I'm at my kitchen table and I hear shooting from an apartment that has a history of noise and drama, I wouldn't rush into it. I'd dial 911 and wait for the police. It's crappy and unheroic, but I know I'm not omniscient.
to the OP

I would call the police, and I would have my weapons ready(this incident calls for the ready of at least two firearms in my opinion). I would stay inside with my family out of the way of windows, door(s), and any other bad area.

If possible, I would also have the most likely entry area covered by my shotgun just in case the assailant came into our domain. This should be pretty easy since the assailant's target has nothing to do with me and my family(I think many could gather this at an apartment complex - they would hear yelling and a commotion coming from nextdoor, not just random gunshots).