thinnest pistol .380 or above?

What kind of pants do you wear? What size of pocket?
I sometimes carry my Bond Arms 45 Colt derringer in my right blue jeans hip pocket ... I just cut a piece of cardboard out of a shipping box the size of the pocket and put the gun behind the cardboard ... doesn't print at all.


Don't scoff at a 45 Colt derringer. Any bad guy who stares down those two gaping bores and doesn't back off is either insane or so high on something that his brains might as well have dribbled out of his poop chute.
Reliability is the biggest issue for me, it needs to go bang every time the trigger is pulled and not jam. I like the original Ruger LCP because the sights are basically not there so there's nothing to catch on clothing. IMO you don't need sights on a gun that's this small, it's a last resort defensive weapon that will likely be used at 10' or less.
Kahr lies about their width. The P380 isn't .75" wide. Having owned one, I was amazed at how much wider the slide was than my LCP.

The Beretta PICO is the thinnest 380
The Diamondback DB9 is the thinnest 9mm.

There is no more discussion on other pistols, cause that's the answer :)
Kel Tec P3AT - .77 inch, 7.7 oz

Beretta Pico - .725 inch, 11.5 oz

Got both.

While the Pico is thinner, it is almost 50% heavier than the P3AT. There is a noticeable difference in weight.

The Pico has real sights that can also be upgraded to real night sights. There's also an available grip module that has an integral red laser that can switch between pulse and solid dot. The downside is that it can sometimes be activated if you back pocket carry. The Pico is also DAO which means you got double-strike capability in the event of a misfire or failure to fire. The mag release is weird. It is neither traditional US style release nor European heal release. One pulls down on a US style positioned release instead of pressing a button. One handed mag release can be done but will need practice.

The P3AT is lighter, but has practically zero sights. It doesn't feel as solid for obvious reasons. I have a Crimson Trace trigger guard laser on mine. So, weight wise, it is on par with the Pico. Mag release is traditional US style. It is also one of its weak areas. The mag release is plastic, whereas the magazines are steel. The mag release has a tendency to wear out and the mag will lock at the lower and lower level unless you practice holding down the mag release during insertion and release to extend its life. The other option is to swap out the mag release to a steel version. The drawback is that you will likely have to file a tiny bit of the frame around the mag release housing to get good fitment. Trigger is partial reset DAO.

Overall, the Pico is a more solidly built gun. I like it for the sights, real DAO, and integral laser grips. However, I carry the P3AT more often. I back pocket carry and the Pico's laser has been known to turn on. It's actually a simple fix if I wanted to spend a little time on the pocket holster but I'm lazy.

PPK is a neat pistol especially if your a James Bond fan but if you've ever owned one your likely much less enthusiastic about them, big negatives are they are super heavy 19.oz,twice the weight of a LCP and they chew a hole in the web of your hand because the grip angle is wrong. Add to that the high price of 700. and it's not a good choice.
Don't get me wrong I like Walther pistols and I have 2 of them but the PPK was a big disappointment for me.
I have three Pico's, Two Kahr 380's one LCP (have owned 4) and a Keltec P32. The Pico is IMO, after shooting thousands of round through all of them, the best built Pocket gun on the Market. And the design Engineering is top shelf. The Mag release is a piece of cake once learned. The gun is very thin and for a reason. It conceals so well. I love the Kahr's, also a very nice built gun. These guns, the Pico and the Kahr are made to handle HOT ammo and they do it extremely well. Mild shooters.

I train often with Pocket guns. Almost very week now for a decade. But now the ammo shortage is getting worse and I do not see a end to it. It is essential to keep up with shooting skills especially the short barrel. Especially POINT and SHOOT!
So even though I am not a fan of the LCP, I have bought the And yes a can keep your point and shoot skills honed, you can get even better.
Any 380 owner should be able to do fast head shots at 15yds. All of these guns are very capable of doing so. It is the shooter that has taken the internet propaganda that can't. Or one that just does not train seriously.

Want to see the Truth about thin. Log on to Handgun Hero. and see for your self.
The Glock 34, Sig or Kimber Micros are about as small as one would want to go and still expect reliable operation But I would not carry any of them in my pocket without a protective (protecting your body) holster. I have found in the waist band, right hand draw or with a belly band is quire a comfortable way to carry small pistols. I fire my concealed firearm regularly to maintain confidence in operation.
Glock 34? Perhaps you mean a glock 30.
My Kahr PM9 has been 100 percent reliable from day one while my friends Kimber Micro has plenty of problems.