Thinking of trading my XD9 for a revolver, am I crazy?

Not at all. If you have the revolver itch and the XD isn't floating your boat, then by all means work out a trade/deal at your local gun shop for a revolver that you've handled and like a lot.

If you don't, you'll be left wondering.
Life is too short to not love your handgun. A bigger, high end Sig is ALOT more fun to shoot and is more heirloom quality . A revolver is also a great choice since you will enjoy shooting it more.
All the more reason to go to a range that rents guns....and actually fire a few revolvers before you make the same mistake you made with the XD...and end up not liking it too much....

You may like the GP-100 --- I don't personally, I would much prefer a K frame S&W like a model 19 or 66 ....or the L frame model 686 S&W...but everyone should buy and shoot whatever they like. I think the triggers on the S&W's are far superior to the GP-100....
You better keep your large capacity handgun(s). Because, one day, you won't be able to buy them.

I will buy an occasional revolver or small carry semi-auto. But, I never part with any of my semi-autos that have a 15 round+ capacity.
Rent a revolver first! I had a SS 4'' Security Six. It look great. My fatherinlaw had only fired it 6 times since new. I guess I have shoot pistols to long because I could never shoot the six or my judge very accurate. Both are gone now.
I could never shoot the six or my judge very accurate.

The Security Six looks sort of cool. But, when I had a chance to play with one, work the action, look closely at how they were made, it seemed like a roughly finished gun, inside and out.
A revolver to shoot get a S&W Lframe, they're great. Best thing since sliced bread( a model 14 or 15 ain't bad either ).
striker fired polymers aren't exactly "nice" guns IMO, nor are they terribly interesting. as a matter of fact, i'm almost done with my G35 from-the-ground-up custom build which includes a custom machined slide with a melt and a Fast Fire III and I am about 90% sure i won't even like it when i'm done.
If I'm thinking about just a home defense revolver, it's probably going to be my 686+. Even at 4", it has better balance than my GP and feels lighter, if that's possible. The model 10 would also be a nice choice....really can't go wrong, although if it's a Ruger, I'd second the SP...very nice in a 3" too.

I love revolvers, own several and enjoy shooting them, but while I used to carry a j-frame (briefly) I would never again carry one for SD unless it was all I had available. The basics for me -- why carry 5 or 6 rounds when you can carry 7-20 in a compact, reliable package? Why deal with the inaccuracy caused by recoil when you can use a gun that will take much of that impact away? Find me somebody that shoots a j-frame more accurately than a similarly sized semi and I'll show you a guy (or girl) who has spent a ton of time at the range practicing, time most of us don't have. Finally, reloading a semi is cake compared to reloading a revolver.

My EDC is a Kahr PM9. It took a few weeks and about 300 rounds for me to be completely comfortable -- and accurate out to 15 yards or so -- with the Kahr. I never shot the j-frame near as well. Now that is just me, of course, and I'm sure there are tons of folks on here who can shoot a gnat out of the sky at 50 yards with their chief's special. For most casual shooters and CCW holders, however, a semi seems like the way to go.
Thinking of trading my XD9 for a revolver, am I crazy?
keep the the XD and buy the GP if you can, but if you can't you won't be dissapointed with the GP100. It's a big beautiful strong hunk of steel that I like just as much as my 686.