Thinking about getting a full auto


New member
I am seriously considering selling a few items and buying something full auto. I have just started talking to a guy somewhat locally and of course now I am all kinds of confused. :)

This guy says that I will need to spend around $4,000 minimum and that that amount would get me into what I would call a Mac 9 type of weapon. He went on to say that the next step would be in the $6,000 to $7,000 range and would get me into an UZI type of weapon.

Of course I would really like an MP5 style or M-16 or even a Tommy, but I think they are out of reach for me finacially. A dealer friend told me about a Ruger 550 or something like that but I don't know what kind of money those are. I do want to shoot thing so something in a 9mm would be cheaper to shoot ammo wise.

Are there any sites that cater to full auto that any of you could recommend, a place that sells or has prices for comparing weapons. Right now I am asking for thoughts on the right choice for the right money, places to compare, ideas, opinions, brands, etc., etc..

If I were you I would consider waiting until after the Supreme Court ruling in June. There is a chance (however small) that the '86 machine gun ban will be lifted which would cause the Macs and Uzis to drop in price like a rock.
With the supply of FA frozen with GOPA '86, prices will only continue to go up as demand increases. What you're facing is "bidding" against other erstwhile FA owners for the same pool of weapons.

Your dealer friend seems to be pretty close to the mark. The Ruger in question is the AC556 and AC556K (short barrel) select fire version of the Mini-14.

Web sites abound. Small Arms Review has a number of FA dealer ads each month. Note that you have to get a dealer involved, as the weapon (if from out of state) must be transferred to him before it can be transferred to you (the $200 tax applies each time), so having a good relationshi with a dealer will smooth the ride.

Start with; you'll also see gunboards' MG forum,, plus a host of dealers. Just use Google.

Best regards,

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I realize they are probably out of my reach finacially but, I'm getting a little confused about the HK in I read that the trigger group or sear of a particular HK gun is the registered part? And you can swap this part back and forth between different caliber weapons?
To an extent, that is true. I don't know too much about HK's but I do know that not all sears/trigger packs are interchangeable with all HK firearms. Someone who knows HK's inside and out would have a better answer to your question.
HK sears are going for about $10-11k right now. The sear itself can be used in any of the HK roller-lock guns (MP5, MP5k, HK53, HK91, etc). The lower may or may not fit, depending on what size it is. The MP5 and HK53 use the same lower. You just need to change the ejector. The MP5 lower will also fit an HK91, but not the other way around. To fire .308, you'd also need to change the hammer.

If you can afford it, and you want an HK sear, you are better off buying it with the host. You'll spend more money buying them separately.

An MP5 sear gun is running about $16k right now. (You can always find people asking a little more or less)
I realize they are probably out of my reach finacially but, I'm getting a little confused about the HK in I read that the trigger group or sear of a particular HK gun is the registered part? And you can swap this part back and forth between different caliber weapons?

HK guns can be registeres sears, or registered receivers. In sear guns, the sear can be moved between hosts. You just have to make sure the host gun is legal by itself when you move the sear. IE if you have an MP5 and move the sear to your HK91, the MP5 host will need to be registered as an SBR b/c of the short barrel. That's what is referred to as having a married or divorced sear. Married means that you pay one tax for the sear, but the host is not registered as an SBR. Divorced means that you pay two taxes (one for the host, and one for the sear). This allows you to move the sear without worry. An MP5SD has a third tax for the suppressor. If you buy a gun where the sear is married to the host, you can always divorce it later, but you'll have to pay the $200 trasnfer tax and engrave the host as the "Maker" of the new NFA firearm.

In Registered receiver guns, the reciever is the registered part. The advantage is that any and all parts of the trigger group, barrel, etc can be replaced, but the gun you have is the gun you have. It's more limiting., b/c you cannot really cannot change calibers.
An MP5SD has a third tax for the suppressor.

Mine is registered on two stamps. One for the "machinegun" (sear) and the other for "SBR/Suppressor."

I thought that an SD required one for the can and one for the short barrel. Do they allow the can to be considered part of the barrel, and therefore not an SBR?

If so, thanks for the correction.
They still consider it a SBR. They just let them be combined on a single stamp. My Form 4 says "SBR/Suppressor". If it was a detachable suppressor, it could still be on a single stamp if I married the sear to the gun to cover having a SBR upper.
Thanks guys for the help I really appreciate it. As much as I would like to have an MP5, that price tag is more than likely out of reach for me. I was hoping to spend about half of that for something of quality.
They still consider it a SBR. They just let them be combined on a single stamp.

Interesting. Just another example of wierdness from ATF. I'm pretty sure I've seen SDs for sale that said they were "3 Stamp" guns. Maybe they are inconsistent with that ruling, as with some others. :rolleyes:
Actually there are only a few MP5SD's that are on one or two stapms. There are at least a couple that are a one stamp gun (machinegun) and a couple more that are 2 stamps (SBR/Suppressor) guns.

The powers that be at BATFE only let a few get through this way. The majority of SD's are 2 stamp guns (MG/Suppressor or SBR/Suppressor).
Chipperman, what if it is a true H&K factory MP5A3 full auto that was not converted to auto from semi like most out there?