Thinking about a Glock19

I wouldnt get to hung up on the kaboom thing. If you search "handgun kaboom" and then click on "images", youll find all sorts of guns blowing up. It happens with any of them, and for various reasons. Glock isnt special here, nor is it the king. It just gets a lot of attention from the haters, and what goes on there is very much like what goes on with Trump and the media. ;)

The only way to know whats best for you, is to actually get out there and get the guns that interest you, shoot the snot out of them, and prove one of them is "the one". "You" have to do your own homework and that involves more than just talking about things.

No other way to do it, and over time, that one is likely to change too. You just really picked the wrong time to figure it out, and also live in the wrong place.

Sadly that worked. Tomorrow will be a dark day for our country.
If you're convinced they're unsafe, then look elsewhere, as it seems you will never get over that. I'm not a fan-boy (I think I said that above as well), but your concern is unfounded, in my opinion.

I own several Glocks (along with other pistols that I think I mentioned above), for many years, including the G17 my daughter competes with. She and and I competed for a couple of years in USPSA, alongside many other Glock shooters. I had never heard of this "issue" before this discussion.
Ya know. If you plan on carrying bit on your hip, and want a nice 9mm without concern about a high cap magazine, take a look at the Springfield EMP4.

I love 1911’s. The EMP is a slightly smaller 1911 built around the 9mn.

I have one. I really think it’s a spectacular design.

But, as I said, as NOT a Glock fanboy, the Glock 19 is a superb platform. Really.
That CZ model has an ALUMINUM frame and was adopted by Czech republic for their national police and it has a NATO lineage. It has a mean failure rate well over 1 in 6000 rounds. As a reliable carry gun it would be excellent.
The G19 is a solid, jack-of-all-trades choice. It has a lot of competition these days (M&P, Walther, and the XD line all come to mind), but if you find that you don't like it, there's always going to be someone looking for a G19. I had one for several years and it was a good gun. I eventually sold it, but not because there was anything wrong with it. It had been replaced for CC duty by my S&W Shield and was just sitting in the safe.
These days you can walk 200 yards in any direction, close your eyes and randomly pick whatever polymer frame 9mm that comes to hand and likely have a super durable, great shooting pistol.

All guns have KBs. When you have eleventy billion of a given model in shooters hands then......well statistics. The Glock 19 is a fine gun with a LONG history.

I think you are in a bit of analysis paralysis, which is easy these days with all the viable choices.

Glock 19
Smith M&P 2.0
SIG 320
Walther PPQ
Beretta APX

All offer fantastic striker fired mid sized 9mms.

Want a hammer?
HK P30
HK P2000
Beretta PX4 Storm

Want alloy hammer instead of plastic
Beretta 92 compact
CZ P01
SIG P229

Point is ANY of the guns listed above will be light weight, excellent shooters, durable for a minimum of 20-30,000 rounds and much more with a modicum of care, accurate and reliable.

Your cup runneth over with choices. There are others but those came quickly to mind.

All that said, and keep in mind I am not a GLOCK GUY, the Glock 19 is the best mix of value, durability, reliability, support, track record and size efficiency that you are going to find. It might be the best 9mm pistol ever made, and again I am NOT a GLOCK GUY so that’s not Kool aid talking.

Take care shoot safe.
These days you can walk 200 yards in any direction, close your eyes and randomly pick whatever polymer frame 9mm that comes to hand and likely have a super durable, great shooting pistol.

All guns have KBs. When you have eleventy billion of a given model in shooters hands then......well statistics. The Glock 19 is a fine gun with a LONG history.

I think you are in a bit of analysis paralysis, which is easy these days with all the viable choices.

Glock 19
Smith M&P 2.0
SIG 320
Walther PPQ
Beretta APX

All offer fantastic striker fired mid sized 9mms.

Want a hammer?
HK P30
HK P2000
Beretta PX4 Storm

Want alloy hammer instead of plastic
Beretta 92 compact
CZ P01
SIG P229

Point is ANY of the guns listed above will be light weight, excellent shooters, durable for a minimum of 20-30,000 rounds and much more with a modicum of care, accurate and reliable.

Your cup runneth over with choices. There are others but those came quickly to mind.

All that said, and keep in mind I am not a GLOCK GUY, the Glock 19 is the best mix of value, durability, reliability, support, track record and size efficiency that you are going to find. It might be the best 9mm pistol ever made, and again I am NOT a GLOCK GUY so that’s not Kool aid talking.

Take care shoot safe.

Well said.

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I am not set on Glock particularly a lot of incidences of Kaboom.
Of all the things to worry about regarding Glocks... KB's would be the least of my worries
Rather look up the massive number of recalls they've had, including in recent years
Then look up all the issues LE agencies have had over the years, including brand new pistols failing
Ive experienced these failures first hand, including at the agency I worked for and later lead

Think about it this way...
They have been making what is effectively the same pistol for four decades...
And they still haven't figured it out?

The reason Bubits (one of the actual designers of the pistol...not Gaston) left Glock was because of managements failure to follow the engineering teams recommendations. Ole Gaston wanted to make a cheap as ass pistol with the widest margin possible to be able to undercut others going after military and law enforcement contracts. Nothing wrong with that and sure it worked for many years, but as can be seen today many other companies came along with better products up front, and have been willing to make improvements... dare I say innovations.

Sure Glock took the market by storm, but today they are outdated and outclassed by many other options, now they are struggling. Bubits went on to design some incredible pistols that blow away the Glock, as well as work with manufacturers to improve and modernize their products. Meanwhile Glock has been floundering and churning out new "generations" to try and stay relevant, often failing (laughably) in the process.

Yes I'll admit to a certain amount of bias due to my own personal experience with Glocks breaking in my own hands, as well as seeing multiple issues with agency issued Glocks where I worked and with surrounding. But my bias doesn't change the reality that there are far better options available today.

Another measure I've used has been introducing Glock shooters to other designs. I couldn't count the number of times Ive had Glock owners try something different and be shocked at how much better the other designs performed in their hands. Right up to include owners of brand new Glocks turning around and selling them to buy what they had just tried.

I'll stick with my suggestion that you visit several rental ranges and try out as many things as you can.

Cue the Glock fanboys in 3... 2... 1... :p
I’ve owned the Walther PPQ, HK VP9, S&W M&P 1.0 and 2.0, FN FNS, Ruger SR, Springfield XD and XDm, SIG P320, Beretta APX, CZ P10, and probably some I’m forgetting. Not everyone that owns and likes Glocks is a dyed in the wool “fanboy” who is unwilling to try something else. Despite trying all of those I still like and shoot Glocks the best (I’ve also had the fewest issues with them mechanically). If the opposite is true of someone else that’s totally fine. Market choices are a good thing.

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I can name issues that have happened over the years with just about every well thought of pistol.

SIGs crack rails and shoot by themselves. :p
Glocks KB and the .40s don’t run weapon lights and GEN 4s have crappy extraction that machine guns brass to to your face.
Berettas break in half and launch slides or don’t run with crappy mags and off brand locking blocks
CZ’s sheer slide stops
HK’s eat trigger return springs and break firing pins etc
Keltec’s are........well Keltec’s. :p. Might as well rile up another college team.
And so on.

Now while all of the above is true to some extent or another it is mostly hyperbole.

The point is all the major players have issues that crop up and need to be fixed. Glock has had their fair share of problems with “ahem, perfection” :) but they have generally fixed or addressed as have all the others.

Any one of those guns out of the box today will be a good gun barring statistical anomalies.

Glocks have the benefit of being so long lived and so widely adopted that any issues are dealt with either by the company or by the aftermarket. They have a long largely positive track record. If you are intellectually honest with yourself you can HATE Glocks or Glock as a company but you have to concede that they are largely a fine product for a good price.

Are their newer, possibly better designs? Hell yeah. Is Glock stagnant......yup. Does that make them suddenly a horrible and obsolete choice? Nope.

Do I rely on a Glock for my needs? Nope. I am one of those hammer fired troglodytes so what the hell do I know. :(
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I have no idea if this will help, hinder or simply be a bunch of bloviating chaff. That said some time back I wrote some stuff regarding MY OPINION of Hammer fired Glock 19 alternatives, it might have some info helpful to you. It might be completely useless. It will be ....... free of charge. :). Now I don’t know stuff about stuff so again OPINION. :)

Glock vs a box of hammers.
The point is all the major players have issues that crop up and need to be fixed. Glock has had their fair share of problems with “ahem, perfection” but they have generally fixed or addressed as have all the others.

As to the first part above, I do not believe anyone has stated or implied otherwise.

As to the second, that is where I take issue.
They have been falling on their face more and more over the years, all while making what is at its core the same basic pistol. After four decades and MASSIVE improvements in technology and production they should only improving, but they aren’t. Early on Glock had nowhere near the issues they have had in recent years, it isn’t even close... Why? Especially when others have come along and not only caught up to Glock, but far surpassed them.

As for “fixing” the issues...
When my agency and others around us were experiencing problems, we were continually met with “there isn’t a problem”. Sure they replaced the pistols, but when you have guys with new guns failing in their hand’s being told “there is nothing wrong... here’s another one” they tend to get a tad bit worried. These have NOT been isolated issues as I found over the years at conferences, networking, etc.

People can say “Oh but you stuck with Glock after the problems so you must be okay with it”, but that doesn’t reflect the reality of budgets and bureaucrats blocking the way to adopting a new sidearm. I’ve told my story here before so I’m not going to bring it up again, but when I finally had the ability to replace our county issue pistol the guys on the street let out a massive sigh of relief.

Yes every company can have issues, but when you have been making essentially the same thing for four decades you should be closer to their motto of “perfection” rather than further away.
Glock 19 is the Toyota Camry of midsize 9mm semi autos.

Competent, reliable, completely adequate in every way? Aftermarket parts? Wildly resealable on the used market? Yep.

Can you really go wrong with a g19? Not really.

Can you get something more specialized for your tastes for less money? Maybe. Probably.
Read post No. 68 for an excellent summary of midsize 9mm semi autos.

If doing all that research and shopping seems like a chore instead of a fun aspect of our hobby and you just want a gun, get the Glock 19 and be done with it.

I was looking at a G19 and went with a Bersa Thunder in .380 but that’s just me and my preferences. I’m glad I did as my only attraction to 9mm was the low cost of ammo and that’s temporarily a moot point.
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My experience is every single semi auto I bought before needed work to make it reliable. I never have one that was reliable out of the box. The Gold Cup, S&W659, Walter PPKS, all had to be fixed by modifying the extractor, polish feedramp and chamber and open the ejector port slightly and smooth the surface out. Maybe guns have improved since my time.

Thanks for all the replies, I am checking with the dealer whether the Glock 19 is gen 3. My understanding is they only sell gen 3 in Kalifornia.

I did see stuffs saying gen 3 is better than gen 4 and they replace the ejector and extractor of gen 4 with those in gen 3.

If I have to get a gen 4, what after market ejector and extractor should I get?

One thing good about Glock, there are a lot of info how to make it reliable and improve it.

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Just get the gun and shoot it. I seriously doubt youll have any problems. The problems usually come in when people start trying to "improve" the guns.

I wouldnt change anything but the RSA, if youre even shooting it enough to do that each year (5-7K or so).

Combined, Ive had right around 40 SIG's and Glocks, new and used, and I have yet to have one not work out of the box, or when I got it, nor have they really given me any troubles, at least, not in the range "most" people will likely ever shoot them.

When you get up into the ranges where things will start to go, youve already spent enough in ammo to have bought a dozen more new guns anyway, so theres really no point in complaining.
My CZ PCR (75D) was manufactured in the Czech Republic, and out of several hundreds of rounds, all have had a perfect operation.

About 1/3 or more of the ammo is Russian, which was probably the basic type of ammo for the gun's design years ago.

Some peoples' issue with "steel-cased" ammo is not because of the ammo itself--but due to their lack of awareness that residue must be cleaned from chambers, before it accumulates very much. Can't be good for extraction.
They don't Seem to know that residue goes Around the rigid steel case, unlike what happens with brass, which expands, blocking some of the build-up.

You probably are quite familiar, but other readers might Not know this.
Meanwhile Glock has been floundering and churning out new "generations" to try and stay relevant, often failing (laughably) in the process.
I can give you a list of problems with Glock and Glocks--I'm not under any illusions that the company or the pistols can't be improved, but I think that this is an obvious overstatement.

The Gen 3 pistols are still selling ok even though you can get Gen 4 pistols and even Gen5 pistols in some calibers/models. And although they've obviously given up some market share, it's a real stretch to say that there is (or has been) any real danger of them losing "relevance" in the market.