"In 1987, I purchased a home here in Georgia. I just happened to have a sizeable chunk of cash for a downpayment. The bank from which I was borrowing the balance wanted to know where the cash came from. It was a combination of savings and payout from separation from my previous job. But the bank claimed that since they were FDIC insured, and since it was a VA loan, they had to report all sources of funds to the federal government, which included where MY cash came from. The bank said it would be verified prior to approval.'
So what happened? Did you tell them to get bent?
To the "as long as it doesn't affect me now, it's ok by me" guy - today you perceive that you have a problem only if your last name is Mohammed (it ain't, so you don't). Problem is, if the law stands, tomorrow you will have a problem if you first name is Bubba, you own and gun, and the gummint people don't particularly like you (you'll then be labeled a "terrorist" of course, as that definition gets broader and broader). Is your name Bubba? Watch out.
OK, Quartus, you're right - no it's not hilarious, but still I laughed for some reason when I read that. :dunno: