Things that make me nervous!!

A gun in a holster DOES NOT COUNT.

I notice no one wants to take on the rifle in the $20 plastic case? Why is that different?

You have no idea if it's loaded or not, you don't even know what's in there. It could be two, loaded rifles, one pointing in each direction, with the safety off.

This is really quite silly. A holstered handgun that is not being manipulated by a human IS NOT DANGEROUS.

A holstered handgun that is not being manipulated by a human DOES NOT COUNT as being "swept".
Not to mention people like my wife that are "sweeping" people all the time with it in her purse. Got that neat center pocket with the gun pointing straight out.
I'm not sure how many people I "swept" today with my loaded G22 in my backpack. However, I am sure, since it is also in a holster that covers the trigger that there is no way that it was going to go bang. If the person with the shoulder holster was wearing a jacket or suit coat, would anyone have been concerned about being "swept"? Then again, how would anyone know?

To Brian's point, when I go to the rifle range, I usually have 2 rifles in my hard case facing opposite directions. Both are unloaded (you have to take that at face value, because I told you that they are...but you didn't check them so are they??) so no matter what way I hold the case I'm likely "sweeping" people. No one at the range I frequent does the "duck and cover" as I go to the line. Or as any one else goes to the line for that matter.

To make a long story short, this is much ado about nothing in my book.
Re-reading this topic reminds me of my CMP GSM Clinics and matches.

Being Wyoming most everyone carries so when I walk behind the line of my shooters who are in the prone position I see lots of pistols poking out at me from under jackets and shirts.

I never feel threatened.

I run a cold range, meaning no one loads until they are on the line and told to load.

When people asked me about their CC weapons, I say, "Concealed is Concealed, if they stay in your pocket, its none of my business".
I guess I should be more specific...

Holstered guns that aren't being handled/manipulated aren't dangerous.

We don't "decide which circumstances are ok". Handling the gun is the one and only circumstance that matters. If the gun is being handled, the 4 rules apply. If it is not, they don't.

A holstered handgun is not dangerous. A horizontal shoulder holster, by itself, is not dangerous. Yes, it takes extra precautions/training/thought to draw the gun without unintentionally sweeping bystanders. I wouldn't wear one at a range, because it might make it extra special difficult to draw without sweeping someone but it certainly could be done.

However, as a means of carry, where the gun would only be drawn under dire circumstances, there's nothing dangerous about walking around with the muzzle of the gun pointed at people. I carry on my waist. If I bend at the waist to pick something up or have to get down on my hands and knees to look under my car or something, my gun would point at whoever is behind me. It's not dangerous. I'm not handling the gun.

Thank goodness for a common sense approach to this. I'll add some folks really get me rolling the old eye balls with regards to this type of question as stated in the OP:rolleyes:
The pistol may not be dangerous when it's holstered, but a pistol draw, or a pistol being holstered --- has a potential of a negligent discharge at those tactical points.

Whatever a guy carries concealed/open carry, is his business. When it comes to our shooting range --- people need to abide by the rules --- which is: no holster pistol carry by any members {far as I know}, except for the RSO's --- otherwise, any pistol carry/draw firing session's, shall be approved by the range committee.

Any cased firearm on the firing line...shall be preferably carried in the muzzle upright position. I know....the double pistol/rifle case presents a quandary, with that being, the first firearm must be taken out with the muzzle upright or pointed downrange --- the case is then reversed --- with the second firearm's muzzle being pointed upwards, or downrange; when it's taken or being put back in the case.
Holstered guns that aren't being handled/manipulated aren't dangerous.

I'll second that. I've seen a guy face plant (c'mon ppl trip) with an AR slung across his chest. Only injuries were to his ego and perhaps the gravel down the barrel.
I would have casually looked at the holster to ensure it was secure and not poor locking snap for the retainer and the type of pistol. If I felt there was a problem, I'd ask the range master to inspect it. If I felt a range was not safe, I'd sacrifice my 15$ and leave. When I go to a range, before I pay, I look thru the windows to see if the gene pool looks acceptable. I have left when it didn't. Most of the time, it was when I see laughing and carrying on an not strictly focused on the range and its rules. I always speak up stating to the hired help or manager that if this continues, I will contact the owner. Owners can find range masters who will do the job, but it is hard to find customers when the word gets out about their business is unsafe.
Given how many times I have been swept by idiots on the range, a holstered weapon doesn't give me any heartburn. Sad part about the idiots is most are supposedly knowledgeable shooters!
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I once spent eight hours looking down the barrel of a Smith 5906 worn by the copper seated ahead of me.

I'll admit, it took a second for my head to overcome my reflexive dislike, but only a moment. While my 'gut' didn't like seeing the muzzle, my head realized with was perfectly safe.

Ironically, it was a 'Street Survival' seminar, which is essentially three days of learning how various LEO's have meet an end.

Some people just worry too much.
Some people just like to worry.
You know, that's how the anti's support their ridiculous laws.
"Oh, how could I possible be 'safe' with a gun in the same city as me!!"
As long as it's a well-made and well-designed holster that covers the trigger and prevents the gun from being operated then you can't be swept by the gun while it's in the holster any more than you could be swept by a gun in a closed case.
For all of you who panic over the thought of being swept by a holstered gun...

Just think of how many times a day you are swept and don't know it. Sleep well.
It seems my last post didn't get thru, that might be a good thing, it wasn't too polite to some in here! Chicken little and falling sky and all! It just seems some are too up-tight! I would like to know where some of the ranges are, so I don't go to them! I AM go to carry my pistol in a holster, shoulder or side carry, MY choice! I WILL have fun with my friends at the range, my smile aint pretty, but if you don't like me smiling and laughing, then by all means, don't come out here!
And ,YES, if you knew how many times you get swept a day, you might not leave the house!
(don't forget the small plane over head!!!:D)
My daughter's first time to the range.
She was using a 22 rifle. Me, a Mini 14.
I gave some safety tips but wasn't keeping my eye on her 100% of the time.
The Range Marshal caught her pointing the muzzle in all the wrong directions and lit into her and me pretty good.
He was just a young adult around 20 yrs old and it was embarrasing for me to stand and take it in front of my daughter but I did.
That was years ago. She now shoots a 7mm rem mag with a small sand bag between her shoulder and the butt of the rifle.

It is not natural to look down the barrel of any weapon. The holstered pistol in the OP was not a problem. Just like rifles in rifle cases being swung around are not unsafe. But it would make anyone nervous even though the firearms can not be discharged.
The fella that had the holstered pistol wasn't displaying good manners.
Shoulder holsters are very good for carrying my M29. Out of the way and out of the weather when hunting . Concealable under a jacket for me.Drawing sweeps only my feet nothing else. It's an old Safariland holster .:)