Things keep getting worse for the NRA.


New member
I stumbled across this YouTube video just now. Things you do when you are stuck at home! I agree with some of this guy's opinions. The NRA is in serious trouble, and I'm sure the Anti's are foaming at the mouth.

Moderators, I know this looks like a drive-by, but to be quite honest, it sort of leaves me speechless. Delete or lock if necessary, I completely understand.
The guy is trying really hard to make it sound like an NRA problem, but it just sounds like a COVID19 problem to me.

Lots of companies are furloughing employees, and the conditions of the furlough, based on the email the video blogger read, sound pretty standard to me even though he seems to think they are very unfair.

We can see how this thread goes, but I'm kind of skeptical it will remain civil for very long.

For those who respond, keep in mind that this is not going to become a discussion about the viability/enforcement/constitutional implications/opinions regarding COVID19 policies or anything related to treatment/prevention/origins/etc./etc. of COVID19. That's all off topic for TFL.
When it's all said and done - the NRA is the 600 pound gorilla in Washington DC...

I have yet to hear a pro-gun control Politician blame the Gun Owners of America of any of the other pro-2nd amendment organizations.

Like them or not - the NRA represents each and every gun owner in the country - when it comes to an entity for those with gun control agenda to rally against.

Just from that standpoint alone - the NRA having to reduce staff is "newsworthy"...
If they got rid of Wayne, 87% of their problems would go away! I'm willing to bet that the membership would increase also!

A lot of people won't renew their membership until Wayne is gone for good. So, if they ask you, let them know what it will take to get the donations rolling in!
50 shooter said:
If they got rid of Wayne, 87% of their problems would go away! I'm willing to bet that the membership would increase also!

A lot of people won't renew their membership until Wayne is gone for good. So, if they ask you, let them know what it will take to get the donations rolling in!
True. A great number of regular members aren't renewing because LaPierre is still there, and ALL the life members I know have vowed not to make another contribution until LaPierre is gone. The fact that he's still there is mind-boggling. Even his most ardent supporters on the Board should be able to see that he has become an albatross and that he should retire for the good of the organization.
The layoffs are probably related to the coronavirus. Prior to this the NRA had laid off employees as a cost cutting measure.

Meanwhile back at the NRA, WLP continues to draw his > one million dollar annual salary.
LaPierre's salary alone is ≈ $1 million. His total compensation package is still worth close to $2 million, and has been more than $2 million in recent years.

I don't think the layoffs are directly related to the coronavirus. Maybe in part, but I think the major factor is till that members aren't donating, and are not renewing their memberships, and that's because of Wayne LaPierre, not because of COVID-19.
The way I see it we currently need the NRA. We know elections have consequences and draconian gun control is on the horizon. There are things I hear about the NRA that I don't like, but that is true for my Church, Community Association and the College I attended. However, I still feel I need these organizations and choose to support them warts and all.
I don't think the NRA bothered to attend the rally in Richmond, Va on Jan. 20.

Maybe some people wearing hats with NRA written on them, but nothing official.

I could be wrong.
I don't have any real objection to the wording of the letter that the gentleman read. I don't think we have enough information to separate the losses due to the virus and the losses due to people withholding contributions and dues in response to WL's shenanigans. That very lack of transparency, however, accompanies WL's efforts to entrench and enrich himself in causing the current problems at the NRA.

I believe in the NRA. I do not believe in handing it over to the sole benefit of WL. If he believed in the NRA and its work he would have removed himself as a clear impediment to the causes of the NRA.
True. A great number of regular members aren't renewing because LaPierre is still there, and ALL the life members I know have vowed not to make another contribution until LaPierre is gone. The fact that he's still there is mind-boggling. Even his most ardent supporters on the Board should be able to see that he has become an albatross and that he should retire for the good of the organization.
Yes, the NRA is the 600 pound gorilla in Washington DC, and we would be in a world of hurt without them. But, I can not with good conscience keep giving money to fund WLP's custom made suits and $2M salary. I quit the AMA, (American Motorcyclist Association) for similar shenanigans by their President, and am having serious thoughts about quitting the NRA.
the NRA under WLP was noticeably absent during Virginia's futile fight to prevent the spread of anti-2nd Amendment laws. They've been out front in other states for similar laws.....
I suspect the NRA gets demonized the most because it is a more recognizable/known organization. If the NRA folded today, the anti-gunners would merely latch onto another organization to demonize. Just because the NRA is well known doesn't automatically mean they do the best upholding 2nd Amendment/gun rights.
I'm at the point now, anything Wayne Lapierre says or does should be scrutinized. He can no longer be trusted. Are the most recent NRA lay-offs and cut backs due to the Covid-19 virus? Or is he using this to cover up other things? (Look, look over there, something shiny). Many businesses / organizations, heck even the government are taking advantage of this virus outbreak, and Lapierre could very well be one of them.

How did this happen? Is Lapierre 100% to blame? No. No he's not. The NRA Board of Directors allowed it to happen.
I've been a NRA member on and off for close to 50 years, but I've been very unhappy about some of the things that have been going on in the last two decades or so. When I needed help with a gun related issue they basically ignored my request for help and I quit for quite some time although I am again a member, and even at my age am finally getting around to seriously thinking about making it a lifetime membership.

However, I do not like WLP, I do not like some of the things he does, and his compensation package is way out of whack. Why is this allowed to continue? What's going on with the board of directors and why can't he be removed? If enough members got involved, couldn't the board be forced to make some changes? Perhaps a petition?