They're doing NOTHING!!!

Originally Posted by DaleA View Post
The purpose of my original post was to do some push back on the anti-gun folk screaming that our law makers are doing "nothing".

I don't think you are reaching your target audience on this forum.
Dale I more or less agree with you. Us pro-2A folk have had some successes (and setbacks, mind you) on the state level for years. Other than Heller, and later McDonald, not much of any big success at the the Federal level since the AWB sunset. In 2016 and shortly after some of us had hope of pro-2A laws being passed, or regulations repealed. Hasn't happened, but honestly I don't think it can in the current political environment. We should thank our lucky stars that enough congress critters are, in fact, "doing nothing" to prevent any major federal anti-gun law from being passed.

Edit: I do find a pretty significant win in the fact that former SCOTUS Justice John Paul Stevens penned an editorial in the NY Times stating we needed to repeal the 2nd Amendment. He actually plainly stated the reality in the gun control debate... while at the same time brazenly and very much mistakingly thinking that there is a snowballs chance in hell that 3/4's of the States could possibly go his way on the issue of the 2nd Amendment anytime this current century...
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I do find a pretty significant win in the fact that former SCOTUS Justice John Paul Stevens penned an editorial in the NY Times stating we needed to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

the NYT has a long history of not allowing anything they consider pro-gun to run in their pages.

I have no interest in what any FORMER judge, justice, or politician has to say, about anything. Nor will I pay them anything to hear it.
I am sure this comment will be lost in this thread however....

The thing that needs to be done is to change the conversation to address the actual root causes of [gun] violence. The left focuses on the gun because they know and understand the actual causes of violence and refuse to deal with it as it cuts to their base and would be extremely unpopular to address the root causes. Taking away a popular tool addresses a particular kind of violence which has broad appeal to their base as a simplistic answer, if not a solution.

The right tends to have a very poor understanding of the root causes and is constantly in defensive mode to protect gun rights.

In a nutshell the conversation needs to be shifted to the violence and it's causes instead of the the most popular (and in some cases the least popular but most scary looking) tools of violence.

So if you want them to "do something", that is what they need to do.
They are not doing nothing. There is now a bump stock ban. They are working hard on an assault weapon ban, universal background checks and confiscation of property without due process. One step at a time and we will be disarmed before they are through. It's gonna get serious real quick.