They're doing NOTHING!!!


New member
Well MAYBE they're preserving our 2nd Amendment rights from those that would take them away from us.

This is in regard to the almost constant claim from the anti-gun folk that our elected officials are doing nothing. Well that is NOT my view of things.

I also get a bit hot under the collar when the anti-gun folk say our elected officials are bought off by the NRA. Well dear, if they can be bought off why don't you just BUY THEM BACK YOURSELVES!!! Heavens, the anti-gun movement is hardly scrapped for cash. Maybe, just maybe you can't buy them back because they are voting their conscience.

I think I'll refuse to debate the gun issue with anyone that disagrees with the above as they're just too far gone.
History has shown that truth and reality seldom play a significant part in any politically emotional argument.
I've got a little different view. I agree, our elected officials have done nothing. They should be proactive and pass laws that will protect guns rights. Not always sitting back and being defensive.
And what would you have them do? Pass a law that says "shall not be infringed, and this time, we really, really mean it!!" ?? :rolleyes:

Personally, I'd rather have them do nothing than do something wrong.
The problem is that they're politicians and no matter which side they're on, they can never be trusted! Anyone that thinks there's a difference between the two sides needs to pull their head out of the sand.

We need to make them honor the oath that they take when they get into office. That they think they can cherry pick what rights and laws to uphold is not what they're oath is there for. If they don't honor them all the same, they should be removed from office, no questions asked.

The second amendment doesn't have a section in there about the government buying back firearms that were never theirs to buy back. Nor does it say that the 2A refers to duck hunting, skeet shooting, target practice...

They can't buy back something that's not for sale, so what do think their solution will be for people that will never sell their firearms back to the government? To go one step further, no one bought their firearms from Uncle Sugar to begin with! So let them chew on that fact for awhile.
Yes. They're doing nothing about impeaching the President this week. Again.

It's really for the best that they do nothing. They very rarely do something well.
The problem with winning an election is its a lot like shooting a 6 point bull elk.
Then the work starts.
Its far easier to be a loser.The excuse of impotence allows for getting nothing done.

Its a shield that deflects expectations of constituents. Without the need to accomplish anything,more time can be devoted to fundraising."We are committed to (promise anything) but we are going to need your support...Can we count on your donation?"

To quote a prominent radio personality "Peace in government means lack of opposition" Life is so much harder for those who stand up for what is right.

Go along,get along,and get invited to the parties. Watch "Charlie Wilson's War" again.

My guess would be 80 % of the Republican Party does not care a bit about YOUR 2 d Amendment. They might consider the base,NRA endorsement (???) ad the $ supporting the 2A gets them, but its negotiable."Shall not be infringed" means nothing to many in Congress.

IMO,we've been stuck in a cycle for decades. Every election is the most important in our lifetimes. We must vote for the mediocre incumbent to preserve the impotent narrow majority.

The Hindu have Shiva,the Destroyer that brings all change. The flood,the fire.... A remodel begins with demolition.

I don't know when will be the "Right" time,but of the 545 people in DC we need to fire at least 400 incumbents on both sides of the aisle. And I'm not saying 145 are worth keeping,I just have some optimism that if we fire 400 the 145 might see the light.

The Constitution requires Congress and the President to pass a budget.How mant administrations and decades have passed by with no bdget?

We get "Continuing resolutions" and "raising debt ceilings" at the last minute before a Congressional break.

And those who say "No!" are demonized. Do you think the folks in Congress still have the competency and ability to work together to pass a budget?
No? Then they need to be fired. Its their job. If you can't t do your job,you get fired.

I don't know what to do...but whether I like it or not,the Times are passing the politics to the Millennials and Gen X ers indoctrinated by our school systems. The Boomers like me are joining their parents .the Greatest the past. At least half of us will be disappearing from the voter roles. The rest may keep voting for 100 years more.

I guess our children and Grandchildren will get the Government they deserve.
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They can't buy back something that's not for sale

They have and they will continue to. Google "eminent domain."

The Supreme Court's decision in Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005) was and is especially terrifying to anyone who was paying attention.

Granted that this refers to land versus firearms, but the precedent exists for the government to take property that is not for sell, and to do it on behalf of those with more political or monetary influence.
This country can survive a few dozen, even a hundred of the politicians that fall into the subject of this thread. This country can not survive the millions of people that elect them.
The purpose of my original post was to do some push back on the anti-gun folk screaming that our law makers are doing "nothing".

NOT passing a bunch of the proposed gun control laws is NOT "NOTHING". It could, and IMhO should, be seen as standing up for the rights we have in this country.

I'd like THAT to be mentioned every time I hear some anti-gun person proposing new anti-gun legislation. If our elected leaders do not pass this stuff they are not "doing nothing" they ARE preserving our rights.
Yes. They're doing nothing about impeaching the President this week. Again.

Actually, the day they announced the impeachment inquiry, they quietly held hearings on a new "assault weapons" ban. It's all smoke and mirrors, and we have to watch what they're trying to slip under the radar.
The purpose of my original post was to do some push back on the anti-gun folk screaming that our law makers are doing "nothing".

NOT passing a bunch of the proposed gun control laws is NOT "NOTHING". It could, and IMhO should, be seen as standing up for the rights we have in this country.

I'd like THAT to be mentioned every time I hear some anti-gun person proposing new anti-gun legislation. If our elected leaders do not pass this stuff they are not "doing nothing" they ARE preserving our rights.
Except this...
My guess would be 80 % of the Republican Party does not care a bit about YOUR 2 d Amendment. They might consider the base,NRA endorsement (???) ad the $ supporting the 2A gets them, but its negotiable."Shall not be infringed" means nothing to many in Congress.

Reelection matters, not any kind of ideology, for the majority and for the guy sitting in the big chair, regardless of who he(or HER) is...
With the second amendment all a politician has to do on the right is “say I support the 2nd Amendment” and people will applaud and hoop and holler. The don’t have to actually do anything else... all the while state after state and cities fall to stricter gun laws. We are enjoying a surge of gun rights the last couple of decades now, but the crest of that surge is now behind us and are on our way back down.
The antis are smarter and are learning from their successes, failures and defeats. They adapt and work the system and get in ridiculous new laws that take a while to get challenged and overturned.

What does our side do? We sometimes say “come and take it” instead of “molon Labe”

The difference is left and right. The left immediately litigates right wing policies, while the right side does nothing when a leftist policy takes a freedom away.

In the end, whether it’s 20 years or 200 years, there will be a gun free USA..., or whatever country resides in the geographical location of the current USA
Gunowners whine a lot on gun boards: Lots of noise and hot air with little action. Some cry "treason" when gun control passes. Sometimes there is veiled talk of overthrowing the duly elected US government because someone don't like same.

Very few sit down and write letters to their representatives in the state house and US congress. i've had several friends who worked for US Senators and representatives. Nothing gets their attention like a well written letter.

In the runup to the 2018 election, Republican "Trey" Caldwell, claimed to love guns, apple pie and kids. After beating out the sitting Republican District 63 representative in the OK primary and getting elected: Caldwell voted against OK "constitutional carry" because it lacked a training requirement.

Several of those who made a career of teaching concealed carry classes complained. Now they are forced to find another line of work.
Gunowners whine a lot on gun boards: Lots of noise and hot air with little action. Some cry "treason" when gun control passes. Sometimes there is veiled talk of overthrowing the duly elected US government because someone don't like same.

Very few sit down and write letters to their representatives in the state house and US congress. i've had several friends who worked for US Senators and representatives. Nothing gets their attention like a well written letter.

Sorry, there it too much irony in your statements based upon current events that shall remain nameless for me to take them seriously.
I like it when they do nothing...

"Now is the time when men work quietly in the fields and women weep softly in the kitchen; the legislature is in session and no man's property is safe."

Daniel Webster

True then, still true today, perhaps, even more so....
2nd---I agree with your post.

I am fed up with the anti-gun folk screaming 'they are doing nothing'.

I very much like your response of 'they're not doing nothing, they are saying NO'.