They really don't get it

I got to their site, and found . . .
For those who don't like guns, and think there should be less of them.
The main purpose of this list is to provide resources for the anti-gun movement.
You are welcome to discuss, but it is assumed you want a reduction in the number of guns available, and greater gun control.
Not a list for discussing free-speech and the right to bear arms. I'm exercising my free-speech, I don't like guns. If you do, don't join.
I'm afraid temporary, web based email addresses (hotmail etc.) are not accepted."

Well, that leaves this Hotmail commando out.

I love this statement "I'm exercising my free-speech, I don't like guns. If you do, don't join." Typical liberal, I have rights, you don't. No wonder these losers have only 38 members. Too bad there weren't more of 'em tearing each other apart.

Intellectual incest at it's finest.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Well, Oatka, I'm afraid we've found a point of disagreement.

If someone comes into my house and advocates gun control, I'll make him leave. (I sorta hope he resists! ;) )

If I own the BBS, I consider it my property. I have a right to control the guest list and the guests' behavior on my property (just as in my home or business). They are free to leave and I'll help them if they need it. That is NOT an infringement upon their free speech - they can go elsewhere.

Even in public there are limits. If you went to the movies and some dork stood up and started making a loud, distracting speech, I'll bet you'd want him gone! That's not restricting free speech, it's eliminating a nuisance. The dork can go speak on the sidewalk, rent a hall, write a book, or whatever.

Hmm. I'm not putting this very well. I'm sure some TFLer can explain it better - especially where the line of free speech should be drawn!
Dennis, I understand what you're saying, and I think most folks here do as well.

I don't have a problem with these pacifists policing their list so they don't become 'contaminated' by non-pacifists. However, I do find the treatment of Sandy (cited by Mort above) as pretty interesting. Nazi's indeed. They sound almost frightened of rational, even slightly opposing thought.

The other evening I saw a portion of a 'Final Solution' piece on the History Channel ... complete with video of emaciated bodies, stacked like cord wood. I couldn't help but think of the RKBA. Sure as hell, this debate is not about target shooting and hunting.
Dennis - Yeah, we definitely disagree on this. Here's my take: You want to rant and rave and ram your ideas down everyone else's throat, set up a web page soapbox and have at it. When you set up a BBS message board on the other hand, it is a public forum, open to civil pro and con exchanges, no matter how outrageous the other side thinks you are. The Internet is supposed to be a medium of information exchange, and when you start to filter out opposing views, you are abusing the right.

It is interesting in that I have seen very few people blown off any pro-gun board. Those were either for advocating insur-rection or used particularly filthy language. Anti's who show up on these boards with their asinine claims are usually cut to pieces by stats and logic and leave of their own violition. A far cry from this bozo. Interesting too, that out of this universe of humanity he is able to attract only 38 like-minded Nazis.

Jeff Thomas - Yeah, they must be afraid -- a sure sign they are standing on quicksand. I got this reply when I tried to sign up - "This is an automatic notification message sent to tell you that your subscription to has been denied by the moderator." Let them stew in their own bile.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
(smile) Now I hope y'all understand I don't agree with their ideas!! I simply believe they have the right to voice their ideas and to limit their association to buttheads with similar views.

Let me try another example.

If you're in a Christian denomination church and, in the middle of a sermon, someone stands up and starts to preach an opposing religion, saying yours is idiotic, I'll just bet you'd be offended. ;)

It's their forum. They're not cramming anything down anybody's throat. You have to seek them out to read their views. So ... I believe I'll skip their forum.

I *DO* understand your point of view. I'll fight for your right to *have* that point of view. I simply don't agree. So let's agree to disagree agreeably (I bet y'all are getting sick of that line) and move on.

We agree on too much and our goal is too important to be sidetracked by a bunch of gun bigots (that being the nicest of the available words in my vocabulary for them).

The title of the thread says, "They just don't get it." That's true! I'd add that most of them never *will* get it. So let's put our valuable time where it will do our movement the most good.

Rather than preaching to those who hate us, or preaching to the choir, let's go after the undecided and uncommitted and bring them into the righteous effort to restore our Constitution.