They really don't get it


New member
I wanted to see how the other half thought, so I just subscribed to the AntiGunLobby mailing list.

The answer, immediately given: they don't think. Here's an example

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
From: John Smith <>

I agree with you Chris.
One of our most respected anti gun senators, D. Feinstein
is well known to have a licence to carry a consealed weapon.
Obviously, she is not afraid of using a gun to defend hershelf.
On the other hand, in her case, I wish she relied on the Police
rather than play cowboy.[/quote]

So, should I be a mole here, or should we just ruin their mailing list?
Mort, please ... be a mole.

For one thing, as much as I hate what these idiots are doing, I don't think it is appropriate to hassle their network. From a more practical standpoint, we don't want to be hassled on TFL. Debates are fine. Sabotage would be a different matter.

Besides - we can learn a lot from your participation there. And, we have the brains, logic and knowledge to win this battle with fair debate. No, they don't play fair, but I don't want to stoop to their level, and I'll be damn interested to hear about what you find.

Good luck.
ya nailed that one, Mort! Aside from failing to see her elitist hypocracy for what it is, they presume she's incapable of defending herself and that the cops will be there to do it for her - clearly not in touch with reality, either. While I can respect someone's decision not to have a gun, it's their {stupid IMHO] choice, but I'll be damned if they get to make that decsion for me.

I think you ought to just observe quietly and post what you see here from time to time - At least for a while, it's pretty funny, in a sorry, sick sort of way. M2
I kind of figured sitting there would be to our advantage. Everyone can expect regular updates...boy, what I give for the cause...
There is a member of AntiGunLobby who calls himself BongoFury. His job is to ferret out the pro-gun people by posting some really outrageous stuff to get the pro-gunners to lose their temper. As soon as they do, Chris bounces them off the list.

They are not, repeat, not tolerant of anyone who counters their fairy tales on how everyone will happy when only the police and military have guns. Bongo went so far as to suggest that after a total gun ban, the cops could feel free to shoot any non-cop holding a firearm.
What is it then, a mutual admiration society? Sometimes I wonder how the antis even get anything done. Serious thought cloudage.
I lasted about two days before I told them exactly who I was and what I believed. They told me I obviously wasn't one of "those gunnuts" but those other people . . . .
I used to know a guy who told every black guy he met that they weren't who he was talking about--just before he launched into his recitation of why blacks ought to be limited to certain areas. Sound familiar?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Gwinny, as someone whose birth certificate says "Black", absolutely familiar.

"No, I don't mean the polite, logical people who think I'm wrong; I mean the idiots! You know, the ones that exist."


Interestingly enough, it looks like they just exposed another "troll". To do so, they cited a post at I guess they are watching us, even if they only lurk.

I think I can be a bit more subtle and insidious than full disclosure. I also think I can get some good stuff out of these fellows, given time; after all, I'm pro-gun and smarter by definition.
Is there a web address for the AntiGunLobby mailing list?

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi
It looks to me like the post was written by a pro-gunner who didn't want to give himself away, but wanted to make a point. Look at what was said:

Feintstein is a hypocrite.
Feinstein understands the need to carry a gun for self defense.
The poster would be very happy to let a few BG's have their way with her.

If this was written by an anti, they really don't get it!
I spent some time on that list a few months ago. Ever heard of the dry heaves?

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
I got booted off that list also, because of Bongo. I was just reading until he had said a few things that I wont even repeat, I lost it and wrote to the list and was booted. If you want to stay on you have to join the little discussion one mention of pro-gun and you will be out. They wont debate anything with you, the most you will get is that a$$ Jim to call you a crazy, kid killer gun nut.
Way to go, Miss D. And remember, when they call you a 'crazy, kid-killer gun nut', let them know that they are bigots. Gun bigots, who don't give a damn for civil rights.
Please trolling the enemy. Take the high road.

I appreciate your sifting through the flotsam and jetsam. In the words of Jeff Cooper, "Just don't get any on you."
After a couple of days, my first observation is:

These are vicious people!

They can't stop bickering among themselves and accusing the more logical members of being pro-gun plants. And even though I've always regarded threats over e-mail to be positively hilarious, I can't help but shake my head...or quiver with glee.

And such foul language! I cuss on occasion, but not when I'm trying to get a point across. These folks do it all the time; it's a sign of inability to communicate clearly.

Granted, there are a number of pro-gunners like this out there. But there is also the whole of TFL. Anyone here could destroy everyone there in public debate.

I think there is a lesson here. We're rational. We sound better. We must call the antis into the public forum, where they may be exposed. We must confront them with class (see Tom Selleck) and follow up with the facts--and, on occasion, a tasteful appeal to emotion and protective instinct (see Judge Joe Brown).

Miss D, I agree that it is extremely difficult to listen to all of their...opinions, then respond without saying "this, this, this and this are all reasons why you are considerably wrong." Because it's laughable.
More weirdness.

> From:
> I'm new to this list, but if you don't mind my putting in my .02, I didn't
> read anything "pro-gun" about what John Smith said.
> Some of what he said makes perfect sense to me; reduce crime and you will
> reduce the felt need to possess guns.
> Sandy

I'm afraid you failed the test.
Chris Swift / Moderator.

That's failing the test? No explanation, either. They want your thought processes to be arranged in orderly, concordant columns.
Whoa!, these folks would put the Nazis and
Reds to shame!

Do they have an URL or, how do I subscribe.
I'm into masochism this month. I.E. "Hurt me." said the mascochist. "No." said the sadist.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Hey guys, don't mean to sound like a newbie but... How does one sign up with this mailing list. I went to and seached for all kinds of mailing lists and anti-gun orgs. Nothing came up under the name AntiGunLobby.
