They have the right? No! No they don't

I'm a bit confused here. I may be wrong but it seems to me we are wanting to prohibit one Right to protect another Right.

First of all the Congress Lady pushing for the ban on high cap mags. I thought that was her job, push for laws she thinks (however misguided) that will help us. It's our job to contact our congressman/woman and urge them to fight against this law. It's the Brady Group's job to push for gun regulation. It's our job to create and/or support lobbyist to fight gun control (personally I think our side is winning at this point in history).

Same with MADD, it's their job to lobby for or push for stricter DWI/DUI laws (I'm on MADDs side on this one) but if you are against strict DWI/DUI laws, then it's your job to petition your law makers to fight the change.

Watching the news on this Ariz. shooting, it seems to me that the 1st Amendment is under attack more then the First. Blaming talk shows and Tea Partiers 'n such. We, the 2nd Amendment supporters seem to be agreeing with those who want to limit the 1st, or at least remaining quiet. Condeming MADD, or the Brady Group, or the anti High Cap Mag. lady for their thoughts is no different then condemning the supporters of the 2nd Amen.

I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution. I took that oath to mean the 1st as well as the 2nd amendment.