They Don't Have to Take Our Guns

I started saving money to buy either an AR or a Mini14 the day after the dems take the whitehouse. I figure it will be my last chance to own one for a decade or so. Maybe I should just spend that money on ammo for the guns that I already own.

The none-too-accurate Mini was exempted from Feinstein's last list, I wouldn't bother there. Plus they're dirt cheap and covered with dust in every shop near here, ever since people realized the Saigas are cheaper and much more accurate.

If you want to put stuff away, get a decent AR, a decent AK (or several), and some Saigas while they're cheap. Anything based on the Kalashnikov action is more likely to be banned.
ClassicSWC wrote:
Sure it's easy to bluster on the web, but I've been there, done that. Had some yahoo l.e.o. try some bullcrap confiscation of a rifle of mine some years ago. Guess it never occured to the dummy that I might have another firearm. After listening to his crap for a few minutes, I opened my coat, revealing my pistol and told him if he wanted that rifle, he was gonna have to earn it. Guess he didn't want it too bad, 'cause I still have it.

So, let me get this straight, you openly brandished a firearm to a police officer in an obviously threatening manner, then verbally threatened him? And you didn't go to jail, or get dead? I find that hard to believe. I call BS.
Derius T, it was a bunny cop or game warden if you please. Pennsylvania is an open carry state and some of the bunnies don't like that. Too bad. I didn't "brandish" or "threaten" anyone. He was going to do something illegal, taking my rifle. I advised him otherwise. He could have paid his money and took his chances but he chose not too which was the wise thing to do.

You see, this was back when the bunnies collected fines in cash on the spot. Not a good recipe for honesty and integrity. Believe it, don't believe it, I don't care. I was there, but I don't remember seeing you there.
Oddly, here in the Detroit Metro area several apartment complexes are now declaring it "illegal" to possess firearms. I'm not sure how they plan to obliterate prior lease agreements, but since the complexes are being purchased the new owners will presumably reserve the "right" to police their property to insure that they are "weapons free". BTW, these are NOT public housing.

People have ignorantly claimed, "it can never happen here" but it HAS happened here and it IS happening NOW.

We've slept far too long; they are picking up momentum and many of our guys are still asleep at the helm.
I had a landlord who tried to do that. It is impossible to do legally, as long as you are in compliance with the lease as it was when it was signed. The landlord can try to evict you, but they will not be able to force you out, as a party cannot unilaterally modify a contract.
ClassicSWC, you first wrote,

Sure it's easy to bluster on the web, but I've been there, done that. Had some yahoo l.e.o. try some bullcrap confiscation of a rifle of mine some years ago. Guess it never occured to the dummy that I might have another firearm. After listening to his crap for a few minutes, I opened my coat, revealing my pistol and told him if he wanted that rifle, he was gonna have to earn it. Guess he didn't want it too bad, 'cause I still have it.

Believe it, don't believe it, I don't care. I was there, but I don't remember seeing you there.

I don't have to be there. if I take your post at face value, you did threaten with the pistol and your statement. You wrote it, not me.

In your first post, you clearly state,
"Had some yahoo l.e.o. try some bullcrap confiscation of a rifle of mine some years ago."
That implies a LEO, or Law Enforcement Officer. Then you stated,
"After listening to his crap for a few minutes, I opened my coat, revealing my pistol..."
Uhhm, that is BRANDISHING, in your own words. Then you stated,
"and told him if he wanted that rifle, he was gonna have to earn it."
Well, so thats a direct verbal threat, the way you write it. First you open your coat and show him your pistol when he tries to take your rifle? That is brandishing, and a blatant threat, then you state that if he wants your rifle, he's gonna have to earn it, WHILE SHOWING HIM YOUR PISTOL?

Sorry, but it sounds a bit clit eastwoody to me. Those actions, if truely done in that manner, would no doubt get you arrested or shot, reguardless of wether it was a 'game warden', or not.
If you didn't like my approach, pray tell, how would you have kept your gun from being confiscated/stolen?

If you feel like giving up your guns, more power to ya. I don't.

His actions reinforce my observation that he was jerking me around. Had I been caught red-handed committing murder, I'm sure he would have gone for his gun. As it turned out he didn't. Pretty much proves my point that he knew he was doing something wrong and didn't want to press the issue.

Brandishing, threatening, yada, yada, yada. Call it what you like. If people stay away from my guns, we won't have to work out the defintion of those words. Pretty simple.
Brady Bunch is moaning about our ability to order cases of ammo lately... Just a heads up folks..

I always figured they would pull something like this...
ClassicSWC wrote:

If you didn't like my approach, pray tell, how would you have kept your gun from being confiscated/stolen?

If he was within his legal right to take your gun, ie you were breaking the law, then so be it. Certainly going cowboy on a leo isn't the proper way to fight a confiscation.

Brandishing, threatening, yada, yada, yada. Call it what you like. If people stay away from my guns, we won't have to work out the defintion of those words. Pretty simple.

But, as a gun owner, if you break the law and act like a common thug or criminal by brandishing your weapons and making threats, you shine a bad light on us all. Law is law. It applies to all of us, and as gun owners we have a responsibility to act accordingly.
they either tax tax tax the ammo or they ban ownership of it.
$3.98 5 round box of 12 ga. #4-000 buckshot rem. brand private shop in deptford nj
$5.99 5 round box of 12 ga. #4-000 buckshot rem. brand private shop in williamstown nj

the swiss are pretty much becoming subject to what hitler did in germany. but hitler wanted all guns registered so when he wanted to really get underway with his hidden ideas. he knew upfront who was for and who was against him and whether or not they were armed. he came for them first. my uncle sam can have my empty shell casings as long as he is willing to trade them for the exact shells loaded and live. otherwise no deal. this makes me wanna go out and spend about 5K on ammo and bury it somewhere in watertight containers. i swear that man is gonna come back.