They Don't Have to Take Our Guns


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Switzerland Strips All Citizens of Gun Rights.

Despite the vehement protests from many of Switzerland’s cantons (states), the lower chamber of the nation’s Federal Assembly voted to strip its citizens of gun rights, not by registering or confiscating firearms, but by outlawing the storing of ammunition in the homes of the citizens.

According to The Liberty Zone, the move was led by Switzerland’s small but vocal–and powerful–Socialist minority. And apparently it was a leading women’s magazine who aided the Socialists in the cause.

Having failed at attempts to take the guns themselves from homes and store them in government facilities, the new law takes aim at ammo rather than the guns. The Swiss are still allowed to possess firearms; they simply will not be allowed to possess the ammunition to use them.

This is the backdoor method of disarming citizens, and it is very effective.

The ban also applies to the male citizens who make up Switzerland’s time-honored citizens’ militia. Even they will be required to keep their ammo at approved government facilities.

The fact that a Leftist minority group was able to convince a majority of representatives in the Swiss Federal Assembly to approve the measure is considered a major victory for Socialism and the push to strip individual citizens of the right to keep and bear arms.

In a stunning example of what Leftists can do when citizens are not paying attention, the Socialist ban on ammunition in the homes of the Swiss people should be a stark lesson for U.S. citizens who wish to preserve the right to keep and bear arms. Anti-gun groups do not have to register or confiscate firearms to win the battle.

Rather, the growing modus operandi of the gun control movement is to render a Constitutional right null, void, and useless by implementing legislation aimed at things such as ammunition rather than the actual guns themselves.

Within the U.S. the anti-gun movement does not even have to introduce legislation. A mere executive order by an Administration in the 1990s has been all it takes for a massive assault to ensue on gun shops, gun manufacturers, and other facets of the gun industry, to begin to gradually rob the citizens of their rights to keep and bear arms. This is presently being accomplished by a rogue arm of the Department of Justice–the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives–which has succeeded in shutting down 80% of the gun stores, and gun and ammo manufacturers, within the U.S.

The prevailing wisdom, similar to what we find in Switzerland, is to attack gun ownership by focusing on various facets of the gun and ammo industry rather than to directly attack the citizens’ guns. This effectively renders useless any supposed right to own, possess, and use a firearm without addressing the firearms themselves at all–a perfect example of disarming the citizens using the backdoor method.

Switzerland has been the last bastion of real gun rights in Europe. Now even the Swiss have fallen to the sly and seductive ways of the Socialist anti-gun movement.

October 27, 2007 - Posted by fastmetal | Politically Speaking, Uncategorized | Gun Rights | No Comments
"Son, you need to know how to reload your own ammunition, for the government might not be able to take away all of the guns but they could increase the taxes so much that you wouldn't be able to afford to buy factory-loaded ammo"

The above was told to me when my dad started teaching me how to reload ammo, at age 10. I'm now 61 years old.

A few years ago, the late U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan authored a legislative paper that called for a 10,000% increase in the federal taxes on factory-loaded ammunition. Moynihan didn't submit the paper, and during an interview before his death, he explained why he hadn't submitted it...."The timing is wrong".

Three different sources, all of them reliable, at least in my opinion, have told me that then-First Lady Hillary Clinton was given Moynihan's unsubmitted ammo taxation paper, and Ms Clinton supposedly vowed to submit it " the right time"! I thought that she might think that the timing was right after one of the senseless school massacres, but.....nope! You've got to wonder if the timing might be right if/when she is coronated as our, President!

California lawmakers have already attempted to pass bills that would have imposed added taxes of 5-cents and 10-cents PER ROUND....including .22LR ammo! Fortunately, both bills were shot down (pun intended)!

Price for box of 50 rounds, .22LR ammo: $1.50
California sales tax of 7.75% (on $1.50): $ .12
10-cents per round tax: $5.00
Total: $6.62
(Who buys only one box of 50 rounds of .22LR? For a "brick" of 10 boxes, or 500 rounds, the price would be a whopping: $66.20!

Kind of expensive "plinking"?
The provided link doesn't have the story about Swiss disarmament, unless I missed it, it seems to be all about local politics, and gun issues.

I find it incredibly difficult to believe that that could happen there. The Swiss are a country of riflemen, their pride in their marksmanship and their militia membership and maintenance are above reproach. For something like this to happen all of a sudden is too surprising.

Even though it's a world away, there would have been at least news that a bill was submitted calling for such actions on BBC news or something.
I've been telling my friends it is the ammo they will come after for years.Hope I'm wrong, but I dought it. And they will put up rewards so your family friends and neighbors will turn you in.:mad:
I looked it up. The article leaves out one key word.

The Swiss government is tightening regulations for weapons while the senate has approved a general ban on the storing of army ammunition at home.
Interesting that Switzerland would do this, given they neighbor a country that once disarmed its citizenry so a dictator could rule absolutely. Do we never learn?
The new "registration" is laser etched firing pins that will of course have to have their numbers stored in a govt. data base. Back door registration. Confiscation will be "turn them in or you are a felon. They are like the Terminator. They will never stop, not ever, until they disarm every law abiding citizen in this country. Wake up, and tell everyone you know. VOTE WISELY!

I always figured they'd come after ammunition. There's already millions of firearms in the US, easiest thing they could do is put an outrageous tax on the ammo.

Maybe I should consider a cheap reloading press after all. Hmm.
What good would reloading do you, if sales of primers were controlled and BATFE tightened the restrictions on the sale of powders?

"Mr. So-and-so, our records from the forms required at every purchase indicate that you have purchased a suspiciously high quantity of powder over the past year. Law-abiding citizens do not need more than a pound per year for hobby purposes. We would like to visit you to discuss this."

As for Switzerland, ironic that I've got a bunch of 480rd lunchboxes of GP-11 in my closet...their military ammo, I can have it at home, they can't.

Welcome to EU socialism, Switzerland. Was nice knowing you and admiring you while it lasted...
Just how long do you think it would take for the BGs to realize there was a lot of money to be made selling illegal, untaxed ammo or components? Probably about as long as it took the bootleggers and moonshiners to gear up production and distribution when Prohibition became law.
What good would reloading do you, if sales of primers were controlled and BATFE tightened the restrictions on the sale of powders?

There's always the wonderful world of black powder you know. Just do #1 in a designated spot in the yard (to create a KNO3 deposit), refine KNO3 from said spot in yard after a while, mix w/ sulfur and charcoal, corn it, and you are GTG. You can figure out a way to make percussion caps out of strike anywhere matches too if you don't want to mess with flintlocks.

Now, I don't have a yard to do that in, and I don't really want to mess with having a dedicated pot of dirt in the apartment, so I'm SOL until I get a house.
And then BATFE declares that making black powder and/or having over a pound of it is illegal and it becomes a felony.

And there you go. Again.
That's if you give a shat about what the batfe says. Me, I couldn't care less. They can take a flying screw at a rolling donut as far as I'm concerned. If they want to try some sneaky way of outlawing guns, all bets are off and it's go time.

Sure it's easy to bluster on the web, but I've been there, done that. Had some yahoo l.e.o. try some bullcrap confiscation of a rifle of mine some years ago. Guess it never occured to the dummy that I might have another firearm. After listening to his crap for a few minutes, I opened my coat, revealing my pistol and told him if he wanted that rifle, he was gonna have to earn it. Guess he didn't want it too bad, 'cause I still have it.

We all know the anti's logic is flawed when it comes to the world being safer without guns. That's a given. But just because someone has a title of some kind whether it be elected or hired does not give them the right to put me or my family in danger. If they can't see that,it will be an expensive lesson to find out.
I guess BATFE could make having 1lb BP a felony at some point in the future. OTOH, I think you'd have to have a yard in the NYC subway to refine that much KNO3 that quickly. I suppose also that having the means to produce urine and access to a patch of dirt to dispose of it in could be construed as "constructive possession of explosives ingredients" in such a scenario as well. As rogue blackpowder enthusiasts grew in numbers, the potty police would have to start kicking down doors to make sure nobody is letting that precious whizz land anywhere other than a gov't approved receptacle connected to the sewer system.

My point is that BP shooting supplies are much easier to make for oneself than loaded ammunition or powder and bullets for smokeless cartridges.
This is hard to swallow. If they can back door guns by outlawing ammo it wouldn't hard to back door freedom of speach or any other part of the constitution.

Also, I don't remember the last time I saw strike anywhere matches. Everything is strike on box. Is there some kind of "cook book" to make caps for muzzle loader.

I started saving money to buy either an AR or a Mini14 the day after the dems take the whitehouse. I figure it will be my last chance to own one for a decade or so. Maybe I should just spend that money on ammo for the guns that I already own.
I'm just waiting on an "ammo tax" like there is a "cigarette tax" in dollar per pack goes towards building highways or something. I'm not in favor of any tax increases but even less in favor of tax increases on a particular segment of the market.

I think a .10 percent state sales tax increase would net WAY more money than something like that AND be distributed among EVERYONE in the state. But I think these "specialty taxes" are aimed at discouraging behavior some genius has labeled bad or devious.