They Are Eating Their Young LOL

That was a pretty entertaining debate!

Boy, Hillary sure does come off as unlikeable when she is pressed on issues; she's like an angry feline, the claws come out and the hissing starts. Obama, well, he seems to say a whole lot of nothing. Which I suppose is a good skill for a politician -- the ability to sound great while saying a whole bunch of generalized non-specifics. And Edwards, well, he was like a little kid jumping up and down and begging for attention; what about me? what about me? My turn!!!

My favorite part was when Hillary and Obama were trying to out-liberal each other concerning Walmart, Slumlords, and lobbyists. As though they are both outsiders of the system. :rolleyes: At least Edwards was learning about poverty when he worked for the Hedge fund. :D
Ouch! :D That had not hurt -- not only because it's "snappy," but also because it's well-justified. Bill Clinton needs to butt out.
Maybe. Or maybe not. Seems like the same old Clinton sleight-of-hand tactics to me. People are watching the right hand while the left hand does its work outside the spotlight.

When Slick was running, Hillary became the lightning rod to divert attention from Slick's record in Arkansas and his daliances. When Slick was president and did something wrong, rather than address the problem, he and his supporters distracted attention by saying, "So-and-so is just as bad, if not worse." More divert rather than address. Now, everyone has focused on Slick, and the topic of Hillary's unfavorability ratings, which was a huge topic just weeks ago, is off the radar screens.

Slick is doing exactly what Hillary's campaign wants him to do. It's no accident, and from their perspective he is not out of control. He's distracting attention from Hillary the Candidate so she can coast to the nomination on the remnants of her former inevitability.

Whether or not the tactic will work is a different question.
I have never seen the Republican party as divided as it is today. Its going to translate into a loss in November of course, but no one seems to care right now.

Ya aint old enough then.:D

So start your own thread about repubs, than you can yammer about the good Doc all you want.

Wildhaveyouhuggedyoursig239todayAlaska TM
Posts have been deleted or editied.

If it's one of yours, it was because it was off topic or your responded to a (now deleted) off topic post.

Since I seem to have to spell it out (for some), the topic is how Democrats "eat their own." Specificly Clinton and Obama. It is only marginally on topic when saying the Republicans do so. It is off topic to bring up any other specific Republican candidate.

Let's keep this thread on topic, if you please.
Sadly the media's love affair with "the first black president or the first woman president" has marginalized Edwards within the party. Personally, I think Edwards would fare better than either Clinton or Obama in the general election. Every time I hear the phrase "history in the making" I want to :barf:.
Who wants Edwards? Elitist commie who wants to live high while taking from all the rest of the rich, who wants to "take power away from the corporations", nationalize them?
That's nothing. Obama's getting the Clinton steamroller anyone who knows the Clintons would have expected. He doesn't understand she's only supposed to have token opposition within her party. He's actually trying to win, not just get on the same stage. She 'n' Bill will leave him standing with a stupid look on his face at the end.

Then, she'll go up against some RINO or other in the general. They're all old white guys, so whoever it is won't give her as many problems.

It's dismal, but that's our future, I'm sorry to say. Kind of makes you wish for sharia, doesn't it?
Let it bleed wrote:

Sadly the media's love affair with "the first black president or the first woman president" has marginalized Edwards within the party.

I just hope that people don't vote for them simply because they are black, or a woman, and sadly, some people will simply for those reasons. But hopefully with their unending bickering, and childish arguing, they have blown what little credibility they started with. Not that I agree with dem politics, but they are making their party weaker with this crap. I want to hear the ISSUES, and how they plan to FIX THEM, not watch a highschool debate gone wrong.....
There's never been a presidential race without a little mudslinging, so no big deal. Maybe it is just a little unsettling for some to see a woman and a black man sparring.

Bill Clinton though, in his attack dog mode, should probably fade back into the background and assume a more dignified manner befitting an ex-president. It's gotta be hard to stay out of the fray when it's his wife being attacked, but no one wants to see an ex-pres act like a Karl Rove political hack.

And really, the Reps are no more civilized. One of Huckabees top advisors recently said he wanted to knock Romneys teeth out.

All part of the fun of politics.
It's dismal, but that's our future, I'm sorry to say. Kind of makes you wish for sharia, doesn't it?
Uhm, NO. Any attempt at that will be met with a response that...well, quite honestly befits most of what we're seeing now anyway.
Bill Clinton though, in his attack dog mode, should probably fade back into the background and assume a more dignified manner befitting an ex-president.
Bill Clinton should not seek attention and should be dignified. Sometimes I wish this place were a little more vulgar, so I could respond properly to this notion. I guess I'll just say that's like trying to get a dog not to sniff things.
Bill Clinton should not seek attention and should be dignified.

HAHAHAHA, Slick Willie dignified? Thats rich! When was he EVER dignified!? He took being the total opposite to unheard of levels during his term!
It's sometimes hard to determine which Clinton is actually running for president. Wonder if it will be that way if the smartest woman in the world gets elected (i.e. who is actually president - he or she)....
Oh My!

This is not a prejudiced comment , just the fact!:eek:

First of all Obama is not black! His mother was white! He is only pulling the card that he thinks will work for him.:cool:

I love watching the two cat fight!

She on the other hand is pretending to be the caring, loving mother of the country!:barf:

Both have taken the lime light from the other contestants and this is a good thing!:rolleyes:

I do See the Democrats Eating there Young!

Let them Feast!:D