They Are Eating Their Young LOL


Got to love a good knock down bare knuckle fight:

Clinton, Obama engage in bitter debate

By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer 41 minutes ago

Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama accused each other of repeatedly and deliberately distorting the truth for political gain Monday night in a highly personal, finger-wagging debate that ranged from the war in Iraq to Bill Clinton's role in the campaign.

Obama told the former first lady he was helping unemployed workers on the streets of Chicago when "you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board at Wal-Mart."

Moments later, Clinton said that she was fighting against misguided Republican policies "when you were practicing law and representing your contributor ... in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago."

Obama seemed particularly irritated at the former president, whom he accused in absentia of uttering a series of distortions to aid his wife's presidential effort.

"I'm here. He's not," she snapped.

"Well, I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes," Obama countered.

The two rivals, joined by former Sen. John Edwards, debated at close quarters five days before the South Carolina primary — and 15 days before the equivalent of a nationwide primary across 20 states that will go a long way toward settling the battle for the party's nomination.

Hillary Clinton was the national front-runner for months in the race, but Obama won the kickoff Iowa caucuses three weeks ago, knocking her off-stride. She recovered quickly, winning the New Hampshire primary in an upset, and on Saturday, won the popular vote in the Nevada caucuses while Obama won one more delegate than she.

The Democratic electorate in South Carolina is expected to be roughly 50 percent black, an evident advantage for Obama in a historic race that matches a black man against a woman.

Even in the superheated atmosphere of the primary, the statements and exchanges between Clinton and Obama were unusually acrimonious. The debate came as the two campaigns continued to complain about dirty politics and disenfranchisement of voters in last Saturday's Nevada caucuses.

Obama suggested the Clintons were both practicing the kind of political tactics that had alienated voters.

"There was a set of assertions made by Senator Clinton as well as her husband that are not factually accurate," Obama said. "I think that part of what people are looking for right now is someone who is going to solve problems and not resort to the same typical politics that we've seen in Washington."

Clinton countered: "I believe your record and what you say should matter."

Edwards, who badly trails his two rivals, tried to stay above the fray while pleading for equal time.

"Are there three people in this debate, not two?" he asked.

"We have got to understand, this is not about us personally. It's about what we are trying to do for this country," Edwards said to applause from the audience.

Hillary Clinton, who was close with the Walton family, served on the Wal-Mart board from 1986 to 1992. In 2006, her Senate campaign returned $5,000 to the company's political action committee while citing differences with company policies.

A blind trust held by Clinton and her husband, the former president, included stock holdings in Wal-Mart. They liquidated the contents of the blind trust in 2007 because of investments that could pose conflicts of interest or prove embarrassing as she ran for president.

Chicago real estate developer and fast food magnate Antoin "Tony" Rezko was a longtime fundraiser for Obama. Prosecutors have charged him with fraud, attempted extortion and money laundering in what they allege was a scheme to get campaign money and payoffs from firms seeking to do business before two state boards.

Obama's campaign said Saturday it was giving to charities more than $40,000 from donors linked to Rezko. In 2006, when charges against Rezko were made public, Obama gave $11,500 in Rezko contributions to charities.

Often speaking over each other, Obama and Clinton bitterly complained about each other's legislative records. Obama questioned why the New York senator had voted for a bankruptcy bill that she later said she was glad hadn't passed, and Clinton criticized Obama for voting "present" on dozens of occasions while a member of the Illinois legislature.

"Senator Obama, it's hard to have a straight up debate with you because you never take responsibility for any vote," Clinton said to loud boos. "On issue after issue, you voted present ... Whenever someone raises that, there's always some sort of explanation."

Obama accused Clinton of playing loose with the facts and saying anything to get elected, while Edwards joined Clinton in criticizing Obama for the "present" votes.

"Why would you over 100 times vote present?" Edwards pointedly challenged Obama. He said he didn't simply refuse to vote on controversial bills in Congress. "It would have been safe for me politically ... but I have a responsibility to take a position even if it costs me politically."

Obama said most of his present votes didn't have political consequences but were because of technical or legal concerns.

"Don't question, John, that on issue after issue that is important to the American people, I haven't followed. I have led," Obama said.

"Present" votes are common in the Illinois legislature, and they have the same impact as a "no" vote. Legislators use them for a variety of reasons, from registering doubts about a measure's legality to avoiding a firm position.

Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn, an influential leader in South Carolina, suggested on Monday that Bill Clinton tone down his rhetoric. Questioned about it, Hillary Clinton said her husband was "a tremendous asset. .. I believe that this campaign is not about our spouses. It is about us. It is about each of us individually."

Obama said he would expect the ex-president to campaign for his wife, but "I have been troubled ... the degree to which my record is not accurately portrayed."

With the holiday honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., as a backdrop, the candidates also addressed questions of racial equality.

Clinton and Edwards compared their records on helping to alleviate poverty, while Obama was asked if he agreed with the famed black novelist Toni Morrison who dubbed Bill Clinton "the first black president."

Obama praised the former president's "affinity" with black people but also drew laughs.

"I would have to investigate more, Bill's dancing abilities and some of this other stuff before I accurately judged whether he was, in fact, a brother," Obama said.

"I'm sure that can be arranged," Clinton joked.

The debate was sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and CNN.

WildhaveyouguggedyourModel29todayAlaska TM

PS a few points..

Bet if a white candidate made that joke about African Americans...

Kudos to Obama for returning a substantial donation from questionable sources. Others should take heed.
And all the republican candidates are getting along so well, too.:confused:

The more infighting that occurs in the primary the better prepared they will be in the general election.

LOL, indeed.
Actually I kind of respect the fact that Democrats are not so tied to towing the party line that they are willing to stray. The only one on the republican side that even strays from the script is Paul.
This pre-election process lasts way to long. There should be a law that limits the the amount of time we need to listen to politicians. 6 to 8 months is all we really need to elect a president.
That WAS a great time WA. Calling out the Clinton political machine and nailing it's hide to the wall. Hillary ALMOST came unglued.

If Obama wasn't a liberal Democrat I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. I LIKE this guy. Tough, smart, dignified, and cool headed in the heat of it. My kind of guy. Too bad about his politics.

Edwards seemed pretty sympathetic to Hillary's arguments which kind of surprised me. He is usually more adversarial toward her. Earlier in another debate today Obama was talking about the diversity in the Democrat's lineup and said 'there's a woman, a black man, and......John.' It clearly bothered Edwards alot. It lingered too. His facial expressions and body language showed it stung for a while. That may be why he was teaming up with Clinton against Obama in the CNN debate.

Edwards still being in the race is a little odd in my opinion. He's a smart guy. Surly he realizes he's spending money on a race he has absolutely no chance of winning and has no chance of being a VP choice in. I heard that he wants to just collect enough delegates to be a 'king maker' at the convention but his delegates have no obligation whatsoever to vote for who he endorses and his count isn't high enough to swing one or the other toward any significant advantage even if they had such an obligation. Maybe he thinks his 'hometown guy' advantage in S. Carolina will get him enough delegates, I don't think he's really going to get such an outcome. Maybe something in Super Tuesday is giving him hope. I don't know. Maybe it's just simple ego.

Excellent debate anyway. Obama is sure doing a great job against the usual Clinton tactics.

Fun stuff to watch. Don't see any difference in polital philosophy or intent but it is interesting seeing the contrast between real fortitude by Obama and the typical Clinton tactic of political dirty tricks and personal attacks. I don't agree with Obama's politics at all but I do respect the man.
If Obama wasn't a liberal Democrat I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. I LIKE this guy. Tough, smart, dignified, and cool headed in the heat of it. My kind of guy. Too bad about his politics.
Especially RKBA politics. :mad:
If you met him, you would not like him. He is the most self-absorbed sunofa%&^#* on the planet. The most telling factoid about the guy is that he wrote two autobiographies before he was even elected to the Senate. He thinks he is god's gift to America and he never shuts up about it. Not a fun guy to be around.
I am not sure what he is like in person but when it comes to his ability to fling witty barbs (a good reason to elect a guy?) all his insults seem to whittle down to "your are rich and white and therefore bad." All his comments seem very self serving and convenient.
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But you gotta admit, PBP, it sure is entertaining to see him nail the Clintons now and then.
I really do not see how he "nails" anyone. His comments only make sense if you have your own agenda to twist them to fit. His comment here basically boiled down to "you had a successful career and had a good job." He just makes statements in an accusing and condescending manner and allows others to assign their own meanings to them.
Obama seemed particularly irritated at the former president, whom he accused in absentia of uttering a series of distortions to aid his wife's presidential effort.

"I'm here. He's not," she snapped.

"Well, I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes," Obama countered.
Ouch! :D That had not hurt -- not only because it's "snappy," but also because it's well-justified. Bill Clinton needs to butt out.

Of course I don't like Obama's politics any better than Hillary's, but I'll say this for Obama: he comes off as being sincere in his beliefs. I can see right through Hillary as if she were made of glass. She's the consummate "plastic politician" who tells the voters exactly what she thinks they want to hear. (Not that most Republicans are any better.)
Obama is the facade of a platitude-spouting "dotcom productivity seminar" speaker over top of an elitist product of the Daley machine.

This shows through in his desire to pass a national ban on concealed carry for all but military and police. Elitist.
This pre-election process lasts way to long. There should be a law that limits the the amount of time we need to listen to politicians. 6 to 8 months is all we really need to elect a president.
Here, here. I second the motion. It's turning into cruel and unusual punishment. If it wasn't for the 30 second skip feature I couldn't watch the news.
Obama is the facade of a platitude-spouting "dotcom productivity seminar" speaker over top of an elitist product of the Daley machine.

First time I heard Obama speak on the radio (might have been at the last demo convention, IDK), I thought he was the WWE wrestler "The Rock" (Dwayne Johnson) making a foray into politics. Their vocal mannerisms are similar, perhaps owing to their common backgrounds in polynesia growing up. I expected to hear..."can you smell what the Rock is cookin'", at the end of the speech!:eek:

Drudge reports that Bill Clinton is trying to divest his Dubai related investments to head off "conflict of interest" charges. Expect to see more mud slinging on that front.
They Are Eating Their Young LOL

And we are "eating our young" here at this forum. Just look at the average political thread here. Nothing new, nothing funny. The fact that either one of those Libs could become POTUS is anything but funny. I too, am tired of the constant news coverage of this race. I already know everything I need to know. Anyone but these two.
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Showbiz for the masses folks, watch, smile and know the American worker
will take another hit with anyone one of these clowns elected.
And we are "eating our young" here at this forum. Just look at the average political thread here. Nothing new, nothing funny. The fact that either one of those Libs could become POTUS is anything but funny. I too, am tired of the constant news coverage of this race. I already know everything I need to know. Anyone but these two.

Nah. There's a difference.

The Dems fighting each other are more like a bunch of people whining and then b-slapping each other and crying about it.

Republicans fighting each other is more like a good old-fashioned fists-flying brawl outside a pub...and then everyone goes in and has a few pints anyway. :)
In past elections with a Clinton I used to hear about how vicious the Clinton Election machine was. A regular juggernaut that rolled over anyone who got in the way.

I'm now seeing what they mean, as the Clinton's haven't been as discreet this time around and painted themselves into a few corners.

I'm afraid we will have an Obama or Clinton for president, though it's not a given. If we do, we'd just better we hope we have a congress to keep them in line and from doing anything nuts.
Nah. There's a difference.

The Dems fighting each other are more like a bunch of people whining and then b-slapping each other and crying about it.

Republicans fighting each other is more like a good old-fashioned fists-flying brawl outside a pub...and then everyone goes in and has a few pints anyway.

Good point!:D