Thermal optics for deer hunting?

Are y'all really that bad at hunting to want to use thermal?

This question is flawed. Just because you don’t want to use thermal, don’t assume that anyone who does is inferior to you.

An archery-only hunter could say, “Are y’all really that bad at hunting that you want to use a gun?”
A longbow purist could say, “Are y’all really that bad at hunting that you want to use a compound bow?”
Someone who only shoots bucks could say, “Are y’all really that bad at hunting that you want to shoot does?”

It’s all nonsense. Is anyone who does things differently than you really inferior to you?

Ps. I’ve never used thermal. If I could, would I? I have no idea. But please let’s not condescend people just because they do things differently.
Poachers are not "Hunters"

It’s all nonsense. Is anyone who does things differently than you really inferior to you?

That is not the point as it really comes down to Hunter Ethics. There are written laws and then there are one's Personal Hunting code. I do question someones hunter ethics, for the most part, they are poachers. I have personal experience for in my younger years, If it ran, flew or swam, it was fair game. Today, there are times when I don't adhere to the DNR laws, Like not being allowed to dispatch a Road-Hit deer. .... :rolleyes:

Be Ethical and;
Be Safe !!!!
Ps. I’ve never used thermal. If I could, would I? I have no idea. But please let’s not condescend people just because they do things differently.

Bravo. The "gun", "2A", "Hunting" communities are often our own worst enemies. I have a code of ethics for hunting that is consistent with the law, but more in line with my personal ethics and the Constitution.

I've shot game animals that were wounded, without a license, then called the game warden and told them the story. What I did was technically illegal, but moral. The game warden agreed.

I've called the game warden on absolute poachers/slob hunters as well.

But if it is legal, even if I don't like it personally, okay. Not going to go after any of those things in an open forum at all.
Not sure if they are or are not legal in ND, but honesty I'd be too cheap to buy one. A good 3x9 scope is usually more than enough, assuming I point the rifle correctly
I wouldn't want one attached to my rifle but I'd love to have a thermal spotting scope of some kind. These western black tail deer can take a couple steps and seem to disappear. A thermal spotting scope would show me which way to go...

Questioning the ethics of using this technology for Deer hunting is exactly on topic, according to the original post. The question was asked, "Is it ethical?". So it's open season on that question. Even if legal, I have reservations about it.
On one hand there is the concept of legal versus illegal. This is society's constraint upon what it deems as wrong or bad. It doesn't take much examination to see that the law is an imperfect tool.....
On the other hand there is a more ancient concept of right versus wrong or good versus evil, which probably led to laws by the time societies became larger than simple clans...
Just because something is legal doesn't make it good. The law is supposed to be a tool for good, but it's an inadequate substitute for a functioning conscience.

And then there's such a thing as situational ethics, like a massive overpopulation in a deer herd such that they become much more of a Varmint than a game animal... I haven't seen it but I don't doubt that some regions have.
So then, ethics go beyond mere law.
If the law is your only measure of right and wrong, then ethics is an alien word, devoid of meaning. So we end up with more laws since people will not constrain themselves without enforcement.
I did a little research after reading this thread and the cheapest thermal imager I could find was a shade over a grand and thermal rifle scopes are running 3 to 6 grand. I hope I can still entertain the thought of hunting by the time these come down to my price range...

I've looked through thermal sight that were definitely precise enough to determine the type of animal but I highly doubt they would be legal for deer unless that jurisdiction specifically allowed night hunting for them.

Around here that would be evidence of night hunting. Using it for the last few minutes of legal shooting hours wouldn't fly.
The goal is to fill your tags.

While there are many people who feel this way, I don't. I think its the wrong way to look at SPORT hunting.

Varmints and other pests (including hogs) are a different matter, IMO.

Do I think we should be legally restricted to hunting deer with pointed sticks while wearing a loincloth? No. (if you want to, I'm fine with that, but I'm too old to be very good at it, and I like to dress warmer :D)

But I also think what level of "tech" becomes unsportsmanlike is an individual decision within existing law.
The goal is to fill your tags.

While there are many people who feel this way, I don't. I think its the wrong way to look at SPORT hunting.

You’re right, what I said was an oversimplification. There’s a lot of nuance, no doubt about it. Personally, I would say that “The goal is to fill your tags with MATURE deer.” Also, “The goal is to fill your tags in a safe way.” You could also say, “The goal is to fill your tags in a way that doesn’t violate your any laws, including the law of conscience.”

Everyone has a different mix of goals, you’re correct.
I've looked through thermal sight that were definitely precise enough to determine the type of animal but I highly doubt they would be legal for deer unless that jurisdiction specifically allowed night hunting for them.

Around here that would be evidence of night hunting. Using it for the last few minutes of legal shooting hours wouldn't fly.
Around here a night hunting charge can not be made until outside legal hours.
For me, the goal is to find more time to simply go hunting. With deep enough pockets, a person could aquire equipment to locate game and kill it from a location so remote from said game that it can't even be perceived by naked eye, even though it's standing broadside in the open. Perhaps this person could fill their tags with such equipment from more than a mile away.... Is that legitimate hunting? Not in in my opinion.
But if I could afford it and somehow got enthused about, it's not hard to imagine that such wealth could make me feel entitled to use it for killing deer and calling it hunting.