There's Nothing New Under The Sun

nhyrum said:
I know they're different diameters. A 270 isn't a 6.5. but still, what the hell does it matter what someone else shoots?

I think, often, someone wins matches with a particular cartridge and then people invest a bit too much credit for the win in the cartridge and not enough in the skill of the shooter that day, and will copy the cartridge choice. And sometimes it works out that the particular combination of ballistics really does raise scores by a few points, which is all that is needed to motivate the target shooter. This is down to details, of course. Also, with the 6.5 CM, which the military is adopting, the Special Operations Command snipers doubled their hit probabilities with it, and that suggests some human factors aspect of the cartridge are apparently good for a target score.

Someone wants to think their 6.5 prc is the greatest thing in the world? So what. Someone thinks the 30-06 is God's gift to man kind? Who cares. As for "nothing new under the sun" we don't all drive cars with wooden wheels. Are steel belted radials "reinventing the wheel"? Progress isn't instantaneous. If you think all has been found that will ever be found, take a look outside

Not sure how you are reading all that into the posts. Anyone looking at the enormous array of cartridges available will realize most of them represent small incremental changes over others and not the reinvention of the wheel. As to who cares, I addressed one possibility already, but the simple answer is, anyone who, for whatever reason, is interested in the opinions of others on the matter.
I have several cartridges that all fit into the "they're all .270s" category.
But I use every one of them differently.
Each has its place, even if that is only determined by which rifle is chambered for it.
I think, often, someone wins matches with a particular cartridge and then people invest a bit too much credit for the win in the cartridge and not enough in the skill of the shooter that day, and will copy the cartridge choice.

It goes for almost anything there is a competition over. Whoever wins must have done it with a better thing and not through skill or experience.

That only matters at top tier levels. That old saying, it isn't the arrows, it is the indian.
How many factory 6.5-06 or 6.5X55 rifles or factory ammo that will do that. Not everyone wants a custom rifle or to handload out of spec ammo to fit them. And that is the real difference.

Heck, the 6.5 CM was developed to offer the performance shooters were getting from custom 260's The 6.5 PRC was designed to do the same with 6.5-06. Nothing new about this. The 300 Savage duplicated 1920's 30-06 loads in a different package. The 308 duplicated 1950's 30-06 loads in a different package. The 300 WM duplicated 300 H&H in a different package and the 300 WSM took it a step further.

The 24" barreled 270 Winchester I use actually delivers a bit better; with optimum propellants I have settled into loads that, if I want maximums, clock out thusly:

130 grain bullets at 3,200 fps

140 grain bullets at 3,100 fps

150 grain bullets at 3,000 fps

Typical 270 140 gr bullet--.496 BC
Typical 6.5 143 gr bullet--.625 BC

150 gr 270 bullet--.525 BC
153 gr 6.5 bullet-- .704 BC

Compare the speeds down range a bit.

I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't own, nor want a 270, 6.5X55, or a 6.5 PRC. I do sorta like the 6.5 CM, but even it hasn't replaced my 308. But the advantages are there.
"Finally got a look at some 6.5 PRC data and chuckled. I get the same performance from my 1988 vintage, long throated 6.5-06. Plain ole 30-06 brass. Shoots 129s to 3170 and 140s to 2935."

6.5x68mm has been doing that since the 1930s....